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Equality in the types of collection

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We all know that having a credit system within our organization helps us to increase our sales since many times most people do not have enough money to purchase a product or service.

Having a credit system within organizations also implies designing a collection system in order to recover the cost of the product or service provided as well as the utility that we wish to obtain.

The collection process within an organization is an extremely important process just like that of carrying out the main activity of any company, through collection we also demonstrate the efficiency of our organization.

That is why as an organization we must worry about designing an appropriate collection strategy for clients, and be aware that we must adapt to their specific needs, to avoid delays that all they cause is to increase our accounts receivable that generate losses. of time and wear and tear on our collection staff.

Due to the great importance of the collection process within organizations, in this essay I will address the issue of equality within the types of collections that companies use to collect from their clients the debts that they have towards them.

To better understand the term equifinality, I will mention the definition of this term according to the author, Buckley says that " similar initial conditions can lead to different end states ".

Relating the term of equality with the collection process within organizations is easy since, according to my understanding, equality is to arrive at the same result from different methods, and it is what companies achieve by having different types of collection, since the only The purpose is to obtain payment of what customers owe the organization they owe to it.

Now it is important to mention the different collection methods that exist and that companies should look for the ones that best suit their types of clients to obtain better results.

The collection types that are used the most are:

  • Account statements.- This type of collection is the most used by most establishments that have a credit system, since it is more comfortable for the parties involved in a credit. Letters.- These have different contents according to the purpose to be achieved are the payment reminder letters, the payment insistence letters.

Many companies can handle two or more types of collection, this helps companies to have a greater probability of collecting accounts receivable since there is a greater variety of methods of reaching clients according to their needs.

Here we can see a clear example of equifinality since the method does not matter, the important thing is to achieve the objective, which in this case would be to recover the accounts receivable that we have, regardless of the method that the company uses to achieve it.

There are companies that use more drastic methods to recover their accounts receivable such as transferring their client portfolios to law firms that are in charge of collecting in an energetic way and even with threats to clients, this is another clear example of equality as they do not matter the way, what matters is to achieve the objective.

The term equifinality must be used well, since the stated objective must be reached, but as human beings we must know how to measure ourselves and act ethically to always act for the benefit of the people involved in any situation.

Companies with a credit system must be aware that the best way to collect is the one that best suits the needs of their clients to obtain better results.

As human beings we must achieve the different objectives in the most reasonable way and the one that has the least consequences for those involved, we can follow different paths but we will always manage to reach the same result as long as we direct our attention to the same purpose.


Villaseñor Fuente, Emilio. Credit management and collection elements. Mexico, ED. Trillas, 1995.

Equality in the types of collection