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3 Strategies to maximize time and be more productive in your business


Have you wished to have days longer than 24 hours? I imagine that yes, well, in this article I will share 3 of the strategies that I use to get the most out of my work time and be more productive in my Multilevel Internet Business.

All Entrepreneurs want to be more productive by working less time.

This is one of the biggest challenges that all Internet Business Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs face.

There are 3 reasons why you don't have enough time and these are:

• You are NOT organizing yourself the right way

• You are NOT prioritizing tasks and

• You DO NOT know how to delegate.

Working from home and online is not an easy task, it requires a lot of discipline and time organization.

There are many ways to organize time, in this article I will share the 3 most effective ones, which if you apply them, you will use your time intelligently and be more productive in your business.

Strategy # 1: set a schedule and plan

Even if you work from home you must establish a work schedule, if you chose 4 hours a day to work in your online business, you have to get the most out of it, eliminate all distractions, such as phone, facebook, twitter, email and screaming children.

You are free to choose the amount of hours you work in your business, but remember that if you are starting and dedicate a small time to it, it will be your income.

It is recommended to dedicate 6 to 8 hours a day to the business when it is starting, and when everything is going well and leaving the income you want, then you reduce the work time.

In order for your home to respect your work schedule, you should talk to your children and husband and explain what you do on the computer and that your work is for the benefit of the whole family.

I advise you to use a stopwatch to measure the time you dedicate to each task you do.

Strategy # 2: classify tasks

Identify which activities are urgent, important, which can wait and which you can delegate, you should invest time in activities that grow your internet business, for example:

If you have a consultancy scheduled or you have to send information to a client from one day to the next, because that is urgent, you should try not to leave tasks from one day to the next so that they do not become urgent.

Recording videos and writing articles are important tasks to distribute content and position yourself in the search engines.

All marketing activities to increase traffic to your website are important, you should take time daily to focus on these activities.

Medium and long-term projects can wait, never work several projects at the same time, focus on one project at a time, so that you dedicate all your energy and passion, when that project is already working, continue with the next one.

I tell you this from my own experience, it happened to me that I was involved in many projects at once and I did not finish any.

Every entrepreneur must delegate the tasks in which he is not an expert, for example, if you are starting your multi-level business on the internet and you are not an expert in the construction and design of a blog or website, hire an expert in this area to do a professional work in the shortest possible time.

Every internet entrepreneur with a successful business, must hire a virtual assistant to be in charge of monitoring their clients, reviewing and filtering their emails, preparing their work schedule and uploading the videos to different platforms.

Strategy # 3: use the appropriate tools

- computer with a good internet connection

- stopwatch to measure the time you dedicate to each task

- paid hosting for your domains

- self-responder system

- buy time by hiring the consulting services of the experts who are where you want to be, an hour or two of consulting will save you months and even years of work.

To learn multilevel business strategies online visit:

3 Strategies to maximize time and be more productive in your business