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Advance in the use of renewable energy in Argentina

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The production capacity of renewable energy is growing rapidly as a result of the adoption of long-term policies.

This is highlighted by a study released today by the Renewable Energy Network in collaboration with the NGO Worldwide Institute. The United Nations Environment Program is a member of the Secretariat of that Network.

The publication adds that about 2.5 million people work in this sector and that more than 65 countries have adopted long-term national policies to accelerate the use of renewable sources.

He added that the use of solar energy doubled in 2007 and wind energy nearly 30%. The report indicates that investments in this sector - excluding hydroelectric energy - exceeded 70,000 million dollars !!

On the other hand, it highlights that in 2007, the production of more than 50,000 million gasoline - 4 percent of the total consumed globally - came from ethanol.

It is evident that we are beginning to see the emergence of a "Green Economy", driven by agreements on climate change and the prospects of further reductions in greenhouse gas emissions after 2012.

However, Argentina, despite the severe crisis of recent years, still does not understand and promotes investments and promotion programs for hydrocarbons (Law 17,319). It continues to subsidize oil and there is no investment or promotion, from state institutions, in the development of alternative energies that can replace or expand the energy supply in the short term.

According to recent data from the National Energy Secretariat, 51% of the energy consumed in our country comes from natural gas, 37% from oil and its derivatives, 3% from uranium, while only 7% comes from renewable sources (bagasse, firewood and hydro). We depend on a resource that is running out…. (?)

Apparently, in the rest of the world, this activity promotes investments, generates work for skilled labor, solves environmental problems by reducing the emission of gases into the atmosphere, and also provides the much-needed and valuable “energy”.

The bad news is that, when the hydrocarbons run out, we will find ourselves empty-handed, with no other substitute resource and we will have to go out and buy imported technology - at any price - to continue supplying the domestic energy market.

Is it very difficult to see this?

Proposed strategies:

The organizations in charge of promoting green development in developed countries apply with success combinations of the strategies mentioned below:

  1. Economic incentives and / or reduction of the approval times of urban, housing, or other projects that imply an advance in the application of renewable energy.Education and dissemination, including permanent information centers, online resources, online help, and mandatory seminars for the public sector. Public leadership sector, mandatory use of high energy efficiency and / or renewable energy systems for all public buildings. or publicly funded demonstration projects. Mandatory Requirements. Modification of the building code and development of laws and mandatory green standards. Measurement of the impact of the programs on the environment. In general, very few organisms carry out this task. Creation of public entities aimed at monitoring and certifying the use and application of clean technology in all areas of interest.
Advance in the use of renewable energy in Argentina