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Increase in population of environmental custody


Population growth - Increase to population increase to press on natural resources. It requires the industries to produce the most products and to make the most waste and environmental costs. In agriculture, it is necessary to produce more food and, in order to increase the production required or more technical novation, increase of planted land and the livestock of more terras to breed cattle. No Brazil has two causes, in actuality, from desmatamento to expansion of the plant of soy and livestock and with the current desmatamento has emission of gases into the atmosphere. With some measures the government has tended to decrease the emission of gases. Second Paulo Sérgio Duarte "As concerns contemporary atmospheres will originate the understanding of the press on the natural resources caused by the population growth and the dissemination of the model of the consumer society". (See Você is lost? Everyone is also.). In the 70s it was a family adventure or planning to avoid or growing too popular. As an increase in the population and environmental awareness has become a worldwide community in a new way of consumption.

Conscious consumption - When or when you consume products with a concern for the preservation of the natural environment. There is a world trend in moving in the way of consuming. Have a new vision of acquiring products from companies that opt ​​for the preservation of nature and effectively apply non-care as a natural environment. The community is becoming aware of moving the current consumption patterns to help preserve the environment. Currently or conscious consumer, we consume more products from companies that are concerned with sustainability. Assim obrigam as organizations to take care of nature. Those that do not place in their strategies of business to preservation of nature are fadadas ao fracasso, and assim cresce in view of sustainability.

Sustainability - In decades gone by there were no concerns for two entrepreneurs with sustainable development. I do not know eighteenth century, as the beginning of industrialization, there was no concern with nature thinking that it was exacerbable. It begins to be degraded by Terra. At present, companies are concerned with sustainability, because they have degraded the planet that could lead human beings to serious problems. Or global situation and um deles. There will be an increase in temperature, we alert scientists, there will be problems with floods, tornadoes, etc. The island countries are in war as a global affliction, for the first time they will be affected by the rise in temperature not the planet.It is necessary to think not economic development, but also life on Terra, because after the development of life there will be prosperity of the social cell and of the community.

Increase in population of environmental custody