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3 Keys to enjoy more time in your personal life

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The reconciliation of work with your personal life is essential, since the time you dedicate to you and yours, is what 'charges the batteries' and gives you strength and motivation to continue in your profession. Today we will see how to enjoy more free time, reducing your day without lowering your results, enhancing your focus and your organization, and learning to delegate.

It is fantastic that you give yourself to your work, that you like it and are willing to give even more than what you are asked; And, if you are your own / or boss / e, that you turn to your business. Now, all this effort will not serve if when planning your tasks you are excessively optimistic, attributing in your agenda less time than you will really need to obtain the desired results at work.

Always have a good approach to get good results

The secret is in the focus. When you focus completely on the work you are currently doing, you optimize your time to the maximum, obtaining excellent results and finishing in less time. Fill your agenda in small fractions, maximum of 30 minutes, and set an alarm to know that it is time to stretch, drink water, etc. before undertaking the next 30-minute task clear. This good organization will give you excellent results.

By paying attention to what is going through your mind, you can discard or postpone the thoughts that lead you to the emotions, which are the real danger to achieve the desired focus. By avoiding emotions during the workday, you will be able to finish your job much earlier, generating time for your personal life, and a good balance.

Stop wanting to do everything personally, learn to delegate

We tend to think that we are essential for things to be done really well, and if you stop to think about it, this thought surpasses healthy self-esteem. There are few things that only we know how to do, and a small point of humility will help us put things in their place. It is one thing to monitor the results, and quite another to have to do it all yourself.

If you want to have time for yourself and your people, which is what truly leads to happiness, you must create time for your personal life by learning to delegate. It is the only way to get a good reconciliation. And this is not only for work, you must also apply it to the domestic economy, housework, etc. What can make us think that our partner will not be able to take care of our daughters and sons as well as ourselves?

Learn how to improve your organization

We tend to postpone what is most difficult, and this is wrong. Always start there, you will breathe easy and continue the day with more energy. It also happens to us with the most tedious, and although if it is not important it should not go first, however it should be the first once the Important and the Urgent have finished. If you do not do so, over time they will end up going from Non-urgent tasks to Urgent ones.

Every day, make a to-do list for the next day. In the morning, divide a sheet into 4, and distribute the tasks according to Stephen Covey's chart, making the Important (II) not become Urgent (I), and the Unimportant (IV), do not reach (III).

Keys to enjoying more time in your life

There are many things you can do to enjoy more time in your personal life, such as maintaining a good focus for better results at work; learn to delegate; and improve your organization. Thus, you will achieve better results in less time, which will improve your reconciliation and generate up to two hours a day that you can use in your personal life. Try to negotiate a flexible schedule that includes some teleworking, and that your evaluation is based on results and not hours in the company.

“Once your brain understands that time to work is tight, you immediately become more efficient, because you have to be. When you have restricted work hours, you will generally find a way to get the job done. But when you have all the time in the world, it is too easy to be inefficient. ” Steve Pavlina.

3 Keys to enjoy more time in your personal life