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3 Tips to break the daily routine


Do you lead a routine and monotonous life? Work, studies, children, home. It is very easy to adjust to the old daily routines and that the days and weeks pass without pain or glory, right?

Lack of news and monotony can make you bored, unmotivated, and out of energy; and that you find neither time nor desire to do anything. That is why it is important to break the routine, regain dynamism and make your life more enjoyable and fun. So that you feel good and also have energy and motivation to face obstacles. Best of all, it is not as difficult as you think, breaking your routine does not mean making extreme changes (unless you want, of course) or abandoning the things and customs that you like. Do you want to know how to start? Try this.

1. Discover new things. It's easy to adjust to what you already know and like, but discovering new things is exciting, it helps you get used to taking risks and brings many good things to your life. It doesn't have to be radical, for example if you always eat the same type of food, try a different one; Play a new sport, change your vacation location, music style, etc. There will be things that you will not like, and you leave them aside and that's it, but you will also discover others that do.For example, I have always been a great reader, but I had never been interested in the graphic novel. So I just ignored it, until my husband convinced me (she knows me well) to read one. And now I thank you! It has made me a great fan of this type of novels, they bring me a different experience than "traditional" reading, a combination of plot and art. Or so many examples of things that I have been putting off trying and then I thought "but how could I live so many years without this!" Remember, you don't have to give up what you like, just be open to other possibilities.

2. Sign up for what you have been wanting to do for a long time. We all have in mind something that we would love to try, but out of fear, laziness or insecurity we do not dare. It happened to me with an Egyptian hieroglyphics course and with belly dancing. In the end I was encouraged and not only did I love both (in fact I still practice belly dancing) but now I don't hesitate to sign up for any type of course that I feel like. That changes your routine, discovers things about yourself, helps you meet more people, and energizes you. So go ahead, what is yours? Dance, writing, DIY, volunteering, cooking, skydiving,… Give yourself that gift, you will enjoy it very much.

3. Make small changes. As I have already mentioned, you do not need a radical change to get out of the routine, small changes also have a great effect, they make you think and act differently than usual. Some examples: change the route when going to work, have something different to eat for breakfast, do the shopping in a new supermarket, go to the movies on Tuesdays instead of Saturdays (or the days you go). What you can think of to think differently. You will see that at first it costs you, but then your creativity will be awakened and you will enjoy very much with those small changes.

As I say, it is not necessary to make radical changes or turn your life around overnight. Small changes are enough to break your routine and enjoy life more. It will also increase your self-confidence and your tolerance for change and you will be more open to new opportunities. What do you say? Where are you going to start?

3 Tips to break the daily routine