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Learn why your people quit

Finding the causes that cause a worker to resign is an important task for a company if it wants to improve those aspects that discourage its employees.

We have always believed that an interview is used exclusively when someone is going to join a company. In many companies, this is used in the opposite case, that is, when someone is preparing to leave her post. But… for what or why.

When you are experiencing a critical desertion problem in a company, trying to raise wages or promise employees heaven and earth are not the most appropriate measures to retain them. It is necessary to investigate more deeply what is really happening and what corrective measures are going to be taken so that the phenomenon does not continue to occur.

The companies that use this research method the most are those that have high turnover rates. With the exit interview, the causes of the withdrawal can be known in order to propose alternatives regarding issues such as personnel management and supervision, motivation and the work environment that is being offered.

It is important that these interviews are done with people who have decided to retire voluntarily, a dismissed worker should not be the subject of these, it is also essential to create a climate of trust for the outgoing worker so that the talk flows smoothly, always avoiding falling into excessive comments when the interviewee's responses speak poorly of the company or any of the officials.

Trust, kindness and impartiality, pillars in a company exit interview

The great cause of most workplace abandonments has to do with the mismanagement of a boss or supervisor, with the way people are treated or with the bad environment generated either by a superior or by themselves. office mates.

There are many questions that can be deciphered through this interview. It can be investigated about the satisfaction that the employee had in his workplace, the way in which he felt directed, the expectations, achievements or experiences that he had or acquired and the perspectives that he has of the new job that the previous one did not provide or did to a lesser extent.

You should also inquire about the salary conditions in the new job, how incentives or bonuses are now handled, since with this you can determine what is failing in that sense and thus you can take the necessary corrections to improve and avoid future defections.

In the same way you can ask, how did you find out about the new job and the main reasons for leaving the company. All this must be done very tactfully so that all the answers are sincere and help in a possible study that leads to determining pros and cons regarding the way in which relationships are being managed within the organization.

The important thing is that the company takes all this information, processes it and decides what to change or not. An exit interview is useless if all the data is accumulated on deaf ears and no important conclusions are drawn. In addition, it is always good to continue in contact with the person who is leaving since in the future they may be needed or vice versa.

Confidence and fairness on one side and the other are very important in such an interview. What is sought is to determine possible flaws and not find justifications or make reproaches where neither the company nor the employee can agree and instead of building, the links between organization and work are totally destroyed

Learn why your people quit