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Brief diagnosis of the portal del sol hotel in the city of quevedo ecuador


Direct observation and interviews with the manager and employees of the hotel were used to diagnose the problems presented by the Hotel "Portal del Sol" and provide a quality stay to its clients. The strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities were determined and a poor administration was noticed by the owners who do not have knowledge or experience in this type of market. They have untrained staff to serve business tourists. It is suggested to hire an administrator specialized in Hospitality and Tourism, to carry out training to the personnel and to determine corresponding activities in an effective and efficient way.


Quevedo is located between the last Andean folds and the coastal plains, it is considered the fifth most important city in the country. It is characterized for being one of the most important river ports. In addition to having a variety of hotel chains, varied gastronomy, entertainment, among others. One of the hotel proposals that this city has is the Hotel “Portal del Sol” located on the outskirts of the city, where its beautiful landscape and welcoming climate stand out, allowing tourists to enjoy a variety of species of ornamental plants and agricultural. This project makes this site known as an excellent tourist alternative that currently presents administrative problems and tourist services that are affecting the profitability of the hotel, which were detected in the investigation carried out, for which the appropriate proposals were offered in order to provide quality services and meet the company's goal to be located within the local market as the best hotel option and with both regional and national tourists satisfied and willing to return and enjoy its services.


The methodology used to carry out this research was based on three methods, the same as detailed below: Direct observation, interview with the administrator and employees of the hotel, and bibliographic compilation.

SWOT determination

Strengths: Little competition in the border area, natural environment, gastronomy, traditions, especially agricultural trade in great development, wider and more varied offer.

Opportunities: Geography (great natural and scenic wealth), rural tourism is very fashionable at the moment, urban areas are overcrowded.

Weaknesses: Little complementary offer, poorly qualified personnel, little diffusion of services (marketing).

Threats: Access, geographical location, remoteness of the issuing market, shortage of personnel, poor organization.

Business objectives:

Improve tourist services

Being leaders in the local area

Company strategies:

Expand the information of the company and its environment in the different advertising media

Improve company marketing

Promotions in high and low seasons

Planning and organization analysis

Types of Services: Provides an accommodation activity that attends 24 hours a day, with swimming pool services, rooms for social and work events, etc. It is aimed at a medium-high economic market.

Direction or Administration: This administration is in charge of the Palacios family, accompanied by two successors such as the administrative and management areas.


The company has a number of 35 rooms, for a capacity of 100 people (pax), divided into: Single: 22 rooms, Double: 3 rooms, Triple: 3 room, Quintuple: 2 rooms, Matrimonial: 4 rooms and Suite: one.

The Hotel has a bar, cabins, sports fields, swimming pools for children and adults, kids area, green areas, spa, Jacuzzi, meeting rooms, parking spaces. It also has the large PORTAL DEL SOL room with capacity for 250 people and EL SALON DEL SOL for 60 people.


Deficit in the administrative management and control of the Hotel Portal del Sol. The owners are in charge of the basic administration of the hotel, without being specialists. Lack of accounting organization. There are no detailed records of the income, expenses, profit of the company. Waste of physical, economic and natural capacities, for lack of a promotional dissemination plan for it. Lack of trained and specialized personnel for the work carried out in this type of company. The hotel does not record a plan for employee participation and activities.


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Brief diagnosis of the portal del sol hotel in the city of quevedo ecuador