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Knowledge of the situational environment and the 5f

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You know your work, business, departmental, organizational, and family environment. You have thought that there are factors that you consider to be not important but that can make a big difference. Identifying these factors is the beginning of the differentiation of your company or work..

For a Company to obtain a differentiation, it must remain vigilant, and be permanently tracking the changes that occur in its environment. You also have to be agile and dynamic to alter your strategies and plans when the need arises.

Situational environment

To analyze the environment of a company, department or areas, it is necessary to know the past, present and future events of an organization which will allow us to generate a process of differentiation. The 5 F allows us to know the situational environment focused on people.

  • External factors.- Individuals who are directly or indirectly related to the company which will serve for the differentiation to take place in a competitive market, we can mention suppliers, clients, consultants, etc. Internal factors.- The behaviors of people are observed by the management of the company and the middle management, as the company grows, management must value staff more. Sometimes workers are not satisfied with the activities they carry out in the organization, so it is important to know what is happening within the organization to apply differentiation strategies. Past Factor.- It is important to consider what happened previously within the company since through past information future activities can be determined. From this information can be learned by all those who enter the company or those who do not know much about it, it is necessary to create a blog. Current Factor. - All the resources that the Company has, such as infrastructure, human, operational, financial, services, products, etc., as well as all the information of the competition, thus allowing us to know the current moment in which the company is developing. Future Factor.- Project to facilitate the planning of the company in the operational, financial, human resources, sales, new customers etc. Where are we going? differentiation in the future is important.

Analyzing the Situational Environment

The F's"






External factors
Internal factors
Past Factor
Current Factor
Future Factor
Knowledge of the situational environment and the 5f