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Biodiesel, substitution of fossil fuels for renewables


The causes of replacing fossil fuels with renewable fuels is marked by pressure from oil prices and environmental problems such as global warming, which is the main environmental challenge facing humanity today.


Currently the issue of pollution is of great importance to man, this is a global problem, which is bringing major environmental problems.

The causes of replacing fossil fuels with renewable fuels is marked by pressure from oil prices and environmental problems such as global warming, which is the main environmental challenge facing humanity today.

One of the alternatives for solving the problem is the so-called "Biodiesel". By replacing (partially or totally) current fuels (gasoline, gasoline, fuel oil) with Biodiesel, a much more favorable balance of emissions can be achieved.


By carrying out this project, a new, economical and sustainable alternative will be presented for the city of Orizaba in regards to fuels.

Creation of a company that collects edible oil and produces biodiesel.


"The use of vegetable oils as fuel and energy source may be insignificant today but over time it will be as important as oil and coal", Rudolph Diesel (1858-1913)

In 1900 Rudolph Diesel used peanut oil in the presentation of its first engine. In 1970 Biodiesel was developed from the energy crisis and the high cost of oil. In 1982 in Austria and Germany the first technical tests were carried out on this fuel of plant origin. In 1985 in Austria the first Biodiesel-producing pilot plant was built from rapeseed. Currently pollution is a very important issue, this due to the great changes that this generates to the environment, many times most of the pollution is generated at home.

One of the main pollution problems generated in the home is the spillage of edible oil remnants into the municipal drainage, which contaminates the water, flora and fauna of our region, because the oil poured into the pipe travels to rivers and lakes floating on the surface and not allowing oxygenation or light entry. Another important aspect of cooking oil spill contamination in the municipal drainage is the blockage of pipes and drains, and the water treatment process becomes more difficult due to the chemical characteristics of the oil. A liter of edible oil can contaminate millions of liters of water.


Create a company that collects cooking oil remnants from the homes in the city of Orizaba, and then transforms it into biofuel.

Particular objective.

  • Avoid contamination in rivers and lakes generated by remnants of edible oil. Avoid blockage of pipes and municipal drainage. Improve the quality of service water for subsequent treatment. Create a company capable of recovering edible oil from homes. from the city of Orizaba.Generate biofuel through the collected edible oil.Creation of various products such as soap, fence varnish or rustic woods, fertilizer, lubricant, to make waxes, paint and varnish manufacture or as biofuel, based on oil edible.


If a company is created to collect remnants of cooking oil from homes in the city of Orizaba and biodiesel is generated through the collected oil, it will be possible to obtain an economic resource and avoid this type of contamination, which is a stronger problem. than we think.


World consumption of biofuels is estimated at around 17 million tons per year, practically all of the production and consumption corresponding to bioethanol. Brazil, with around 90 million tons per year and the United States, with an estimated production for this year of almost 50 million tons, are the most important countries in the production and use of biofuels. In Brazil, bioethanol is obtained from sugar cane and its use is carried out mainly in 20% mixtures with gasoline. In the United States, bioethanol is produced from corn and is used in mixtures with gasoline, generally at 10%. Currently, the latter country has replaced almost 2% of its gasoline with bioethanol.

Sustainable Development in both Agriculture and Energy.

Biodiesel, used as a liquid fuel, has energy, environmental and economic advantages:

  • Lower environmental impact:
    • Reduction of polluting emissions: SO2, particles, visible fumes, hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds. Better air quality. Positive health effects, since it reduces carcinogenic compounds such as PAH and PADH.
    Reduces global warming:
    • Reduces CO2 in the environment by complying with the Kyoto protocol. o Positive energy balance (3.24: 1). o 80% of the life cycle decreases in CO2. Biodegradable product: 85% degrades in 28 days.
    Local and regional development:
    • Economic and social cohesion. Creation of jobs.
    • It can replace conventional diesel fuels in motors, burners and turbines. o It can be used in fleets of buses, taxis and agricultural machinery. o It favors the domestic market. o Reduction of fuel imports: o Energy security.

Currently in the city of Orizaba, Veracruz there is no company that is doing this type of activity.

In the world there are many companies dedicated to this activity and even more so carrying out the collection of industrial, automotive and other oils.

Some of these are:

  • North American company.  West. Argentine company  Moreco. Mexican company.


Vegetable oils

Lipids are the complex of natural products consisting of the esters of the higher fatty acids, paraninophics and mono carboxylic acids, with alcohols such as glycerin or another type of oil.

Lipids are classified into three groups: simple, compound, and derivatives. Simple lipids are made of fats and waxes.

The different fatty acids that intervene in the composition of glycerides are those that confer the particular characteristics of each oil and determine its behavior as a nutrient.

When saturated fatty acids predominate, they remain solid or semi-solid at ordinary temperature (20 ºC), constituting the fats (predominantly of animal origin and in some cases of plant origin). While if unsaturated fatty acids predominate, they are liquid at that temperature, composing the oils that are called fixed

In contrast there are volatile or essential oils that are extracted from the group of aromatic species. The group of Oilseeds comprise only those that are used to extract fixed oils.

The most common fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, butyric, etc. Among the unsaturated, oleic monounsaturated and linolenic, linolenic, etc. are polyunsaturated.

Of all the fatty acids the most widespread in vegetables is oleic. Natural fatty substances or lipids are normal constituents of all organisms, playing an irreplaceable role in nutrition. In the vegetable kingdom, fats are found in a greater or lesser proportion in all parts of the plant.

In seeds, lipids are generally found in smaller amounts than carbohydrates, if they exist in a higher proportion, they are called oilseeds (soybeans, sunflower, peanuts, cotton). You can also extract the oil from the fruits as in Olivo.

Edible: Vegetable oils are increasingly important in the diet. They play an important role in fixing calcium, carotene, thiamine, lactose and with its vitamins A, D, and K, contributing to partially supply the needs of human nutrition.

Among the species that provide edible oil we can mention: sunflower oil, soybean, peanut, rapeseed, cotton, safflower, etc.

It is important to consider the quality of edible oils. This is measured by different parameters:

  • Degree of stability: it is the ability to maintain the flavor over time, as well as the resistance to undergo changes in the face of temperature variations, high or low. Organoleptic characteristics: flavor, odor, color, etc., affect the quality of oils, but preferences are associated with subjective consumer factors Nutritional level: The different fatty acids that make up the oil give it differential characteristics, and there is a direct relationship between said composition and behavior in terms of human health, especially in cardiovascular problems and cholesterol rate.

The most indicated oils are those that contain a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly linoleic.

In turn, the ratio of polyunsaturated acids / saturated fats should be high. On the contrary, according to some investigations, linolenic acid (three double bonds) is harmful to health. Flax oil has 60% linolenic acid.

It is important to point out the high content of linoleic acid (77%) that safflower oil has, that is why it is considered cholesterol preventive.

Among the common edible oils, sunflower stands out with 68% linoleic acid, Argentina being a strong producer, although in the last two or three years the area sown fell due to economic issues, replacing that area by soybean. This fact is well appreciated in our area.


Liquid biofuels, also called biofuels, are products that are being used as substitutes for gasoline and diesel fuel for vehicles and that are obtained from raw materials of agricultural origin. There are two types of biofuels.

Bioethanol (or bioalcohol), Alcohol produced by fermentation of sugary products (beets and sugar cane). It can also be obtained from cereal grains (wheat, barley and corn), after hydrolysis or transformation into fermentable sugars from the starch contained in them. Other lesser-known raw materials such as sweet sorghum and pataca can be used to obtain it.

Bioethanol is used in vehicles as a substitute for gasoline, either as the only fuel or in mixtures that, for reasons of miscibility between both products, must not exceed 5-10% by volume of ethanol in cold and temperate climates, and can reach 20% in warmer areas. The use of ethanol as the only fuel must be carried out in engines specifically designed for biofuel. However, the use of mixtures does not require significant changes in the vehicles, although in these cases the alcohol must be dehydrated in order to eliminate the undesirable effects on the mixture produced by the water.

A biofuel derived from bioethanol is ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether), which is obtained by synthesis of bioethanol with isobutylene, a by-product of petroleum distillation. ETBE has the advantages of being less volatile and more miscible with gasoline than ethanol itself and, like ethanol, it is added to gasoline in proportions of 10-15%. The addition of ETBE or ethanol serves to increase the octane number of gasoline, avoiding the addition of lead salts. Both products are also used as substitutes for fossil-origin MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), which is currently being used as an additive to unleaded gasoline.

Biodiesel, también denominado biogasóleo o diester, constituye un grupo de biocarburantes que se obtienen a partir de aceites vegetales como soja, colza y girasol (dos principales cultivos de oleaginosas en la Unión Europea). Los biodiesel son metilesteres de los aceites vegetales obtenidos por reacción de los mismos con metanol, mediante reacción de transesterificación, que produce glicerina como producto secundario. Los metilesteres de los aceites vegetales poseen muchas características físicas y físico-químicas muy parecidas al gasóleo con el que pueden mezclarse en cualquier proporción y utilizarse en los vehículos diesel convencionales sin necesidad de introducir modificaciones en el diseño básico del motor. Sin embargo, cuando se emplean mezclas de biodiesel en proporciones superiores al 5% es preciso reemplazar los conductos de goma del circuito del combustible por otros de materiales como el vitón, debido a que el biodiesel ataca a los primeros. A diferencia del etanol, las mezclas con biodiesel no modifican muy significativamente gran parte de las propiedades físicas y fisicoquímicas del gasóleo, tales como su poder calorífico o el índice de cetano.

The process involves the transesterification of the oil or fat with light alcohols, using a suitable catalyst, to generate fatty acid esters (biodiesel). The alcohol that is generally used is methanol, although other light alcohols can be used, such as ethanol, propanol or butanol. Glycerin is obtained as a co-product, which can be used in other processes of industrial interest, assuming a positive factor from the economic point of view. For the production of 1,005 kilos of biodiesel, 110 kilos of methanol, 15 of catalyst and a thousand of oil are required, in addition to 4.29 cubic meters of water. This procedure also allows obtaining one hundred kilos of glycerin as a by-product. These data indicate that the energy balance of this procedure is positive.

What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a fuel of vegetable or animal origin: it is used to be used in diesel engines mixed with gasoline or in pure form, without engine modifications or adaptations. It is the result of processing (transesterifying) the oil contained in seeds and plants that nature provides us with, such as sunflower, rapeseed, soy, castor, spurge, sesame, palm, flax, peanut, coconut, among others. It can also be obtained from used vegetable oils and also from animal fats through a process called Transesterification. Transesterification basically consists of mixing vegetable oil or fats with an alcohol (generally Methanol) and an alkali (caustic soda). After resting, the BIODIESEL is separated by decantation from its by-product Glycerol.

Biodiesel is an ester (similar to vinegar) that can be made of different types of:

  • Oils, animal fats, vegetables; like soybean, rapeseed, palm, among others; through a process called transesterification,

Organically derived oils combine with alcohol (ethanol or methane) and are chemically altered to form fatty esters, such as ethyl or methyl ester. Biodiesel works in any Diesel engine. Animal fats and used cooking oils, among others, have been tried, but not all have had good results.

One of the alternatives for solving the problem is the so-called «Biodiesel. By replacing (partially or totally) current fuels (gasoline, gasoline, fuel oil), this can achieve a much more favorable balance of toxic emissions. The use of this fuel helps not to pollute the environment and does not compete economically with petroleum derivatives, which is a non-renewable resource.


  • Biodiesel significantly reduces the main emissions from vehicles, such as carbon monoxide and volatile hydrocarbons, in the case of gasoline engines, and particulates, in the case of diesel engines. Biodiesel production supposes Alternative in the use of land that avoids the phenomena of erosion and desertification to which those agricultural lands that, for market reasons, are being abandoned by farmers, may be exposed. Biodiesel saves between 25% and 80% % of CO2 emissions produced by petroleum-based fuels, thus constituting an important element to reduce greenhouse gases produced by transport. Due to its higher octane and lubrication index, it reduces wear on the injection pump and nozzles.It does not have sulfur compounds so it does not eliminate them as combustion gases. Biodiesel is also used as an alternative oil for two-stroke engines, in various percentages; the most used percentage is 10/1. Biodiesel can also be used as an additive for gasoline engines (naphtha) for internal cleaning of these.


  • The exploitation of oil palm plantations (used to make biodiesel) was responsible for 87% of deforestation in Malaysia until the year 2000. In Sumatra and Borneo, millions of hectares of forest became land for cultivation of these palm trees and in recent years more than double that figure has been achieved, logging and fires endure. They even completely deforested Kalimantan's famous Tanjung Puting National Park. Orangutans, gibbons, rhinos, tiger tapirs, nebula panthers, etc… are going to become extinct due to habitat destruction. Thousands of indigenous people have been evicted from their lands and 1500 Indonesians were tortured. But governments, as long as Europe continues to buy its oil palm to make biodiesel, will continue to promote the cultivation of these plants for their own benefit.Due to its better solvent capacity compared to petrodiesel, the existing residues are dissolved and sent by the fuel line, which can clog the filters, which occurs only when it is used for the first time after having consumed mineral diesel. lower energy capacity, approximately 3% less, although this, in practice, is not as noticeable since it is compensated by the higher cetane number, which produces a more complete combustion with less compression. Certain hypotheses suggest that higher combustion deposits and that the cold start of the engines is degraded, but this is not yet documented.Other problems it presents refer to the area of ​​storage logistics, since it is a hydrophilic and degradable product,therefore an exact planning of its production and dispatch is necessary. The product degrades noticeably faster than petrodiesel. Until now, the useful life of biodiesel is not clear; some maintain that it has a very short life time (months), while others affirm that its useful life reaches even 10 years or more. But everyone agrees that it depends on its handling and storage.The average yield for oilseeds such as sunflower, peanut, rice, cotton, soy or castor is around 900 liters of biodiesel per hectare harvested. This can make it impractical for countries with little arable area; However,the great variety of seeds suitable for production (many of them complementary in their rotation or with usable by-products in other industries) makes it a sustainable project. However, jatropha is beginning to be used to produce vegetable oil and, subsequently, biodiesel, which can be grown even in desert areas.


The sectors involved in the process of obtaining biodiesel are detailed below:

  • Agricultural: Planting and harvesting grain. Oil industries: Oil production. Chemical industry: Transesterification. Oil companies: Mixing with diesel and distribution of biodiesel. Agricultural cooperatives: Use of biodiesel in tractors and agricultural machinery. buses, taxis, heating etc. Environmentally protected areas: Use of biodiesel in the means of transportation in national parks, lakes, etc.


Below are the steps to carry out the execution of this project.

  • Research, documentation and formulation of the project. Evaluation of the project. Pilot tests for the project. Measurement of the results obtained from the tests carried out. Creation and implementation of necessary publicity to raise awareness of the population, to collect the oil edible Project start-up.


From the approaches of Corina Schmelkes (2001), Castillo de la Peña (2000), Hernández Sampieri (2000), Salkind (1998), Briones (1986), it can be said that there are the following types of research:

Determination of the Type of Research

Classification criteria Kind of investigation Cause
From the researcher's interference point Observational The researcher limits himself to describing or measuring the phenomenon studied, he cannot modify the variables
Experimental Part of the population receives some type of treatment (sometimes called an intervention) and the results are compared with the results of those who do not receive the treatment (control group). It is an experiment because precisely the researcher provokes a situation to introduce certain study variables manipulated by him, to control the increase or decrease of that variable, and its effect on the observed behaviors. The researcher deliberately handles the experimental variable and then observes what happens in controlled situations.
Documentary film Consultation of all kinds that leaves material evidence over time.
For the period of information gathering Prospective The information is taken from existing documents and will help future documents.
Hindsight The information is taken from previously existing documents.
For the evolution of the phenomenon Longitudinal Located over a span of time.
Cross The research will focus on analyzing what is the level or state of one or several variables at any given time.
According to the comparison of populations Descriptive There is a population which is intended to be described based on a group of variables.
Exploratory Superficially know the fact or phenomenon.
Explanatory It is done when the researcher studies the fact or phenomenon trying to find a cause or effect relationship between the variables that cause it.
Predictive It is done looking for possible effects of a problem in the future
Corrective Try to find solutions to a problem


Identification of the company

• BioDieSel Orizaba, SA de CV

• This name is chosen because the purpose of the organization is the production of Biofuels (Diesel based on oils), so it is related to its primary objective and business.

• It is made up of partners called shareholders.

• Its legal personality is its own.

• The partners respond in a limited way for their invested capital.

• Capital is divided into shares which are negotiable securities.

• You can own assets, carry out transactions and form contracts.

• The capital can increase or decrease by the admission of new members and the decrease by the partial or total withdrawal of contributions.

• The company BioDieSel Orizaba, SA de CV dedicated to the production of Biodiesel, Biofuel or Biofuel based on edible Oils, those that are normally discarded in restaurant kitchens, house-rooms and the like; as projected, and if this product is profitable and complies with what was planned, the incursion of said product to public or private collective transport companies may be a first step for commercialization and large-scale production.
• The company will be small, in the industrial sector, which will transform natural resources into products that meet consumer needs.

• It will have a capacity of 5 to 10 collaborators who will be located in the different areas (collection, production and administration). Collaborators will be compensated according to their productivity and commitment to the company.

• Industrial and Commercial

•Renewable energy

• The collection system will be done directly and with our own means of transportation and mobile storage and collection equipment.

• The sale will be directly to any interested consumer, but basically to companies that have a high number of vehicles (cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, among others)

Business name


Nature of the Company

Company Size and Capacity

Line of Business

Reverse Logistics and Direct Distribution


Values ​​and Philosophy

BioDieSel Orizaba SA de CV Believes that within an evolving world, success is only achieved as long as we are willing to change and above all that our values ​​are not an obstacle to being dissimilar.

The primary values ​​for the organization are: loyalty to our suppliers, since above all we are providing a service of social and environmental responsibility, as well as for potential customers, and highlighting the gratitude towards the people who present their service for this organization, without forgetting the mutual respect and honesty of each of the collaborators both in their work and in their own person.

Having confidence to be able to develop innovations, highlighting creativity in efficient products and the responsibility that one will have with the Society to satisfy needs, developing firmness in quality and excellence with workers, it is worth mentioning that the human factor is the primary engine for the operation of a company. That is why within the organization the development of each of the employees will be promoted, showing before them the knowledge and the simplicity of motivating them, so that there is the confidence to express their ideas without seeing who is the best, but simply that everything it is part of the organization.

General strategies

  • Provide quality and confidence in biodiesel or biofuel.Put the product within reach of the consumer.Use the raw material optimally for company benefits.Develop processes effectively.Motivate the supplier, staff and consumer (direct and indirect).Increase the volume of raw materials, to see the results in the volume of sales. Promotion and Diffusion of the use of Renewable Energies, and position ourselves as an Ecological company. Increase the degree of productivity.



Raw Materials:

The raw materials that can be used to obtain biodiesel are very varied and can be classified into:

  • Vegetable oils: Oilseed oils: sunflower, rapeseed, soy and coconut Oilseed oil: palm Alternative oilseed oils: Brassica carinata, Camelina sativa, Pogianus Genetically modified oilseed oils: High oleic sunflower oil. End of season vegetables: High acidity olive oil. Used frying oils. Animal fats: tallow of different qualities.

Materials of the Production Process:

  • Caustic soda Methanol Water

Reverse Logistics and Direct Logistics:

The set of logistics activities for the collection, dismantling and processing of used products, parts of products or materials with a view to maximizing the use of its value and, in general, its sustainable use. It is the Logistics that deals with recovery and recycling, as well as the return processes, excess inventory, customer returns, obsolete products and seasonal inventories, even the end of life of a product is anticipated in order to dispose of it. market with better rotation. LI includes all operations related to the reuse of products and materials.

Reverse Logistics: There is a Nissan brand vehicle (Mod. 97 excellent general conditions, hydraulic transmission, air conditioning, alarm, steel wheels; truck known as “estaquitas”), which will be in charge of making daily tours in the afternoon in order to collect the used oil in strategic places, ready to be discarded by housewives, restaurants and similar businesses, in order to collect the oil (raw material). The vehicle will be conditioned with adequate receptacles for such use. The fuel that the vehicle will use will be that of our own production.

Direct Logistics: The set of means and methods necessary to carry out the organization of a company, or a service, especially distribution. The company will have 1 adequate distribution pump to load or fill the tanks that customers take to the plant, at least in a first stage, prior to distribution and direct contact between the company and the home delivery service.

Human Resources

The company will be small, in the industrial sector, which will transform natural resources into products that meet consumer needs. It will have a capacity of 5 to 10 collaborators who will be located in the different areas (collection, production and administration). Collaborators will be compensated according to their productivity and commitment to the company.

1 Administrator $ 3,000.00

  • Collector or input of raw material $ 1,000.00 In the process $ 2,000.00

1 Biodiesel output charge $ 1,000.00


Fixed Costs: The following are considered:

  • Installation of the office, workshop, warehouse, factory or other facilities, Base salaries of contracted personnel, Benefit plans for personnel, Contracted maintenance plans, Contracted cleaning and security services, Contracted advertising, Insurance, Base charges for services utilities, such as electric power, gas, water and sewer, Basic charge for phone service or basic plan for a cell phone, Cost of Internet connection, Cost of a website, Tax on real estate and furniture, Licenses and permits, Depreciation and amortization and Financial expenses, such as interest on debt.

Fixed costs amounting to $ 70,000.00

Variable Costs: We will consider the following:

  • Raw materials and supplies, Freight, Leasing of machinery, equipment and tools for specific jobs, Fuel, Overtime of personnel, Temporary hired labor, Repairs and maintenance, Office supplies, Telephone calls,  Travel expenses and  Sales commissions.

Variable Costs amounting to: $ 130,000.00 + Complete Investments:

Fixed costs $ 70'000.00
Variable costs 130'000.00
Nissan vehicle 50'000.00
Production Plant Cost U $ 27'500.00 + 16% = U $ 31'900.00 370,678.00
Optional process to optimize process U $ 7'900.00 + 16% = U $ 9'164.00 106'485.00
Glycerin Distiller U $ 19'500.00 + 16% = U $ 22'620.00 262'864.00
$ 990'027.00 MXN


Plant for self-consumption.

EQUIPMENT Description: Biodiesel production plant in “bach” system or in batches.

Capacity: 200 Lts per batch. Process time 4 Hs. (1) Steel Reactor manufactured under ASME standards, which includes:

  • Fluid loading and unloading pipes. Recirculation inlet and outlet. Methanol outlet. Control valves. Over pressure safety valve. Pressure gauge. Temperature gauge. Oil dispenser. Biodiesel catalysis refining column. 100% stainless steel main screw pump, explosion-proof motor. Methanol recovery tank. Recovered methanol tank. Tank Measured chassis:

o Height: 3 mts o Width: 1.5 mts o Length: 3.6 mts.

  • Ski lift and access ladder.Electrical installation complete with elements, pipes and explosion-proof boxes.  Remote control to activate electrical systems. As the plant is presented, the first batch of 200 liters can be carried out in 6 hours.

From there, 1 batch is made every 4 hours.

  • Therefore, in continuous operation, 6 batches can be obtained per day, which means 1200 Lts / day.

For higher production, an extra chassis and corresponding connections can be ordered to increase decantation capacity.

With this additional equipment, daily production can be raised to 1800 Lts / day.

Plant Diagram for 1200 Lts / day

Price and description of the units:

Plant Value: USD 27,500 + VAT (US dollars - VAT 16%)


  • Methoxide pre-mixer.
    • Steel reaction tank. o Trap for sodium hydroxide. o 100% stainless steel screw pump. Explosion-proof motor. Control valves. o Chassis, measures: 3 meters x 1.5 meters x 1 meter. o Ski lift and access ladder. Complete electrical installation with elements, pipes and explosion-proof boxes. o Remote control to activate electrical systems.

Value: USD 7,900 + VAT (US dollars - VAT 16%)

  • Crude glycerin distiller (glycerol).
    • Steel reaction tank Acid dispenser 100% stainless steel screw pump. Explosion-proof motor. o Vacuum pump. o Control valves. Visualizer for manual control. o Heater 5 Kw o Chassis, measures: 3 meters x 1.5 meters x 1 meter. o Ski lift and access ladder. o Complete electrical installation with elements, pipes and explosion-proof boxes. Remote control for actuation of electrical systems.
    Optional: technical grade glycerin filter press.

Value Without filter: USD 15,000 + VAT (US dollars - VAT 16%)

Value With filter: USD 19,500 + VAT (US dollars - VAT 16%)

Auxiliary Equipment and recovery of Raw Material.

With our Auxiliary Equipment (Methoxide Pre-mixer, Methanol Re-concentrator and Methanol Recovery) you will be able to recover a high percentage of your raw materials), resulting in a lower cost of Biodiesel production.

With the Auxiliary Equipment Glycerin Distiller at 90% Purity, a refined by-product of high commercial value is obtained: Glycerin at 90% purity, with multiple applications in the agrochemical, paint and plastic industries, among others.


This can be made from virgin oils or oils already used such as in frying.

For example: The McDonald's chain in Mexico (Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mexico City metropolitan area) annually collects 1,100 tons of used frying oil in its 135 restaurants, all this used oil could be recycled by transesterifying it to fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel), whose fuel can then be used in public transport in cities.

The first process that is done for the manufacture of biodiesel of vegetable origin is the obtaining of the oil, this can be done in different methods.

The Traditional Method and the Modern Method

Traditional methods: they require several preliminary operations (grinding, peeling, peeling, etc.) after which the product is compacted as a paste and boiled in water, stirring until the oil separates.

Modern methods: include both milling and pressing on an industrial scale, in addition to oil extraction using a suitable solvent, usually hexane, which is the most efficient technique.

The process begins with the refining of vegetable oil, since it is normally necessary to reduce the content of water and fatty acids. Then this oil must be esterified through its reaction with methyl or ethyl alcohol in the presence of a catalyst that can be both sodium and potassium hydroxide. Obtaining the corresponding ester and two by-products, glycerin and potassium fertilizer. The glycerin obtained is normally for general use, but if you want to develop glycerin suitable for cosmetology, it must be reprocessed to obtain a purity of 95.5%. Other comprehensive processes, in addition to achieving the basic products mentioned above, additives, lubricants, solvents, cleaners, etc. are developed.

Obtaining biodiesel from rapeseed oil at home is relatively easy. 28.8% by weight of ethanol is added to the rapeseed oil, in the presence of 1% by weight in potassium hydroxide, it allows obtaining the fuel, for this it is only necessary to dissolve the catalyst in the alcohol, add the mixture to the oil and shake vigorously. After two hours and at room temperature, biodiesel has been produced, which is separated by decantation of the by-products since it is located first in the container where they are mixed.

The most used oils are:

  • SOYBEAN: worldwide, at present, it is the most important source of oil, although it is also widely consumed as grain and derivatives, due to its high protein content. an extremely hard shell. Palm oil is extracted from the pulp (the yield of a bunch ranges from 17 to 27%) while the almonds are also oleaginous, with an oil content of between 4 and 10%. GIRASOL: its seeds They are mainly valued for their oil content, although a small percentage of the total production is destined for direct consumption as human food. COLLA: The commercial value of oilseed rape basically resides in its oil content, (also called canola oil),with the exception that the oldest varieties are rich in erucic acid, considered unhealthy. COTTON: it is grown both for its fiber and for its seeds, which contain between 55 and 65% oil.

Every 100kg of oil we obtain according to its type an acceptable amount of BioDieSel:

Jatropha curc 62 liters
Palm 50 liters
Peanut 42 liters
Linen 42 liters
Rapeseed 37 liters
Palm 36 liters
Mustard 35 liters
32 liter striped sunflower
Soy 14 liters
Cotton 13 liters


Process diagram:

To produce you need:

  • 100 liters of edible oil22 liters of methanol5 - 5 gr. soda / liter of oil 20 liters of clean water for washing

Result of the base process:

  • 100 liters of biodiesel. 22 liters of raw glycerin sold to produce soap, paint or lubricants. 20 liters of waste water. (* Consider water treatment as part of social responsibility and reverse logistics)

Final Process of the BioDieSel SA de CV Company

Sale price

According to the analysis of different prices that consumers would be willing to pay to purchase One liter of BioDieSel, in:

 $ 7.50 as minimum sale price


Market Area: Orizaba Valley metropolitan area.
Potential market: 410,372 inh.

Used oil is a residue that is produced daily in most homes. A family of four is capable of generating between 18 and 24 liters of used oil per year. A traditional solution to get rid of this residue is to flush it down the drain.

556 lts. Oil must be collected.

Distribution channels: Manufacturer to Wholesaler / Final Consumer
Storage: Plastic drum type containers.

Stainless steel tank containers.

Presentation of the product: Stainless steel storage tanks.

The company plans to generate sales of $ 45,000.00 pesos per week with fixed costs of 25% of its sales and 30% of Variable costs, the installed capacity to produce, of the company is 6000 liters of BioDieSel per week and a utilization capacity of 5500 liters of BioDieSel.


It is the intensity level at which a plant must operate as a minimum in such a way that it allows observing both its fixed costs and the promotional part of variable costs, that is, the point at which there will be no loss or profit.

PE = Fixed Cost / (Profit Margin / Sales Price)

Balance Point = $ 11,250 / ($ 20,250 / $ 45,000) = $ 25,000.00

PEu = Vtas. at PE / Price of Vta.

Balance Point in Units = $ 25,000.00 / $ 7.50 = 3333.33 liters per week.

% UPE = PE Unit / Installed Capacity

Profit Percentage at Balance Point = 3333.33 / 5500 = 0.60 = 60%

% ProdR = Cap Used / Cap Installed

Percentage of the Real Production of the Period = 5500/6000 = 0.916 = 91%

PE_D = PEu / Days

Daily Balance Point in Units and Weights = 3333.33 / 6 = 555.55 liters per day.

Therefore: 555.55 liters per day x $ 7.50 = $ 4,166.66 per day.


Daily PE 4'166.66
PE Monthly 124'999.80

Given the above indicators, we can determine that in a period not exceeding 8 months, the investment will have been recovered, making it feasible and FEASIBLE to carry out this project.



The place where this project will be carried out will be only in the city of Nogales, Ver. Having an availability of land with a real location where the construction of the company proposed for this project can be conditioned:

Address: Central 35 A; Col. Vista Hermosa; Nogales, Ver.; CP 94720

Availability of space on the ground:

1st entrance view 2nd view from the back

Distribution plant.


With the creation of this company dedicated to the collection and transformation of edible oil used in biodiesel, it is expected to create jobs for the population of Orizaba and the Region, avoid contamination caused by this type of waste (edible oil), avoid drainage problems municipal, contribute to the municipal economy, create an ecological awareness in the population about the use of new fuels, obtain financial resources for those responsible for this project, among others.

Use of Biodiesel

Biodiesel can be used as:

  • Pure fuel (100% biodiesel, or B100), As a base-mix (with 20% biodiesel and the rest of gasoline, B20), As an additive of petroleum-derived fuels in proportions of 1 to 5% (B5)

Biodiesel Storage

Its transport and storage is safer than that of fossil origin, since it has a higher flash point. Pure biodiesel has a flash point of 148 ° C against the meager 51 ° C of gasoline.

In general, standard procedures for the storage and handling of petroleum diesel can be used for biodiesel. Fuel should be stored in a clean, dry, and dark environment. Acceptable materials for the storage tank include aluminum, steel, fluorinated polyethylene, fluorinated polypropylene, and Teflon. Copper, lead, tin, and zinc should be avoided.

Biodiesel suffers from a problem called oxidation if it remains stored for periods of more than six months. This means that the fuel will slowly oxidize over time unless an antioxidant additive is mixed into the fuel to prevent such a process from happening.

Industrial Security

Precautions when using Biodiesel for the first time.

Biodiesel has a solvent effect that can release accumulated deposits on the walls of the tank or in the pipes, belonging to previous diesel fuel, and precautions should be taken the first time the switch to Biodiesel is made. Release of deposits can clog filters initially and precautions must be taken to prevent these deposits from reaching the engine fuel filters.

Over time, Biodiesel will soften and degrade certain types of elastomers and natural rubber compounds used in older fuel pump hoses and seal systems. Precautions should be used when using high blending percentages to ensure that the existing fuel system in older engines does not contain elastomer compounds incompatible with biodiesel. Manufacturers recommend that butyl or natural gums do not come into contact with pure biodiesel, otherwise they will become sticky and dissolve.

Most vehicles built after 1994 have fully synthetic pipes and seals, so you won't experience this problem. Older vehicles will need to be supervised.

For engines that have never run on Biodiesel, it is advisable not to use pure biodiesel, but to apply it progressively.



  • It is a 100% vegetable and 100% biodegradable fuel, it is a renewable and inexhaustible energy, it does not generate toxic or dangerous waste. It complies with the Kyoto protocol, since it reduces atmospheric pollution by a high percentage. CO2 emissions are between 20 and 80% less than those produced by petroleum-derived fuels both in the biological cycle in their production and use. Likewise, sulfur dioxide emissions are reduced by almost 100%. On the other hand, the combustion of Biodiesel reduces the amount of total unburned hydrocarbons by 90%, and between 75-90% in aromatic hydrocarbons. benzene, or other carcinogenic aromatic substances (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Biodiesel, as a vegetable fuel, does not contain any harmful substance, nor harmful to health,unlike hydrocarbons, which have aromatic components and benzenes (carcinogens). The non-emission of these polluting substances reduces the risk of respiratory diseases and allergies

With the creation of this project it is intended to be able to help avoid contamination caused by the remains of cooking oil thrown by the sink into the municipal drainage network, which are the following:

  • Pollution of rivers and lakes or areas of unsolving municipal drainage. Soil contamination. Contamination of drinking water bodies. Difficult in the treatment of waste water.


We must seek our own identity, a raw material or a quality crude oil. We do not believe that algae is a panacea or magic bullet, nor do we believe that soy, sunflower or rapeseed. Neither are wind energy or hydrogen alone, much less oil: they are all alternatives that, in sum, we have them available so as not to be subject to dependencies or captivity caused by a single energy source.

From a social point of view, carrying out this project will present great advantages such as:

  • Generation of jobs. Creation of an ecological conscience in the population. Less pollution in rivers and areas near them. Avoid problems in municipal drainage caused by these pollutants.


  • With vegetable oils, it contributes significantly to sustainable energy supply, which allows reducing dependence on oil, increasing the security and diversity of supplies, as well as the socioeconomic development of the rural area (production of oilseeds for energy purposes). Using biodiesel can extend the life of engines because it has a high lubricating power and protects the engine reducing its wear and tear and maintenance costs. It is also important to highlight the detergent power of biodiesel, which keeps the driving and injection systems of the fuel circuit of the engines clean. Planting oilseeds for the creation of biodiesel has great advantages for the agricultural sector, even for unproductive lands,since they can be reused for the planting of oilseeds. It also collaborates in the promotion and development of indigenous crops such as sunflower.

In the economic sphere, the power to carry out would represent an economic contribution to the Orizaba region, this with the creation of direct and indirect jobs, cash flow in the region, presenting a cheaper alternative for the population in terms of fuel., which in a long time will be reflected in the pockets of customers.


  • http://www.biodisol.com/contactenos-comuniquese-con-nosotros-o-envienos-un-email/presentacion-de-planta-de-biodiesel-automatizada-g-tek-para-produccion-debiocombustibles-con- oils-of-fritters / http: //sepiensa.org.mx/contenidos/2006/biodiesel/biodiesel_1.htmhttp: //www.miliarium.com/monografias/Biocombustibles/Biodiesel/Biodiesel.asphttp: //www.biodiesel- com / biodiesel_casero.phphttp: //noticias.universia.cl/vida-universitaria/noticia/2008/11/12/299863/proyecto-biodieseluniversidad-frontera-presente-feria-cientifica-htmlhttp: //www.mging.com. ar / mini_plantas.htm (acquisition of the plant)
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Biodiesel, substitution of fossil fuels for renewables