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How to make sure your business doesn't fail before you start


Have you ever wondered if there is anything you can do to make sure your business doesn't fail? There are people who write to me to ask me just that, they want to start a business and be sure that they will do well. It is normal to want your business to work well (and if it is from the beginning much better, right?) And there are certain things you can do to get off to a good start, but you have to be clear about two details:

  1. Absolutely no one can assure you if your business is going to succeed or not. You can make assumptions, you can do market research, you can do everything in your power to try, but being 100% sure is impossible. Unless you have a crystal ball and can read the future. It is so and it is so for everyone. That does not mean that you cannot do anything at all, below I will give you some recommendations. It is time to change the mindset about failure. What is it for you that your business fails? I've already mentioned in other articles that if you really want a business, there has to be a more powerful reason than just making money, for example. Because having a business is very enriching and also very hard, you work hard and if the only thing that motivates you is money, at the first change you will abandon,as soon as you don't have the income you want. If you want your business to succeed, the mentality is to decide that you are going to do whatever it takes to succeed and that, if in the end it does not go as you wanted, then you start again. That is the question, wanting to have a business so much that you do not consider not having it as an option. If your first idea goes well and if not, you change whatever and try again. So yes, you will have more opportunities for your business not to fail because you will get up as many times as necessary.you change whatever and try again. So yes, you will have more opportunities for your business not to fail because you will get up as many times as necessary.you change whatever and try again. So yes, you will have more opportunities for your business not to fail because you will get up as many times as necessary.

Here also enters your concept of failure. Making mistakes is not failure, that your business does not go right the first time is not failure. Actually, you decide what it means to fail, but have one clear thing that your concept of failure is not "not getting benefits in the first months" or "that it does not turn out exactly as I want the first time", because then yes, it is easy for you to fail. If you ask me what it would be to fail, my answer is that I don't know because I'm not going to stop to think about a definition.

I know, it is not easy. No one has said that it was and, in fact, not only is it not easy but it can be very hard, that's why you have to want to succeed at all costs, making whatever adjustments are necessary.

So is there anything you can do? Yes, of course, it's not that you have to sit idly by, there are at least two things you can start doing right now:

  • Make sure you have a cheap mattress for the first few months (and if it's for at least one year better than better). Be it your savings, continue with your work, the financial support of your partner, a credit… This is essential, if you will not start already stressed and when you are financially burdened you do not make the best decisions about your business, especially in what to invest It refers to it and yes, if you want a business you have to invest in it, it is not the first time that I say it. So if money is your biggest concern, what are you going to do about it? Complaining and regretting are not options to move your business forward. Be realistic and seek help if you don't know how to start. This is something that can save you time, energy, disappointments and yes, also money. Having the guidance of someone who is where you want to be.That has been the most important factor in my business, which was a before and after. And about being realistic, you hear so much about thinking big that sometimes we get crazy and want to have an empire before we even started. Step by step you will reach your destination, which does not mean that from time to time you can take a big leap and go further, but being realistic.

You were probably looking for a list of 10 recommendations to make sure your business doesn't fail, but it would be neither realistic nor true, at least in my opinion. So after reading this, what are you going to do?

How to make sure your business doesn't fail before you start