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The rise of the Spanish language and its impact on internet businesses


Have you been thinking about generating income from your home with an Internet business? Well it has come at the best time! The Spanish language is undergoing a huge expansion around the world and the best way to reach these Spanish-speaking people is through a web business. Learn about the dizzying rise of the Spanish language and the future implications this has on your Internet business.

I was recently traveling in the United States and, for the first time, I was very struck by the large amount of Spanish I heard. I was used to this in cities like Miami, which traditionally have a great Latino influence, but I was amazed while traveling through Chicago and listening to Spanish everywhere!

In the Shuttle service at my hotel, the predominant language was Spanish, the maids were Mexican, the announcements at the airport were in Spanish, apart from English, and even the shopping malls were full of Spanish-speaking people.

And the US is not an isolated case. It seems that the Spanish language is spreading at great speed throughout the world!

According to Professor José Luis García Delgado, one of the authors of the report " The economic value of Spanish ", which was presented in early December 2011 at the Instituto Cervantes in New York, Spanish is already a second language in the United States.

Furthermore, in Brazil his teaching in the educational system has official support. In Europe, it is already a second foreign language, and in Asia, it has had a rapid increase due to the great demand for Spanish in China.

According to the report, Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world. It is also the only one of the great international languages ​​that today has a common dictionary, spelling and grammar.

85% of Spanish speakers are concentrated in America. The largest number of native Spanish speakers outside the Hispanic domain is the United States, which is the fourth country in the world by number of Spanish speakers, behind Mexico, Colombia and Spain, with nearly 50 million people.

What economic implications does this dizzying expansion of the Spanish language have?

According to Delgado, « The Spanish language is a powerful driver of commercial exchanges between Spanish-speaking countries. It is a tool used by 450 million people worldwide. »

And, according to the study, having a common language multiplies by four the commercial exchanges between the Spanish-speaking countries and by seven the investments.

Apparently, the great rise of the Spanish language cannot go unnoticed in the business world.

In the specific case of Internet business, it is also great news. The available market is growing rapidly and the Spanish language is increasingly gaining influence around the world.

It's time to take action, to join the myriad of entrepreneurs who are already using this powerful tool to reach the world with their products and services.

The rise of the Spanish language and its impact on internet businesses