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How to acquire a vision for your business


Do you have a vision for your business? If the goal for your business does not go beyond "seeing how far you can go," it will not go very far. By acquiring a vision for your business, you are the one who determines where you want to go. Discover a powerful way to acquire a vision for your business.

It is a fact: without vision there is no provision. Before starting a business, it is essential to be clear about where you want to go.

Although it seems obvious, many people skip this important step when starting their businesses. They only have a vague idea of ​​what they want to achieve and the hope that their management will be successful. They look from their present condition to an uncertain future.

Think back

To gain a vision for your business, you have to learn to think backward, not forward, like most people.

When starting with a business idea, most people look at the resources at hand and design their business according to their current circumstances. This way of thinking is very limiting, since it does not consider the growth factor that is intrinsic to any undertaking.

It is much better to think back to front. The wise entrepreneur determines where he wants to go, sets goals, and then devises a plan to achieve his vision.

Think big

When acquiring a vision for your business, it is very important that you think big. Don't limit yourself by the resources you currently have in your hands. Think about what your business could be like if you did NOT have such limitations.

The best way to enlarge our vision is to get closer to our Creator. He will be able to guide us along a path that goes beyond our human limitations.

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts more than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55: 9).

God is going to teach you to think big. For him, his life is a work of art:

"Because we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared for us to walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10).

The word Made in Greek is poem, which means a work of art.

Don't be afraid to think big. Remember that the vision of your venture will determine how far you will go.

Write down your vision

"Write the vision, and declare it on tables, so that whoever reads it may run. Although the vision will still take time, but in the end it will speak, and it will not lie: although it takes, wait for it, it will surely come; it will not take long ”(Habakkuk 2: 2,3).

Once you have a clear vision for your business, it is important to write it down so that you can review it during difficult times. When faced with unexpected obstacles, you will have to be able to make the necessary adjustments to keep your business on the path you initially chose.

It is also important to write down the vision to motivate the other people who work with you in your venture.

Above all, gain wisdom

Having a lot of knowledge and skills is not enough. The success of your business will depend on how you apply that knowledge and how you use your experiences and skills. For that you will need to be very wise.

When starting a business, many things can go wrong. Even success itself can negatively affect other areas of your life. That is why it is essential to have a good spiritual development when acquiring a vision for your business.

In the Bible it says:

"It is the blessing of God that enriches, And does not add sadness to it" (Proverbs 10:22).

God wants you to be successful in life. And their plans are not small. He thinks big and will help you gain great insight for your business.

How to acquire a vision for your business