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6 Signs Your Employee Wants To Quit

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Speaking of valuable collaborators, one never pretends that they leave… "I feel like he abandoned me… That he was ungrateful…" reiterate many leaders of organizations who, surprised, observe how they lost an important employee from one day to the next, also generating the headache of finding a replacement as quickly as possible and as good as the renouncer.

Faced with this, the idea of ​​this column is to show you the main behaviors to take into account, to foresee imbalances and that allow us to be vigilant, react on time and, at best, retain the best.

1. Do not go to meetings outside of working hours

From one moment to the next, you realize that the star employee, who always participated in meetings such as roasts or other similar ones, stopped going, generating the question in the rest. Here we must be warned of possible plausible excuses, which make us go astray and not see the real cause of non-attendance: his fear that his new job will escape him, in the middle of a relaxed chat.

2. It leaves as soon as the departure time

Mysteriously and like a ninja who drops a smoke bomb and runs away, when you look for your favorite collaborator half an hour after closing on a Wednesday, you will realize that he is not there. And that not only that day, but all the others of the week.

3. Say yes to everything. Does not criticize or object to anything

It is known that people with the ability to read situations and highly analytical at times can be somewhat oppositional, but always from the construction stage. Then, the one who previously contributed seeing new edges, which had not been taken into account, suddenly becomes one hundred percent uncritical and fickle to the opinions of others as if he had lost all his intellectual resources.

4. Avoid direct contact with your boss

Sneak around. You notice that he runs away when he sees you. She goes into her office, in the bathroom or wherever so as not to cross you, as a clear sign of her guilt for feeling that, in some way, she is about to betray you.

5. Away from his peers

Before we talked about social gatherings, now we refer to those common spaces in the office, such as the lunch table. It turns out that all of a sudden, he prefers to eat at his desk or, if he goes to the dining room, he does so after everyone got up under the cover of the fact that, due to the urgency of his activities, “The hour passed without realizing it…”

6. It gets awkward if you see him talking on the phone

Just as when one of the partners is unfaithful to the other, and fears being caught talking on the phone with the lover, in these cases of employees looking for other job opportunities, it is usual that they are contacted by their new company, generating discomfort and discomfort for not being able to cut the conversation, nor hide it efficiently.

Note that in all the cases discussed, none of them shows a decrease in performance, errors, omissions or oversights that make the intention to resign clearly appear. Neither do these employees show absent or late behaviors. That is not in their DNA and that is why it is very difficult to anticipate their retirement from the Company.

Finally, and as it is known, it is the responsibility of the leader to retain his valuable collaborators, and that implies paying attention to what they do and thus avoiding unpleasant surprises.

6 Signs Your Employee Wants To Quit