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Character, an essential requirement for every leader

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"Character, an essential requirement for every leader."

"It won't be the bland leaders who lead him to success, it takes character to get to the top."

"Leadership is a powerful combination of strategy and character, but if one of these two components should be missing, let it be the Strategy."

In frequent meetings that I have with various executives from multiple organizations, I always hear that they suffer a lot when it comes to solving imponderables that arise in the course of their operations.

If you are someone who wants to endure pain permanently before making good decisions, attached to your scale of values ​​in the company, then do not complain. Know that you have become a leader who lacks CHARACTER.

Why talk about character in leadership?

Every leader knows that it is necessary to pay a price for reaching their maximum potential and even more so to put it at the service of others. Nothing is easy and nothing comes without a price for which you must pay. Making a service-oriented team, Aligning an organization so that it exercises a higher level of service than its clients, also requires aligning the minds of the people who collaborate in it so that they can live in CONGRUENCE with the business vision, and this requires.

Leaders Character!

In order to translate your vision into reality, it is necessary to have a high level of trust, because trust is the Foundation of Leadership, and this also has to do with the exercise of Decision Making.

I often see leaders in different organizations who report having gained enough confidence to not even doubt their capabilities, but when they are tested by life, on sensitive issues, I reluctantly see how many of these fall apart, before make a decision for the benefit of your team members or even your customers.

Why a Leader requires having Character ?.

Firstly, it is important to point out that Character communicates Coherence, because in daily life you cannot count on leaders without inner strength, it is they who have the obligation to ensure that the members of their teams have enough confidence in them so that they can deploy its potential.

They trust you and if they don't know what to expect from your performance level, they will soon stop looking for you to direct them.

Secondly, it must be known that Character communicates Potential and when the leader has character, he generates sufficient confidence in the team and gains the credibility of its members.

No man can ascend beyond the limitations of his character! Only men with character are prepared for life's most complex challenges and have the courage to face them face to face. Prepare then for the unexpected and earn the respect of your people by staying firm in your goals of customer satisfaction, in fair treatment of your people, in questioning your boss.

"Leadership comes from within people and facing yourself is the strongest test you will have in your life to show character."

Third, I confirm that Character communicates Respect, and this is a fundamental value that the leader requires in order to get his people to follow him closed eyes.

If you require that your collaborators respect you, do not fail them, do not be weak in front of them, otherwise you will never have them on your side. On many occasions I hear many executives say that their people do not display commitment and the great response has to do with their lack of character, it is a reality.

Finally, Character communicates Wisdom. People follow people they know, because they learn from them and it is necessarily what we all seek in our growth process. If your team members see that you are someone you know, it will surely inspire respect and trust. If not, forget it, your leadership is lost.

Do not let the relationship of trust with your team members end for any reason, or even diminish. You are one step in your leadership growth process and therefore you must trust yourself to unlock your potential.

Remember that the exercise of leadership begins in the will to change in people and this is where you must confront your fears, paradigms and dark thoughts to give clarity to your life. The light is within everyone's reach, but we certainly all require a push towards success.

Hence, the assertion that "Talent is never Enough" is a reality, because CHARACTER is required to unleash the Leader that we all carry inside.

“The character of the leader is essential to achieve the confidence of the members of his team. Without him, really anyone who boasts of a leader will have no followers ”,“ Invest in their training ”. Jorge A. Arias.

Character, an essential requirement for every leader