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Draft of environmental culture in a province of Cuba

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In the municipality of Consolación del Sur, no SUM-Community-Environment linkage processes involving the population in search of sustainable local development have been carried out so far. Likewise, there are no models that lead to an environmental culture in the community, so that, with their own efforts, they are able to conserve their environment with all that this requires.

For this reason, a Project is carried out in 4 Popular Councils of the territory to establish scenarios for social, university and governmental participation that promote the establishment of sustainable processes and the training of development professionals.


There is a model called the Ecological-Environmental Culture Program, which has been consolidated based on methodological processes and community, urban and rural intervention, used by the Bionigma Project of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) - Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Iztacala, in Central Mexico; that adapts the universalization process that they practice so that the population is, in addition to being the main beneficiary, the protagonist of local development processes through the knowledge and proper management of their environment and natural resources, thereby enhancing self-management and self-regulation of the productive and economic activity of each region, always promoting the replication of models through teams made up of university students,the main entities and companies in the territory, the population and their authorities.

Given the ties and processes of enhancing cooperation, it is considered prudent to generate a Program that based on these experiences, can be adapted to the circumstances and strategic lines of the SUM of Consolacion del Sur and the process of Universalization of Higher Education in Cuba.

In this way, the SUM de Consolación would become a node for promoting the development and training of human resources specialized in work and interdisciplinary management, who will consolidate the municipal environment economically and environmentally, promoting collaboration with the other provincial entities.

Four Popular Councils of this municipality have been selected for this: Villa I, Villa II, Pueblo Nuevo and Puerta de Golpe; so that they serve as a sample in the generalization of the Interdisciplinary Program of Environmental Culture, so that they are offered sustainable and sustainable solutions to the problems that afflict the territory.


Establish SUM-Society-Environment linkage scenarios based on the implementation of an Interdisciplinary Environmental Culture Program, based on the model applied by the Bionigma Project in central Mexico, in four Popular Consolation Councils of the South, for the promotion of sustainable local development.


  1. Develop a diagnosis of the educational situation and environmental knowledge of the population to be studied. Determine a model that fosters environmental culture in the sectors of the selected popular councils. Implement a Corporate Environmental Management System that guarantees promotion towards the sustainability of the productive processes of the territory. Propose a strategy for the rehabilitation and sustainable management of existing green areas in the selected popular councils, with the support of methods of economic valuation of environmental goods and services (BSA). Implement the Interdisciplinary Culture Program.


Methods for social study

Taking into account the general and particular characteristics of this research, the following methods are selected a priori to use:

Analysis - Synthesis.

Deductive - Inductive.

Research - Action - Participatory

Empirical method: questionnaires, surveys, interviews

Statistical Processor SPSS Version 9.0: for the statistical processing of the questionnaires and other studies of the Project.

Methods for economic study:

For the economic valuation of the environmental goods and services of the green areas to be rehabilitated, the following method will be applied:

Cost benefit analysis.



The green areas existing in the selected popular councils are rehabilitated, through a comprehensive and sustainable management plan, so that they contribute to the quality of the identified ecosystems and provide options for their effective evolution in the coming years.


It is possible to implement a Business Environmental Management System, which guarantees the realization of ecological production processes in the selected entities, aimed at their sustainability. Likewise, the approximate economic values ​​of the foreseen ecosystems are estimated, in pursuit of their sanitation.


It is achieved that the community is, in addition to being the main beneficiary of the interdisciplinary models of applied environmental culture, the protagonist of the processes of sustainable local development, through the knowledge and proper management of its environment and natural resources, thereby enhancing self-management. and self-regulation of productive and economic activity in each Popular Council.


Sustainable local development is promoted, through the implementation of an interdisciplinary program that combines different models, for the acquisition of an environmental culture by the community, through inter-institutional and multi-sector actions that guarantee networking in order to replication.

Expected results

  • Constitution and permanent operation of the Group of Environmental Promoters with an interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral character. Socio-economic-environmental map of the area and direct area of ​​influence of SUM. Generation of an Interdisciplinary Program that contributes to professional development and comprehensive training of students in the ecological-environmental theme. Generation of a Community Intervention Model for SUM that guarantees joint SUM-Society-Environment strategies to contribute to local and regional development. Increased environmental awareness in the population, verifiable by the care of their immediate environment and for social participation in environmental protection and rehabilitation actions. Incorporation, in all educational areas,of extracurricular actions that contribute to the acquisition of bioethical values. Wide participation of the various sectors of the Municipality in decision-making on environmental matters. Wide acceptance of the actions that in the field of Environmental Education, Economy and Environmental Management are developed from the PICEA and the Interdisciplinary Project. Sensitization of the population with the environmental problems of the territory for their contribution to the sustainable development of the community. Achieve gender mainstreaming throughout the development of the different phases of the project.Economy and Environmental Management are developed from the PICEA and the Interdisciplinary Project. Sensitization of the population with the environmental problems of the territory for their contribution to the sustainable development of the community. Achieve gender mainstreaming throughout the development of the different phases of the draft.Economy and Environmental Management are developed from the PICEA and the Interdisciplinary Project. Sensitization of the population with the environmental problems of the territory for their contribution to the sustainable development of the community. Achieve gender mainstreaming throughout the development of the different phases of the draft.


With the commitment of the project's clients and the participating institutions, there is a full guarantee of application of the benefits derived from it. With the community participation, and the establishment in the SUM of Consolación del Sur of an interdisciplinary program of training and integral formation in the matter of environment and development, the benefits will be maintained in the medium and long term. The University Headquarters is the main responsible for the project, its permanent monitoring and evaluation, as well as the communities of the selected popular councils, so the level of commitment of all will be decisive for the viability and consolidation of PICA, as well as for the obtaining the appropriate methodological model that guarantees its replication,And with this, its social impact and its incorporation into regional development strategies are verified.

At the time it begins to replicate and the conditions for network operation are generated between the towns and municipalities in which it is installed. Therefore, it is important to establish within the extracurricular programs, the processes of extension and training of students and teachers, which will lead to establishing strong ties and links between SUM and the sectors that make up the populations of influence, this will facilitate the acquisition of Knowledge and sufficient technical bases so that decision-making and participation in ecological-environmental recovery processes guarantee that the human resources factor is perfectly guaranteed, so that it technically operates with a sufficiently trained population.This will guarantee that the results are maintained and even continue even when the project concludes, that is, when there are no longer resources in the areas under study, because awareness will have been created, and therefore, a consequent action towards sanitation. environmental and local development.

Draft of environmental culture in a province of Cuba