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3 Keys to making what you do successful

Table of contents:


Our beliefs are defining when it comes to our success or failure.

You've wondered: Why do some people achieve their goals and others don't? Do you do your best and still get no results? Would you like to become the person you always wanted to be?

Below you can learn 3 keys to make your actions successful:

Key # 1: Pay attention to your thoughts

When you have a challenge ahead, what is the first thought that comes your way?

When you think that you are not fit or not serving, that you are not good enough, you are convincing yourself that your success is going to be limited or that you are not going to have it, your belief system is focused on what you cannot do.

On the other hand, if you think you have high hopes and possibilities, and you convince yourself that you are going to be successful, you have a belief system focused on what you can do.

In both cases, the CNS (Central Nervous System) will begin to search its archive for the historically adequate response to that situation, secreting substances that will affect our attention, mood and mood.

Key # 2: The Actions

Thoughts or words generate action, when we declare something, even in silence, for ourselves, conscious or unconscious of it, we act accordingly.

If you have thoughts of lack, fear, and focus on failure, your actions will be hesitant and unclear and a very low portion of your potential is mobilized.

But if you focus on what you can and are willing to take the risk that the results are not as expected, because you know that you can learn from them, your actions will be firm and clear and a very high portion of the potential is mobilized.

Key # 3: Results

Focused on the negative, with thoughts that limit you, and feeling fear of failure, acting unclearly your results will be mediocre or null and these results will negatively affect future attempts, thus reinforcing your negative beliefs. Therefore "failure calls failure. "

But if you focus on the positive, on what you can and are open to new possibilities, with thoughts that empower you, with clear actions and deploying your potential to the maximum, the results you are going to obtain have a high probability of success. And SUCCESSFUL, if they fail, try again.

Suggested activity:

I invite you to review what kind of thoughts you are having today in the face of the challenges of your venture.

  • What do you think about yourself? What do you think about your chances? What is the first step you can take this week to make your path to success?


Have you been able to recognize in which circle your thought frequently flows? In that of success or in that of failure?

Tell me about your experience and what you did to change it. I await your comment below!

3 Keys to making what you do successful