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Kundalini yoga: a quick resource at your fingertips

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There are several types of Yoga, Kundalini Yoga is an excellent "quick" resource to solve stress, anxiety and depression. In one session you achieve flexibility and peace of mind, you listen to soft and deep music, without distractions, practicing in silence.

In addition, yoga is intimately linked with relaxation and meditation. One of the most effective techniques to solve stress is relaxation, it has several functions: Rejuvenate, Integration of a new pattern after an old one has been broken. Just like Meditation, which is to be able to clean your mind, is to be aware, it is to free yourself from suffering.

There are several types of yoga and there are some that we can consider as "slow" and only seek perfection in posture; on the other hand there are variants such as Kundalini Yoga, which we could classify as "fast". Neither type is actually better, they are just different and they all have benefits.

A Yoga Session:

This practice does not have to do with religion or following forced forms of learning, it is something more profound and fluid; each student must go at their own pace, without forcing themselves beyond what their body allows.

I made a comparison that has made clear to me the benefits that yoga has as a physical and spiritual exercise. For example, going to a gym involves being on a machine doing a series of repetitions in order to have more body mass and be strong. You are generally listening to not very pleasant music, sometimes waiting to use a machine, with an instructor who is not interested in you and with the possibility of injuring yourself, as you find yourself working beyond the limits of your muscles. On the other hand, in a yoga session you seek flexibility and peace of mind, you listen to soft and deep music, without distractions, practicing in silence.

In addition, yoga is intimately linked with relaxation and meditation.

What is Relaxation:

One of the most effective techniques to solve stress is relaxation, it has several functions: Rejuvenate, Integrate a new pattern after an old one has been broken, create a rhythm or pulse of energy, focus, Treat stress.

If you suffer from constant stress, I recommend you do a relaxation at least once a day, make sure you are calm and not interrupted, if you can hear soft music, the better.

What is Meditation:

Meditation is being able to clean your mind, it is being aware, it is freeing yourself from suffering, from the karmic wheel, it is also freeing yourself from the duality of the division that often exists between my interior and my exterior. The most widespread spiritual practice in the West is prayer and it is said that it is talking to God, meditation is when God speaks to you.

In my case, I have always lived surrounded by stress, but after a yoga practice and with a short space to meditate, I rest deeply. Before it was impossible for me to sleep, now I relax much more, I am better focused, I no longer worry about solving things outside of my work hours.

Practicing yoga is a space to be with you, to reflect, the movements and postures make you disconnect for a moment from everyone, you are feeling each part of your body, observing how you have more and more flexibility, and there comes a time when that you stop worrying about your cell phone, your car or the next day's bill. The benefits are seen shortly after practicing it and it certainly works. Like everything, getting started in yoga requires discipline, but once you do it regularly it becomes a fundamental part of your life.

Kundalini yoga: a quick resource at your fingertips