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3 Basic questions for the entrepreneur

  1. What is the fundamental objective of the company? What is your main objective in it? Why is it worth to keep trying?

These questions are fundamental at some point for every entrepreneur who has made the decision to develop their own project, embarking on this challenging business world.

Despite being common, they do not always get an answer and it is surprising the number of entrepreneurs who have never paused to rethink their project based on these basic premises.

It is very frequent that the entrepreneur assumes himself as the main battering ram of the organization, the one who must be at the forefront of the battle giving the most important blows, sometimes the idea of ​​Hard work is equal to profitable business, is it associated? But is this really so? Do you have to sweat the seas to have a profitable business?

Think about it, if the physical effort of hard work were directly proportional to the amount of earnings, then bricklayers, workers and peasants would be billionaires, they do have exhausting days and a lot of work from the physical point of view and not for that reason they receive great income.

If HARD work is not equivalent to income, then there we can find an indication to answer that constant question that we entrepreneurs ask ourselves in the sense of Why, if I work so hard, I cannot consolidate my business? The answer is in the use we make of our resources, that is, in intelligent work.

Let's focus on the first question with which this article begins. What is the fundamental objective of the company? This is to express clearly the reason for the creation and existence of this project called company, it may be to produce some good or service that meets a certain need, achieve a change in the lives of people or clients, provide an important social service, transform the immediate environment, in other words, defines what is the focus and orientation of the company.

When I write about objectives, a situation like this comes to mind, imagine that you are a bus ticket salesman on a line that covers the main destinations in the country and a passenger comes to buy your ticket, approaches you and says, Can please sell me a ticket? Your obvious answer would be, of course, tell me what is your destiny? Imagine now that he has a surprise reaction and responds, "That's not your business, you just sell me a ticket."

This is an absurd situation, right? But think for a moment if it is not similar to many situations in our own life in which we want a ticket but we do not know where to go, whoever does not have a safe destination does not arrive and if it does arrive, rest assured that they do not even find out.

So, to work intelligently, you first understand and define the company's objective and focus.

Now, the second question is related to the first, but in this case it is up to you to define what your role and objectives are in this project. Are your own concerns, wishes or personal ambitions compatible with those of the company? It is obvious that if your organization moves in the field of philanthropy, but your personal ambitions are to make money, then there is something that is not compatible.

Define and understand what your interest is, why you decided to start the company and how far you want to go and ask yourself if it is by this means that you will achieve your personal projects.

It is much easier to obtain results if you are in complete alignment between the focus and objectives of your company with yours, you will realize that the organization has a life of its own and moves at its own pace, so it is vital to realize that you do not you are moving in the opposite direction, since you can become the main obstacle of your project.

Finally, when you decide to be an entrepreneur and carve out your destiny at your own pace, you also accept a certain dose of frustration since things do not always turn out as you have planned, beyond all the strategic, administrative and economic approach that gives functionality and make a company viable, what can actually keep it alive is passion, that is, the validity and currency of the dream that gave rise to it, for that you must ask yourself every day in the morning before the start of the day, why is the worth trying? As long as you can answer this question, you will find enough fuel to keep the dream alive, that dream that gave rise to it and that, combined with your actions, has made it a reality today.

If at some point you find that that particular morning you can't find the appropriate answer, then maybe it's time to ask yourself questions 1 and 2 again.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, since it implies a great commitment and the total resignation to the security that you could otherwise have taking advantage of your talent when working for a large company, implies starting a great journey full of adventures in which you will realize that practically the result of each day if it depends on you.

3 Basic questions for the entrepreneur