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5 Useful Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs


From my point of view, not all marketing tools for internet business have been created equally. Some are simply more effective and more powerful compared to others.

Here are the tools worth using for your internet marketing campaign.

And wait! Best of all, you can use all the tools for free. You don't have to pay a single penny.

Let's go there? Let's go then…

1. Marketing with Articles

Since information is considered the most requested product on the internet, creating content for your business site and then distributing the same content in articles throughout the network appears as one of the most effective Internet tools to generate traffic and also to promote products. and services.

This Article Marketing strategy is highly effective in attracting potential customers who use the internet looking for specific information - surely looking for information they get from people like you who have the knowledge they urgently need.

2. Video Marketing

YouTube continues to be one of the most visited sites on the internet. It is even used as a search engine. Therefore, you can reach and connect perfectly with your potential clients. Simply create informative and educational videos. Of course, you can also talk about your products and services.

It is important to include the keywords in the title, description and tags. Also make sure the videos are of good quality, with audio taking priority. And of course, the video content must be useful and engaging. It is a great way to attract and attract attention.

3. Email Marketing

Another great way to get in touch with your potential customers is through email marketing. However, before you can do this, you must obtain their permission. Otherwise, the emails will be sent directly to your spam folders.

Look how easy it is! Create a capture page so that your clients can register on your list and thus start Email Marketing. Important here is to offer a high-value gift so that they leave you their data as a first name and email.

4. Leave comments on other blogs

This one is excellent too. Especially if you want to easily target potential customers. Identify the blogs that are related to your market. Make friends and alliances with their owners. Leave them comments on your blog articles, but make them comments that add more value to the article in question. So the readers of those blogs can read your comments, and seeing that you are also an expert in that area, they will not hesitate to visit your site. Traffic to your secured business site!

5. Social Networks

Did you know that Facebook is the most visited place on the internet after Google? Facebook has more than 600 million members worldwide. This makes this site a place where you can meet people who may be interested in what you offer. Creating a business page is free. Through the Facebook search engine you can locate potential customers. Facebook is also great for interacting with them. And you can also talk about your offers, updates. A great way to locate and interact with more leads.

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5 Useful Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs