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5 Principles of the zero waste movement

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Every day it is more difficult for us as inhabitants of this planet to conserve it, due to the lack of awareness and information of many.

That is why the Zero waste movement arose, which is nothing other than reducing the largest amount of waste or garbage that we accumulate daily without any end, and that, not only affects our already destroyed home called land, but that also affects our health and quality of life.

That is why we as citizens need to follow the following axes to achieve this objective:


This is perhaps the option that is least used in homes, it is about creating compost (organic fertilizers) that are used in gardening and others.

Organic compost can be made with fresh leaves, grass, animal manure, fruit and vegetable peels, old straw, wood shavings, hedges, plant remains, among others.

This is a very practical and simple way to start practicing this new movement and thus lead a fuller and happier life. The planet will thank you.

5 Principles of the zero waste movement