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Ergonomic and working conditions in the sterilization process

Table of contents:


The present work was carried out in a Research Laboratory in which diagnoses of diseases are made. The laboratory has a total of six functional work areas, these are: anatomy and pathology responsible for the necropsy of the animal and the presumptive diagnosis; as well as the areas that carry out a confirmatory diagnosis such as serology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, epizootiology.

This work focuses on the study of the interaction of people with the work objects with which they come into contact, hence we can provide information that helps other specialists with other knowledge to make decisions about the design of these objects, improving the ease of use of the products they develop. With these studies we can contribute to producing products that are safer or easier to use, generating better procedures to carry out certain tasks.

In 1940, the British psychologist Hywel Murrell joined the Greek terms ergon (work) and nomia (knowledge) to give it the name of ergonomics, a science that dates back to prehistoric times, when men seeking to improve efficiency shaped their weapons and work tools to improve them.


Ergonomics is currently defined as:

The application of the biological sciences of man, together with the engineering sciences, to achieve the optimal mutual adaptation of man and his work, measuring the benefits in terms of man's efficiency and well-being (ISO, 1961)

The consideration of human beings in the design of objects, media and environment produced by man himself. (Mc. Cormick, 1976)


  1. Inadequate working method in the operations of the sterilization area. Inadequate design of the workstation for the scrubbing operation of glassware. Inappropriate microclimatic conditions in the sterilization department.


  1. Offer a workstation design solution to improve productive performance. Facilitate the optimization of spaces, and the economy of movements and operations. Improve the microclimatic conditions of the sterilization department.


The main methods and techniques used in the development of this work will be: Interviews, direct observations, bimanual and route diagrams, ergonomic and psychometric design techniques.



  1. Improper working method in sterilization area operations

Current methods of activity in the workplace were recorded in bimanual diagrams; proving that there is no uniform method of work in the assistant who works in the sterilization department; Since you don't do the activity the same way every time, this is not a bad thing, but it does complicate the way any type of measurement can be done.

  1. Inadequate design of the workstation for the operation of scrubbing the glassware.

The technical assistant position has a 4m² plateau and three sinks, a sterilization oven and two autoclaves, the operation she performs is manual and standing; it begins when the assistant goes through the different areas in search of the glassware to be sterilized.

Through direct observations, it was possible to verify the bad design of the workstation, in which the operator remains all day on his feet, since there is no seat design for this activity. Even the plateau design is not the most suitable; since the operator to be given a seat could not put her feet in it when presenting doors.

  1. Inadequate microclimatic conditions of the sterilization department

In the premises of the auxiliary there is a sterilization oven which generates heat. To this we could say that two forms of heat propagation are clearly manifested:

  • Convection heat exchange

It means the heat exchange between the air and the worker's skin; If the air has a temperature higher than that of the skin, the former will transmit part of its heat to man. If, on the contrary, it is the skin that has more temperature than air, man will lose heat by convection.

  • Heat exchange by radiation

It consists of yielding or gaining heat, to or from the surfaces that surround man. If the surfaces have a higher temperature than the man's skin, it will gain heat from radiation; If, on the contrary, it is the skin of man that has a higher temperature than that of the surface that surrounds it, it will be man who will give up heat by radiation. And this does not depend on air, so it is absurd to try to counteract radiation by ventilation.

From here we evaluate the microclimatic conditions through the thermal balance equation. ISC = E req / E. Max x 100 and psychometric measurements were taken.


The Route Diagram or OTIDA in plan, reflects the path of the work object, allowing a spatial or distribution plan view indicating areas, positions, equipment and construction divisions, where it can be seen in the details that the flow or process from supply to distribution through the production or service process itself. (Cuesta, 2005)

The Travel Diagram made to scale, allows to analyze the distances of the current routes, their times and the contrasts with those projected, so that due to their optimization, costs can be reduced for personnel, positions, areas and working conditions related to luminaires, fans, etc. (Cuesta, 2005).


Current route diagram

Distance between current jobs

0 Temporary warehouse 0-1 = 200m 2-6 = 110m

1-6 Departments 1-2 = 100m 3-6 = 120m

1-3 = 110m 4-6 = 510m

1-4 = 500m 5-6 = 515m

1-5 = 505 m

Total = 1,415 m = 1.4 km Total = 1,255 m = 1.2 km


Proposed route diagram

Distance between the proposed jobs

0-1 = 200m 2-6 = 3m 7-3 = 20m

Warehouse 1-2 = 3m 3-6 = 6m

1-5 Departments 1-3 = 6m 4-6 = 9m

Embryo cubicle 1-4 = 9m 5-6 = 12m

1-5 = 12m

Total 230 m = 0.23 km Total = 30 m = 0.03 km Total = 20 m

With the proposed route diagram, it would be possible to improve the distribution of the research object, allowing a shorter distance between the areas, a greater relationship between the jobs and the work teams, as well as a strong impact on the execution times of the operations. This would finally contribute to a better optimization of the time and operations resources, generating lower costs for personnel, positions and areas.

Two-hand diagram or analysis of the operation. It is a diagram in which the activity of the operator's hands or extremities is indicated, indicating the relationship between them. It is mainly used in repetitive operations and indicates the succession of events showing the hands and sometimes the feet of the operator and their relationship and may or may not be against a time scale. The symbols of the simultaneous movements will face each other.

Aspects to consider in the preparation of the bimanual diagram

1.It will have a model that includes:

  • Space with the usual information. Space for the sketch of the workplace and the devices and tools. Space for movements of both hands. Space for a summary of movements of the current and proposed method.

2. Study several cycles before beginning annotations.

3.Register one hand each time.

4. Record a few symbols at a time.

5. Record the actions in the same line only when they are simultaneous.

6.Successive actions will be placed in different lines.

7. Make sure to record everything the operator does and avoid combining activities.

CURRENT BIMANUAL DIAGRAM: Sterilization Department

Current Bimanual Diagram


Operations ………………….35 …………………..30

Transportation …………………… 45 …………………..45

Sustaining ………………..26 ………………….26

Inspections ………………… 15 ………………….15

TOTALS ……………………..121 min ………… 116 min

PROPOSED BIMANUAL DIAGRAM: Sterilization Department

Proposed Bimanual Diagram


Operations ……………………… 30 ……………….30

Transportation ………………………….0 ………………..0

Sustaining …………………… 16 ……………….16

Inspections ……………………..5 ………………..5

TOTALS ………………………….51 min ………..51 min

The result that was achieved was an economy of movements, since both hands begin and end their movements at the same time, the two hands do not remain inactive, the movements of the arms are made simultaneously in opposite and symmetrical directions, the least number is used of possible elements, a classification was made in ascending order of time and effort required as: finger movements, finger and wrist movements, finger movements, wrists and forearms, finger movements, wrists, forearms and arms, finger movements, wrists, forearms, arms and the whole body, movements that were zig zag or in a straight line were eliminated with sudden and repetitive changes of direction due to smooth and continuous movements of the hands, allowing an easy and natural rhythm.


It is the science that studies the dimensions of the human body, the knowledge and techniques to carry out the measurements, as well as their statistical treatment.

Technical assistant ………………………………………… Units / mm

  1. Maximum arm reach Minimum arm reach Seated eye height Seated elbow height ………………………… 242.0 Thigh height …………………………………..178.0 Subscapular height ………… …………………… 412.0 Height of the seated knee …………………….324.0 Popliteal height ……………………………………..425.0 Popliteal sacrum length ………… ……………… 563.0 Sacral Patella Length …………………………… 512.0 Thigh Length Sitting Hip Width ……………….421.0 Elbow to Elbow Width

Obtaining the following result:

Sterilization ergonomics

In this way, the assistant can carry out her scrubbing activity without presenting problems arising from bad postures in the future. Creating a chair designed with ergonomic criteria is essential to avoid physical disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, low back pain or circulation problems. This chair can be adjusted to the measurements of each person, to offer maximum support and comfort.


The factors analyzed were air temperature, wet bulb temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, radiation, and balloon temperature.

Technical assistant


Height Weight Kg Th ˚c Ta


Tg ˚ct It goes esteem Hr% M TMR


R C Ereq Emax ISC
1.58 60 25.2 twenty 30 5 57 164.55 65 132 -241.96 54.59 515.48 10.59

ISC = Low

Work intensity = High

Microclimate evaluation = critical

For an air speed of 5 meters per second


M = 260 w / 1.58 = 164.55 w / m²



C = 4.6 Va (ts -35)


C = 4.6 (5) (15 - 35)

C = 4.6 (2.63) (-20)

C = - 241.96 w / m²


4 4 8

(TMR - 273) = (tg + 273) + 1.4 √Va (tg - ts) 10

4 4 8

(TMR - 273) = (30 + 273) + (1.4 * √5 * (30 - 15) 10

4 4 8

(TMR - 273) = (303) + (1.4 * 2.24 * 15) 10

4 8 8

(TMR - 273) = 84.2 * 10 + 47.04 * 10

4 8

(TMR - 273) = 131.24 * 10

4 8

(TMR - 273) = √ 131.24 * 10


(TMR - 273) = 3.38 * 10 ·

TMR = 338 - 273 = 65 C


R = 4.4 (TMR -35)

R = 4.4 (65 -35)

R = 4.4 (30)

R = 132 W / m


Ereq = M + R + C

Ereq = 164.55 w / m² + 132 w / m² - 241.96 w / m²

Ereq = 54.59 w / m²



Emax = 7 Va (56 - Pva) ≤ 390 w / m² Pva = 2.8Kpa * 10 = 28 hpa

Emax = 7 (2.63) (56-28) ≤ 390 w / m²

Emax = 7 (2.63) (28) ≤ 390 w / m²

Emax = 515.48 w / m²> 390 w / m²


ISC = 54.59 w / m² / 515.48 w / m² = 10.59 <100 low


Improving the efficiency of research results is extremely important, since it would contribute to improving the speed of response of these institutions to production centers, and we are not referring to the quality of the research, but rather to the speed of decision-making., which is also an aspect that concerns quality

In the work, an analysis of the problem was carried out in one area, detecting the main factors that prevent an improvement in efficiency, for its solution, studies of the paths of the work object, studies of economy of movements, anthropometry and work microclimate were carried out.

The analysis of the situation showed in the first place that the center should be modified, constructing a small building, which would improve the distribution of the work object and with them the distance between the areas would be shorter and the execution times of the operations would be reduced..

The analysis of the situation of the technical assistant's job showed in the first place that a seat should be designed to prevent it from standing for eight hours, as well as having mobility in relation to objects, secondly Instead, the economy of movement should be improved, seeking that both hands begin and end their movements at the same time, that both hands do not remain inactive and that as few elements as possible are used in the work.

Another important question is regarding the microclimate; since when analyzing the temperature of the premises it was concluded that it is not high and this would improve with an air speed of 5 meters per second, which would bring an improvement in thermal exchange by convection.

It could also emerge as a microclimatic solution to make the conditions much more favorable: place an air conditioner, or instead place an extractor, and still as a last solution decrease the air temperature that is a consequence of the oven, while increasing speed up the air using artificial ventilation and try to ease the intensity of your physical work.


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Ergonomic and working conditions in the sterilization process