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4 Strategies to create your membership site

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There is a misconception that the membership model is very difficult to implement and that maintaining it is a lot of work. Due to this, many web entrepreneurs do not perceive the recurring money that they could earn with this business model. In this article I share 4 powerful strategies that will allow you to get started quickly with a low maintenance membership site.

Usually, when membership sites are mentioned as a business model for the Internet, comments like:

"Too much work!"

"I don't want to enslave myself!"

"What a mess to implement it!"

However, a membership site does not have to mean a lot of work or great difficulty to implement. Currently I have three functioning memberships that produce recurring income every month with a minimum of supervision.

Of course, there are membership sites that are true content-consuming beasts, but it doesn't have to be this way.

You can create a low maintenance membership site, reusing the material you already have from your other products and services and without being a slave to your membership program.

Below I share 4 strategies to create your membership site in a two by three:

1. Take a product you already have and divide it into 12 to 20 segments. Deliver the content in the format that best suits you: audio, video or PDF and send them to your members using your auto-responder.

2. Collect your blog posts or articles you have written and sort them into different categories. Combine 3 to 4 of them into a small PDF report, edit and auto-reply to your members.

3. Take all your podcasts, video conferences or workshops you have done (they can even be offline workshops) and turn them into a weekly / monthly delivery membership program.

4. Turn your book into a membership program. Just divide it into equal segments and add an implementation manual or attached materials, such as an interview and / or a forum for members, and voila!

If you add a monthly question and answer call, a forum and / or materials attached to any of these 4 strategies, you will be able to build your first membership program quickly.

However, do not skip the important step of investigating if there is demand for your products and always remember to focus on solving the most burning problem of your ideal customer and deliver a transformative experience.

If you don't have time to do it yourself, give it up, don't save it for later!

Do you see that it is not so difficult? Don't think of something too big. Your first membership site can be that simple.

Once you have one walking, you will have already learned how it works and you can design another one with another price level.

4 Strategies to create your membership site