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Search for business opportunities


Companies with a laggard mindset tend to renew themselves because with a rigid and inflexible organization they are losing market share and are refusing to take risks with the opportunities that are presented to them.

The main thing for the search for opportunities is with the approach of short, medium and long-term objectives; but more than anything, it is concentrating more on the present than on the future. Currently the market is saturated with products and services; But that should not be an obstacle for new companies to develop new business concepts.

It is said that to detect market opportunities one must always act with cunning, but to detect them we must know that we are able to take advantage of them at the right time and place. If entrepreneurs are not prepared to take risks and have a proactive attitude, it will be useless to detect opportunities to do business.

The preparation will consist of the analysis of the competition applying a high degree of differentiation of products or services; which in the long run will give us a competitive advantage within the market; and the latter requires a focus on the needs, levels of satisfaction and customer behavior. But not only by living in the present does it mean that we forget the future; On the contrary, we must be aware of the threats and opportunities that are around us, as well as the new trends that will drive market behavior and, above all, the company's corporate skills, knowing exactly what we are good at.

The search or invention of virgin categories regarding market niches; it is, more than anything, specializing in meeting certain market needs.

Like Dell that brings home computers with the intention of creating consumer convenience of not leaving home; invest time and effort in finding the ideal computer. And based on that idea, Dell captured a market opportunity to develop a new market niche, which in turn gave it a competitive advantage within the market.

Companies with a laggard mindset tend to renew themselves because with a rigid and inflexible organization they are losing market share and are refusing to take risks with the opportunities presented to them. The bureaucracy is useless anywhere, nor the formalities that only hinder internal communication. And before entering the market as entrepreneurs, companies must break paradigms about business culture; the treatment between positions without organizational charts that only serve to limit the interaction between the different areas. For a correct operation of the company, leaders must care about their employees so that they take care of the business and customers.

Search for business opportunities