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Strategic situational analysis aes and management of dap protected areas


1. By way of presentation

This document can be considered as an "information systematization tool" or as we have commonly called it a "memory aid", a product of the initiation of support actions directed at the Directorate of Protected Areas (DAP) and the Progressio Foundation, in the elaboration of the Management Plan of the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve.

Being part of the "evolutionary" exercise based on the development of the "Situational Strategic Analysis" (AES), which will serve as a transversal axis to determine the main factors, both positive and negative, that have influenced the management of the protected area, especially its integrity. biological and ecological, which is preeminent given the category and assigned management objectives.

The AES is an exercise that the “School of Organic Evolutionary Planning” (EPOE) uses to achieve a level of rapport with the preeminence factors, the determination of the existing information, the identification of the information gaps and, above all, establishing the “Strategic axes” that could be used to develop an effective, efficient and pragmatic “management tool”, which in this case is the Management Plan for the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve.

Considered the AES, this document is part of the three participatory actions and a short technical study will allow the "protected area planning" specialist to collect the information necessary to identify the "strategic axes" that would allow the preparation of the final version of the Plan of Management of the RCEV.

The participatory actions proposed for the AES of the RCEV are:

1. Interactive interview of strategic questions of the RCEV;

2. Workshop 1 of analysis of Comanagement of the RCEV;

3. Workshop 2 of analysis of Comanajo of the RCEV; and

4. Study of Tourist Load Capacity (ECCT) of the RCEV.

We consider that together the four activities will allow the development of AES that effectively guides the preparation of the Management Plan, highlighting that this will not require large financial resources, but a strong decision to participate and act in a time that has been decided That it be short to achieve, together with other studies and existing information, the elaboration of the Management Plan that makes viable the persistence of the natural resources and biodiversity of the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve.

Finally, it should be noted that this document does not intend to present an in-depth analysis of the situation of the PA, only to systematize valuable information that the Administrator of the RCEV provides based on 16 years of experience in the management, planning, management and conservation of said area. protected.

2. Reference framework

The Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve is located in the Cordillera Central, it is contiguous to Las Neblinas Scientific Reserve and to the north of Valle Nuevo National Park. The highway that goes to the Municipality of Constanza and its communities crosses its banks.

The RCEV is located in this important region, the delimited area for the Ébano Verde scientific reserve has an approximate area of ​​23.1 square kilometers.

Due to the incursions of studies carried out in Loma Casabito, “within the phyto and zoogeographic area of ​​the reserve, it has been determined that this locality is the place with the highest number of endemic plant species (about 28) in the Barbecue-Casabito phytogeographic subregion..

The cloud forest that inhabits there contains an extraordinary diversity of orchids (highlighting those of the Lepanthes genus), ferns, arachnids and one of the most beautiful springs in the country, as well as other biological entities new to science, in addition to a population of green ebony (Magnolia pallescens), which is in the process of regeneration in appreciable quantities. It should be noted that this orographic system is one of the few in the country that contains carnivorous plants such as the Pinguicola casabitoana ”(CSR, Procaryn, 2004).

3. Results of the interactive interview of RCEV strategic questions

3.1 Date of the Meeting 12/07/2006

Marvin Melgar Ceballos

Ramón Elías Castillo

3.2 What information do we have for the preparation of the RCEV PM

A / There is various information, which can be grouped into the following items:






Of special interest should be mentioned

1. PLANDIDE Development Guideline Plan

2. Update of socio-economic study

3. First Version of the RCEV Management Plan

4. Mushroom Thesis

5. Cigüita Ethology

6. Green Ebony Reproduction Studies

7. Fern Studies

8. Creation Decree

9. Commonwealth Government Agreement PROGRESSIO Foundation

10. PROGRESSIO Foundation Profile

11. Report of at least 5 years of RCEV visitation

3.3 How has the evolution of coverage and use of the core zone been since its declaration to date.

R / The evolution has been favorable, maintaining coverage and in certain areas recovering and expanding natural ecosystems.

The Pinos Caribeae plantation, due to the lack of maintenance, has grown with a high level of competition, which has achieved trunk and elongated trees in height.

3.4 Today, the zoning of the RCEV will be carried out, which would be the proposal that you as administrator of said AP

R / This was done based on the zoning classification proposal developed for the AB, JCR National Parks. JBPR, in addition to being accompanied by a 1995 coverage and use map.

The proposed zoning is:

to. Primitive Zone and Research

b. Recovery Zone

c. Public and Administrative Use Area


Primitive and Research Zone (ZPI): Central area of ​​the reserve made up of natural broadleaf, coniferous, mixed, manaclares vegetation, up to the limit of the hunting area where the telecommunication antennas are located, also adding the approximately 5,000 tasks acquired by the Foundation.

Recovery Zone (ZR): Covers the deforested area of ​​Caribbean pine (Pinus Caribae), which have or were affected by Cyclone Jorge that occurred in 1998-. The area currently has a dense forest, without management and with an exotic species such as Pinus Caribae.

Public Use and Administration Area (ZUPA): The ZUPA´s the following areas can be identified in the scientific reserve:

ZUPA 1: Path “El Casabito - Centro” with a distance of STM (Necessary the development of a Study of Tourist Load Capacity, due to the Category and Objectives of Management and Conservation of the protected area)

ZUPA 2: Interpretive Trail Arroyaso - La Sal with a distance of 10 km. (Necessary the development of a Study of Tourist Load Capacity, due to the Category and Objectives of Management and Conservation of the protected area)

The visitor center and the salt center are outside the core area, therefore the status of the zoning must be defined.

The approximate area of ​​the area could not be defined, in a subsequent analysis using the coverage and use map, it could be defined at a percentage level: (See figure 2)

ZPI = 73%

ZR = 17%

ZUPA = 10%


Despite the existence of private properties and use for the installation of telecommunication networks, the latter in retirement, the zoning of the Contradictory Use Zone (ZUC) was not considered.

Many times the protected area planning teams are carried away by trends of social interaction, they take care of collecting, analyzing and reflecting on community needs but not on the true needs of the administrator and / or managers of the protected area.

Planners undervalue the technical, social contributions and / or even delay perception of those who face the social, economic and environmental reality of the protected area and its buffer zone.

For this reason, it is important to consider the perspective or vision of the problems that arise for the administrator in his protected area.

Considering the previous point, you as the administrator of the RCEV, what are the main problems and needs that you have faced, are facing and think you will be facing:

R /

to. Land use conflict

Land tenure

Within the PNJBPR area there are some private properties that existed before the declaration as "Scientific Reserve" these are:

Mario collado 10,000 Tasks in the Río Camú basin

Heirs of 10,000 Tasks Pepe Riego

Sierra Family 4,000 Tasks Jarabacoa

24,000 Tasks

The problems have turned into conflicts, there have been attempts by the PROGRESSIO Foundation for the acquisition of said titles, which have been little effective.

Such is the case of the property of the Collado family with which an unsuccessful effort was made due to an inventory they carried out where they measured the volume of Green Ebony, due to the results the price of the property and increased logarithmically.

Until a few years ago there were properties with coffee plantations located on state land, having abandoned due to the established regulations.

Use for location and management of telecommunication antennas

Located on the border between the RCEV and the Las Neblinas Scientific Reserve, in the so-called Casabito Zone.

Despite the fact that in recent years due to regulations the owners of these antennas have been reducing activities.

b. Financial management

It is known that due to the status of "comanagement" that the protected area presents, as its conservation, management and protection by the PROGRESSIO Foundation are slim, for 16 years the protected area has been maintaining itself economically, not only achieving ecological persistence Natural Resources and Biodiversity, but at the level of infrastructure, human resources and actions related to the surrounding communities.

Financial self-sustainability is and should be the framework to achieve the success of any “COMANEJO” framework in order to achieve the stability of management actions within natural resources, despite some ups and downs, it is evident from the persistence and consistency of the RCEV, which if compared to the current management of other PAs that are administered by the Government.

Among the strategies, tools and methods used by the PROGRESSIO Foundation to finance the "Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve" are:

1. Annual or periodic fee of the partners and / or members of the PROGRESSIO Foundation;

2. Management and development projects for restoration, scientific research, natural resource management and community development with national and international organizations;

3. Voluntary donations by visitors individually and by group; and

4. Food charge for individuals and / or individual groups that visit the RCEV, the average price is 200.00 pesos per person.

Despite the efforts made by the PROGRESSIO Foundation, self-sustainability has not yet been achieved to ensure the long-term financing of the conservation and management actions of the RCEV, some actions that have been considered are:

  • Regional, national and international promotion of the RCEV to attract ecotourism, specialized tourism (birds) and / or scientific tourism; Construction of a visitor center in cabins for visitors to stay, in the area located in the buffer zone; Repair of the “Casa de Madera” located in the center of La Sal, to host visitors who like the development of Traking, Implementation of management and development projects for neighboring communities, developed and managed based on the PM; and Creation of an RCEV environmental trust.

It should be noted that the RCEV has a comparative advantage due to relatively easy access, positioning it as the protected area with the best access to mountain ecosystems, the problem that arises is to make tourism compatible with the category of management that restricts the degree and number of visitors.

It is important to consider conducting a “Tourist Load Capacity Study” (ECCT) for the existing interpretive trails and visitation areas.

c. Community Perception

A job that the PROGRESSIO Foundation and the Management of the RCEV has tried to carry out with its ups and downs is to have a good relationship between the communities and the natural resources of the Scientific Reserve, which is why a series of actions have been developed aimed at strengthen this relationship as:

  • Training activity for leaders and members of neighboring communities, training courses for teachers of schools in adjacent communities, environmental awareness and awareness days, agricultural production improvement projects with coffee crops and short-cycle crops; and Forest reforestation, prevention and control activities.

The communities with the highest interaction with the RCEVs, according to the manager's perception, are: (In order of incidence)

1. Los Mata Puercos;

2. Arroyaso;

3. La Palma;

4. Palmarito;

5. The Jump; and

6. Salt

An interesting case to evaluate and analyze is that of the community of "La Sal" which has evolved from being the one with the greatest interaction with the NRNN of the RCEV, has become an abandoned community due to the regulatory framework and environmental phenomena (hurricanes) that they have been forced to sell their land and move to Jarabacoa.

But this has brought with it that the new inhabitants or owners who are mostly “Dominican York” consider using it for extensive ranching or urbanization for cabins.

d. Illicit Activities

Like most protected areas established at the national and Latin American level, the limits are arbitrarily located without considering the survival strategies of local communities and actors, when these "survival strategies" are intercepted with the "new" regulations. territorial is there at that moment when "illegal activities" are born.

These activities include:

  • Extraction of Green Ebony wood: although there is a perception that it has been removed, there is always the latent possibility that it will happen again, due to the economic value of said wood. Capture of Pichón de Cotorra: there is evidence of its reduction but it even happens in the entrance area through the low pass, La Sal community; and Hunting of Pigeons: although it happens in the buffer zone and / or region of influence, the hunter populations are those of the RCEV.

and. Water Valuation

The contributions that the protected areas of the central mountain range and the RCEV contribute to the collection, storage, filtration and production of water are generally known, but this fact is not valued, within the RCEV, there are parts of 2 large basins:

Río Camú: Micro-watershed of Casabito with 17 Km2, generating 1m3 / sec, water that supplies the city of La Vega and soon the Presa Guaigüi reservoir;

Yaque del Norte River: Especially the Jimenoa River sub-basin through the micro-basins: 1. La Palma; 2. Arroyazo; 3. Masipedro and 4. La Sal.

F. Human Resources

Currently the protected area has an active staff, with a certain degree of training and above all commitment to preserve in time and space the natural resources and biodiversity of the RCEV.

The current composition is described below:

1 RCEV Manager

2 Technicians 1 Visitor Manager

1 Community Extension

1 Head of Guard - Reserve

1 Logistics and Cleaning Person

11 Resource Guard

16 People

In addition, in the Foundation's office in the city of Santo Domingo there is a staff that works 40% of their time in favor of the RCEV:

1 Operations Manager

1 Administrative Manager

1 Secretary

Mainly engaged in project management, formulation, management, promotion and RCEV actions.

g. Key Actors and Allies

  • Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARN) Sub Secretary of Protected Areas and Biodiversity Sub Forest Secretary Secretary of State for Agriculture (SEA) Project for the Management and Conservation of the Upper Basin of the Yaque del Norte River (PROCHRYN) German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) Cooperation Social - German Technique (DED) Secretary of EducationHelvetas

The latter work or have actively worked in the development and conservation of the RCEV resources, perhaps the one that has contributed the most is the international organization “HELVETAS”

In addition, community organizations such as:

  • Center of Mothers Our Lady of Guadalupe (El Arroyazo) Center of Mothers Santa Lucía (Paso Bajito) Association San José Obrero (Paso Bajito) Center of Mothers Perpetuo Socorro (La Palma) Center of Mothers María Auxiliadora (La Palma) Club Las Mercedes (Paso Bajito) Red Cross Relief Group (Paso Bajito) La Altagracia Association (Arroyo Prieto) Oasis Neighborhood Council (Arroyo Prieto) Our Lady of Fatima Mothers Center (Arroyo Frío)

h. Buffer Zone Management

One or perhaps the best strategy that the PROGRESSIO Foundation has been using since the creation of the RCEV. The expansion of the core zone through the normative expansion and perception of its buffer zone. This, despite not being presented as a formal vision, has been a creative fact, which in the process of preparing the RCEV Management Plan, should be used to stabilize anthropogenic processes.

Among the main measures can be mentioned:

  • Territorial planning programs or plan of the buffer zone at the level of hydrographic micro-frequencies, substitution of bad agricultural practices;
  • Promotion of Organic Agriculture Promotion of agroforestry, soil conservation measures; and Diversification of agricultural systems and products.
  • Environmental education and awareness aimed at neighboring communities, Formation of brigades for the prevention and control of forest fires, Acquisition of land by the PROGRESSIO Foundation; and Create a biological corridor that unites the Scientific Reserve, Las Neblinas and the PNJBPR.

3.5 Considering the different variables evaluated which could be the main actions for the development and conservation of the RCEV.

R /

Protection and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity of the reserves.

Strengthen the scientific research program.

Develop tourism, ecotourism and scientific tourism in an acceptable and compatible way;

Strengthen the link with the communities;

Management of financial resources at national and international level for the financial self-sustainability of the RCEV;

Develop a comprehensive monitoring and evolution system.

All of the above within a planning framework such as the Management Plan, Thematic Plans and Annual Operational Plans of the Ébano Verde scientific reserve.

4. Concluding remarks

Some important points to consider for the preparation of the Management Plan, allowing the identification of the transversal axes, are:

Evaluate and project the success of COMANEJO in the protected area.

Develop the perspective of water valuation of the RCEV.

Development of a strategy in the buffer zone through a Land Use Plan.

With the information previously considered, complementary to the minimum information required, for the preparation of the Management Plan and other management tools that make the strategic management of the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve viable.


Appendix 1:

CATEGORY I Strict Nature Reserve / Wilderness Area: protected area managed mainly for scientific purposes or for

nature protection purposes.

CATEGORY The Strict Nature Reserve: protected area managed mainly for scientific purposes.


Terrestrial and / or marine area that possesses some outstanding or representative ecosystem, geological or physiological feature and / or species, destined mainly for scientific research and / or environmental monitoring activities.

Management objectives

  • preserve habitats, ecosystems and species in the most natural state possible; keep genetic resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state; safeguard the structural characteristics of the landscape or rocky outcrops; maintain established ecological processes; have examples of natural environment to conducting scientific studies, environmental monitoring and educational activities, including reference areas, to which access is not permitted, unless essential; minimizing disturbances, through careful planning and conducting research and other approved activities; and limit public access.

Selection guidelines

  • The area must be large enough to guarantee the integrity of its ecosystems and allow the management objectives for which it is protected to be achieved.The area must be considerably free from direct human intervention and be able to remain in these conditions. Conservation of the area's biodiversity must be able to be achieved through protection and this should not require intense habitat management or manipulation activities (cf Category IV).

Organic responsibility

Ownership and control should be in the hands of the national government or other levels of government, through a professionally qualified body, or a private foundation, university, or institution that performs a recognized research or conservation role.

Adequate safeguards and controls regarding long-term protection should be established prior to designation. Exceptions (eg Antarctica) may be made in international agreements on regions that are subject to national sovereignty at issue.

Annexes 2

Population structure and natural reproduction of ten species of a cloud forest in the Dominican Republic.

Thomas may

This study is a clear contribution to the growing interest in studying the population structure of some species of economic importance, including seedlings, and their patterns of reproduction and dispersal.

In the mountain ranges of the Dominican Republic, on the slopes exposed to the trade winds, at altitudes of approximately 1,000 to 2,000 meters, there are cloud forests, characterized by a high frequency of arborescent and epiphytic ferns, both vascular and bryophyte.

Since the 1940s these forests have suffered from different types of human pressure. For its conservation it is important to understand the dynamic processes that occur in them. In this regard, it is important to study the population structures of the most valuable tree species, including seedlings, and their patterns of reproduction and dispersal.

Aspects of the vertical structure (distribution of height classes) and horizontal (distribution of diameter classes) were studied in 10 tree species present in well-preserved areas, not intervened in recent times, in the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic.

It is a protected area administered by the non-governmental organization PROGRESSIO, Foundation for Human Improvement, in coordination with the National Parks Directorate. The forests in this area were described by Hager & Zanoni (1993) as "Magnolia pallescens forests". In addition to analyzing the structural aspects of tree populations, observations were made on characteristics related to the reproduction and dispersal of the species studied.

The study area is located in the Northeast part of the Central Dominican Cordillera, in the vicinity of the Cibao Valley and the Bonao Valley, which covers an area of ​​35 km2. The area has abundant rainfall that probably exceeds 3000 mm, has high cloud cover and its winds are almost permanent.

The geological substrate is of magmatic-vulcan-sedimentary origin, from which acid to moderately acid soils have been formed, with a loamy to clayey texture. The thickness of the organic horizon varies from a few centimeters to half a meter.

Annex 3:

Natural Resource Management in a Sustainable Way in the Dominican Republic (CAD)

Foundation for Human Improvement (PROGRESSIO)

The project: Promotion of Alternative Models of Agricultural Production and Environmental Education.

The project in brief:

The project guides its actions to improve the condition of the basic resources of the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve and reduce soil degradation in the buffer zone, promoting agroforestry and soil conservation practices. The project plans to continue the environmental education component aimed at teachers in the area.


The pressure of the population on natural resources is manifested in the mountains, where immigrants arrive in search of land for agriculture. This uncontrolled activity, using inappropriate practices, has caused conflicts of use and deterioration of resources, affecting the production and quality of water. One consequence of this deterioration is migration from the countryside to the city, since young people have no interest in remaining in these areas under conditions of poverty. Although the pressure on the Reserve can be considered low, the threat is latent.

Objective and Expected Results 1999 - 2001:

For this period, the project has set itself the objective of having reduced soil degradation in the buffer zone of the reserve./p>

The expected results are:

Having managed to get 40 farmers to maintain agroforestry plots.

Have maintained 20 plots with soil conservation practices.

Have trained 80 teachers on environmental education methods.

Having reached 560 students, with environmental education actions, directly, and about 4,800 students indirectly.

Main lines of action: The main axes of the project are:

Environmental education and training.

Protection and surveillance of the reserve.

Inter-institutional coordination.


Soil conservation.


Community participation.

Work strategy: The project bases its work on the participation of communities in sustainable agricultural production activities (soil conservation, organic coffee management and environmental education for the protection of natural resources). Activities are carried out at the El Arroyazo visitor center, to motivate teachers to visit the Reserve and use simple teaching-learning methods with their students.

Area of ​​influence: The project is carried out in the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve, located in the municipalities of Jarabacoa and Constanza.

Institutional framework: The project is executed by the Foundation for Human Improvement (Progressio), within the framework of the Dominican Environmental Consortium (CAD).

Strategic situational analysis aes and management of dap protected areas