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Characteristics of entrepreneurs for good management

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Today many businesses (many more than in previous decades) are in the hands of "entrepreneurs." Every year, thousands of individuals launch into the waters of new personal projects and for this they are recommended to consider a series of skills and characteristics that should not be omitted in order to be successful and achieve their goals.

But, what about those who do not jump into their personal projects but who have in their hands the direction of great companies, the employment and development of hundreds of people, the creation and production of goods and services that millions of families consume. ? Certainly, these positions are no less important, and these skills and qualities apply well to these leaders and managers as well.

David McClelland is an American psychologist who studied and theorized about needs and management. He published a series of works among which stands out "The 10 characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior".

While it is true that an Entrepreneur should have some other skills or, better said, habits to achieve their business, I do not believe that a Manager should miss any opportunity to acquire and celebrate the skills of an Entrepreneur.

The Entrepreneur has Achievement Needs and that is why:

1. It is persistent: that means that it feels protagonist and does everything it considers necessary to achieve its goals and objectives, persevering and changing strategy when obstacles arise or when the above does not seem to work.

2. Look for opportunities: he is proactive and finds challenges and solution alternatives where others only see problems.

3. Take calculated risks: evaluate alternatives, calculate risks, seek to minimize them and control situations. But you risk it.

4. It demands efficiency and quality: it seeks to do things better, faster or cheaper, it works for excellence.

5. It fulfills its commitments: it strives to finish its work on time, collaborates with its team, seeks the satisfaction of its clients and values ​​long-term results over short-term ones.

The Entrepreneur has Planning Needs and that is why:

6. Plan systematically: break large activities down into tasks, plan them with due dates, review your plans periodically, keep records, and use them to make decisions.

7. Seek information: research and consult experts when you need it.

8. Set goals: seeks a clear and precise long-term vision, moves towards it through setting goals and objectives, and measures them to ensure compliance.

The Entrepreneur has Power Needs and that is why:

9. Is persuasive and builds support networks: influences and persuades others, develops and maintains their network

10. He has self-confidence and is independent: he is autonomous, self-determined (he feels responsible for the things that happen to him) and expresses confidence in his abilities to face challenges.

Which of these characteristics do not seem to be applicable to a manager? What if you were a manager who lacked any of these qualities?

Becoming an entrepreneur in managerial waters, even when it is a corporate project, is an excellent idea to enhance professional development, given that these skills are what will make a difference.

Characteristics of entrepreneurs for good management