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21 Tips to Avoid Stress


If you have to deal with daily stress and feel that worries are preventing you from enjoying your life, read these 21 practical tips that will help you feel better, tips that combine modern and ancient wisdom. Here you have them:

1. Accept reality. Don't stress, or wear yourself out wanting things to be different from what they already are. No thought can change what has already happened.

2. Focus on your affairs. According to Byron Katie, there are 3 types of issues. Mine, yours and those of God and he tells us “Mentally taking care of your affairs prevents me from being present in mine. I separate from myself and wonder why my life doesn't work. ” When you feel stress or loneliness, ask yourself, whose business are you in? And return to your own.

3. Reinterpret what you live. “If you grieve for some external cause, it is not her that bothers you, but the judgment that you make of her. And to erase this judgment, depends on you. Marco Aurelio. So look for the good in everything you live. If you have to choose between a negative or a positive interpretation, why choose the negative one?

4. Drop expectations. Do your best and release the results as they are not under your control. When you are not attached to the result of the situations you live or the actions you take, then you are free.

5. Live in the present. “It is I, not events, that have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which one it will be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow has not yet come. I only have one day, today, and I will be happy in it ”(Groucho Marx).

6. If you think you have many things to do. Remember that you can actually only do one at a time, so focus on the task in front of you and forget about the list. Mentally repeating everything you have to do will not help you move further and will make you feel overwhelmed.

7. Enjoy your own company. Because it is the only company you will always have.

8. Stop seeking the approval of others. Since that leads you to live according to the expectations of others, transforming yourself as a chameleon and accepting things that you do not want, and this does not feel good.

9. Stop wanting to control life and the future because they are not under your control. As John Lenon said well, "Life is what happens while we are too busy making plans."

10. Trust life and that what happens is always the best for you. "Everything happens for me instead of happening to me" Byron Katie.

11. Accept your emotions, lose fear, feel them. It is simply energy that runs through your body. When you feel an emotion, watch it where do you feel it? In the stomach, in the throat, in the chest? Is it cold hot Is it like a knot, like a contraction? When you pay attention to it and stop fighting against them, you will see how that body sensation dissipates and you feel better.

12. Do something nice for someone else today without anyone noticing. Try it and see that makes you feel good.

13. Stop judging and criticizing others. "If you judge people, you don't have time to love them" Mother Teresa of Calcutta. And loving her will make you feel better…

14. Excuse me, do it for yourself… “To forgive is to free a prisoner and discover that the prisoner was you” Lewis B. Smedes.

15. Accept death as part of life. Death is one of our great fears and we live in fear, wanting to control and avoid it at all costs and this concern prevents us from enjoying the life we ​​have now. "Receive death with joy, as one of the things that nature wants." Marco Aurelio.

16. Be yourself. Do not compare yourself with others. Neither to overestimate yourself because it separates you from people nor to underestimate yourself because you will make you feel bad. No person has more value than another.

17. Give yourself the things and attention you expect other people to give you. Thus, you will be sure to receive them!

18. Stop looking for security on the outside as it is a safe source of stress. The external changes constantly and is beyond our control. Seek your peace within you since you cannot control what happens around you but how you feel about it. "True happiness is always independent of external conditions." Epictetus.

19. Let go of resentments. We believe that others deserve our discomfort and anger, but how does it make you feel to be upset or resentful? Who do you really punish with this? To you! As Larry Crane says "It is like taking a poison and waiting for the other person to die."

20. Love without conditions, even if you are not paid. Because the only love you can feel is the one inside you, not the one felt by others… So stop focusing on being loved and focus on simply wanting.

21. Appreciate and appreciate what you have now instead of looking at what you "think" is missing. "A wise man is one who does not mourn for the things he does not have, but rejoices over those that he does" Epictetus.

21 Tips to Avoid Stress