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Global warming and protection of the environment. opinion

Table of contents:


1. Our mother Planet Earth.

A good friend, university colleague and professor at UPC, he commented to me in an informal conversation at the doctoral graduation ceremony, that our mother earth, as the most beloved beloved, that we human beings had to treat her with a lot of loving care and sweetness, Well, if not, and although she is a patient, she can get sick from falling out of love, and then she starts to have a fever due to the effects of temperature and she gets angry, and in this feverish process she develops uncontrollable psycho-natural fury symptoms.

2. External agents

The external agents that cause the disease are different and varied among them and one of the most important polluting gases, produced by automobiles and internal exploitation of non-ecological industrial equipment and machines.

They produce pollution in the protective layers of our planet, degenerating it negatively, producing a greenhouse effect, among other negative symptoms for flora and fauna, quality of life for animals and humans, such as rain contaminated by toxic agents and deterioration of the quality of oxygen that beings humans breathe essential for life and its quality.

3. Greenhouse effect

When there are negative circumstances in the environmental quality due to the pollution effect and gas contamination not compatible with the protective ring of heat radiation from the sun in addition to ultraviolet rays and this environmental pathology persists for years and years and in a geometric progression, the thickness of the ring shrinks and your piercing may occur.

The negative consequences for our mother earth are negative, very negative and for its inhabitants, human beings too.

Cycles of climate change happen and temperature increases increase in summer, winters are shorter, less cold and summers are longer and with higher temperatures.

This negatively complicates risk factors in Central American and Mediterranean areas and climates, due to environmental dryness and decreased environmental humidity, fire risks increase by 17% and the possibility of rainfall in southern European peninsulas declines in alarming proportions, increasing due to dryness and evaporation and lack of rain, the flow of rivers, water quality, both fluvial and inland reserves, promoting its rot, causing deaths in flora and fauna and possible public health risks due to mixtures of contaminated waters in springs and sources. natural, with the risk of pathogenic virus contamination, such as the one that produces what we call stomach worm, which if not detected in time produces irremediable death.

The temperature of the waters of the seas increases the currents and magnetic fluxes They undergo alterations enhancing the energetic force factor in the centers of gravity producing very serious natural disasters that if it were not for the influence of the temperature of the water that energetically feeds more the more temperature It has water and if we could lower the temperature of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, which is in the summer between 31-32 degrees to 26, a hurricane would never go from force 1 at most force 2 with what this implies.

Strong tropical storms can even occur hurricanes of medium power in places where the phenomenon never occurred.

The quality of the air that is breathed, especially in summer when these circumstances occur, often exceeds the limits allowed by legislation.

Those responsible for the Environment of all the governments of our mother earth know this more than fifteen years ago by the reports of the scientists and the environmental studies carried out by Doctors of Environmental Sciences and more recently the one carried out with international participation and controlled from England.

The recommendations given by the scientists were not complied with, on the contrary, they were ignored and continued to contaminate, but more.

It is a little late to cure the disease that our mother earth has and that the human beings who inhabit this planet have infected her.

4. Remedies to mitigate the disease of our mother earth and her protective cloak.

Lower the harmful gases produced by cars around the world, but above all in Spain, moving to Hydrogen Technology, less production of cars running on gasoline or diesel

Establish infrastructures for the hydrogen-powered car, so that you can buy hydrogen-powered cars in Spain and liquid hydrogen dispensers to fill your tank.

To lower the use of energy from oil, to promote and subsidize, by promoting the use of alternative energies, since we know their method and technique. knows the technique.

Promote good ways of using and consuming energy and the devices that work thanks to them. And a long etc.

Dear friends and fellow human beings of our dear mother planet, we have her sick

Governments and Ministers of the Environment around the world know about the environmental illness that our mother suffers from….

Share hopes for improvement and let's treat our mother earth to improve her illness.

We human beings who live on this planet called earth owe it to them.

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Global warming and protection of the environment. opinion