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3 Reasons to rethink what you do and how to reinvent yourself

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Has it occurred to you lately that maybe it's time to reinvent your business, to make some change? And I'm not talking about giving up, but about making more or less drastic changes depending on your situation. Now that these dates are approaching, many people consider these things (in my opinion any time is good, really) and perhaps this is the case for you as well.

When is a good time to reinvent yourself? Actually that's something you have to decide for yourself but here are three situations to consider:

1. When what you do no longer excites you

If you have felt for a while that you are no longer so motivated by what you do, that it bores you or that it is no longer a great challenge and you feel the need to go for more, this could be a good time to make changes. What kind of changes? I will explain them in next week's article. Of course, you have to be careful with this situation. Do not confuse being bored with some aspect of your business, or being tired or stressed, with your business no longer giving you what you want. They are different things.

At a time like this, the first thing you can ask yourself is if you need a vacation, because maybe you've been working a lot and you only need a break to get back to it all. You also do not have to think, as I have already said on some occasion, that in your business everything is going to be a pain in the neck and that if you are not passionate about absolutely everything you do is that something is wrong. There will always be something that you like less, that you find difficult to do or that you don't directly like. And you already know the solution: either you delegate it (if you can) or you put up with it.

This situation can also be delicate for you if you are one of the people who gets bored immediately, and can be one of the reasons why you do not commit to anything, because when things get a little difficult or when there is something that you do not like much you just abandon. And that is not the solution either. Or when you assume that your business has to give you all the satisfaction and fulfill all your needs when that is not the case. Maybe what you need is to add a little more fun to your life in the form of a new hobby for example.

Here we are talking about when you no longer find satisfaction in practically nothing you do, when you get bored of always doing the same thing because there are no more challenges, when you always have your mind on other possibilities. Then perhaps it is time to consider a change, not necessarily radical, yes.

2. When you have done everything and do not see results

Sometimes you try hard, you do everything you are supposed to do, you even work with an expert but you don't get the results you want. So it's time to change things, focus on another niche, find out the demand well. This is something that can happen even if you start with a clear strategy and knowing well the key steps to start your business on the right foot. So it is important to be flexible and open to change, even if it is frustrating, even if it costs you and deep down you do not want to, because in reality there is no point in continuing to do the same if you do not see any progress.

3. When your personal circumstances change a lot and you can't cope with everything

Sometimes, although at a professional level everything goes well for you, there are personal changes that make things not go as before and that you consider doing something about it. Having children, moving to another country or taking care of a sick family member can make your priorities change from one moment to the next and that you consider reinventing yourself to be able to adapt to the new situation.

These are three examples of situations in which you can consider a change (not only in your business but also at a professional level). Sometimes this reinvention makes you excited and sometimes it makes you lazy and scared, but in both cases you are in a situation where you know that you cannot continue much longer. If you decide it is time to reinvent yourself, how to do it, what changes can you make? I will tell you about it in the following article.

Now you have to reflect on your situation and your next step, what is it?

So if you already know that it is time to make changes in your business, where do you start?

The answer is: exactly where you would do it if you had to start from scratch. For the foundations. You already know by now that if you are not clear on what you want it is easy for you to disperse, get carried away by any news, do not get started and have no results.

In this case it is exactly the same. It's time to rethink why you do what you do (check your big why), what you want, what your new goal is and how you want it to fit into your lifestyle. This last part is often underestimated and is essential to feel satisfied and not see yourself overflowing. For me this is a key step and it is the first thing I work with my clients.

Once you have all that clear, what changes can you make? It depends on your situation, your business and what you need, but here are some examples:

  • Sometimes you want to keep the original structure. For example, when I changed my business it was clear to me that I wanted it to continue to be coaching and mostly online, that did not change. What I modified in that case was my niche, that is, the type of people you dedicate to or the topic in which you specialize.

That, of course, meant having to start from scratch. It was not easy, but this time I had knowledge that I did not have before, so the advances were much more evident and I had results before.

Is there any way to avoid this? For example, making sure, when you start your business, that your niche meets a series of characteristics. Among them being willing to pay for what you offer. If not, no matter how good you are and how much passion you put into it, it will not go very well. Although it must be said that the topic of the niche can be controversial and there are many people who think that it is not necessary at all. I simply explain what works well for me, always according to my experience:

  • Sometimes what happens is that you do not sell anything at all (although yes, people love what you do… Or so they say). The problem may be the same as before or simply a basic rule of marketing and sales: that you are not offering what your customer wants but what you think they want and I assure you that many times it is not the same. In this case, you already know what the solution is, take an interest in your potential customers and find out what they really want. widen your sights. Maybe it's time to create new products or services or modify the ones you already have. Or you can consider how to help more people using events or group programs. Sometimes you're wanting to level up so to speak,but you are afraid because you have adapted to what you already know how to do and you are good at it even if it is not enough for you at the moment… At other times what you need is to modify your business model to adapt to the news or because your style life in a certain way demands it of you. For example, if you have to move often from now on, doing your business online can be a good idea to avoid having to start from scratch every time you move. Or modernize and expand your area of ​​action, who says you have to limit yourself to your city, town or country? You have everyone at your disposal.

These are just a few examples of changes you can make. In any case, the first steps to take are:

  1. Recognize your current situation, what is happening and what you need Rethink the foundations of your business Choose the most appropriate changes Start (on your own or with the help of a mentor or procession to guide you).

So take your time and start at the beginning, what do you need?

3 Reasons to rethink what you do and how to reinvent yourself