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3 Tips for you to succeed as a female entrepreneur online

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Many entrepreneurial women are disappointed when they face great challenges when undertaking, with the dream of generating income with their own business, a coaching consultancy or other service companies. Summarizing what I learned in the last 6 years, during which I established a successful business from my home, I will share with you my three most valuable tips that will help you navigate the murky waters of the business world successfully.

We are in a historical moment of humanity. Never before have there been so many opportunities for women to be successful entrepreneurs.

In many cases, it is not even necessary to leave the home. With the technology at our fingertips today, the opportunity to generate income from home is literally at your fingertips.

However, the challenges of a business have not changed. The woman who decides to undertake today, both online and offline, faces the need to change her mentality, to educate herself and to allow herself to make those mistakes that constitute the steps towards the success of every businesswoman or businessman.

Therefore, if you are an entrepreneur of the 21st century, you can congratulate yourself, despite the fact that you feel stagnant or ineffective, since you are part of a very select group of women in the context of all human history. (Have you ever thought about the implication of what I just said?)

In order for you to really expand your potential as an entrepreneurial woman and to generate more income with what you love to do, I want to give you 3 suggestions that come from my heart and that will help you achieve your goals as an entrepreneur:

1. Never lose your faith

It is God who places desires in our hearts. If you have in your heart to establish a business that can help others, it is not an option to deliver it. It is your responsibility.

Because it's not just about you.

There are people out there who need to hear what you have to say. They are waiting for you. Don't let them down by limiting yourself.

You will hear voices that will tell you that you cannot, that it is too much, that you do not know how to continue and that you were wrong to think that you could achieve it.

Don't listen to them. Just go ahead with your project. Draw close to your Creator so that you are always spiritually strong, and never stop fighting.

2. Think big

Every time you have the option of staying where you are or leaving your comfort zone to grow a little more, do the second.

The comfort zone transforms us into cowards. You can hijack us into your apparent security domains at any time in our lives, as you know perfectly well that we would pay a high price to be there. To be comfortable and have everything under control we are able to sacrifice our dreams, life itself.

Do not do it. Force yourself to leave that place that is too well known and too small. It is a trap that will keep you at a level of life that is far below your true potential.

You have to have a vision for your future that will keep you excited and focused on what you are doing.

I recommend you bring to your memory the dream you had when starting your business, write it down and always have it at hand when you get discouraged:

"Write the vision,… although the vision will take a while yet, but hasten to the end, and will not lie; even if it takes, wait for it, because without a doubt it will come, it will not take long. ” (Habakkuk 2: 2,3)

3. If you are confused or overwhelmed and do not know how to continue:

Enterprising women are usually misunderstood and lonely. Many times they succumb to criticism from others and for lack of support.

Seek help. Don't play lone wolf on the web. Join groups that are doing the same as you do and find yourself a good mentor -or mentor- who has already reached where you want to go.

If you follow these 3 tips and set yourself to work hard to achieve your goals, you will!

3 Tips for you to succeed as a female entrepreneur online