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The logical-mathematical intelligence in the practical field


There are different conceptions about intelligences, within which the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is defined.

The author of the Theory of Intelligences, Howard Gardner, has questioned the various traditional conceptions of intelligence, since they deal with the simple abilities that human beings possess to a greater or lesser extent and place significant emphasis on aspects of intelligence. cognition, leaving aside the important role played by personality, emotions and the cultural aspect in the mental processes of the human being develop.

Gardner's theory maintains, in the first instance, to make an extension in what intelligence represents and recognizes that it must go beyond academic knowledge, considering that in each field of action a different type of intelligence is used, not better or better. worse than another, but different. In the second instance, it defines intelligence as a capacity, unlike different theories about intelligence, which define it as something innate and immovable, since those who were not born with it, education could not carry out transformations and changes in this regard. By defining Gardner intelligence as a capacity, it is converted into a skill that can be developed, he does not deny the genetic component, but considers that it is not totally decisive for its development.

Gardner recognizes that every human being is born with potentialities that are the product of genetics, however, he considers that they develop in one way or another, influenced by the environment, experiences, education received, culture, among other aspects. no less important.

Howard Gardner believes that just as there are various problems to solve, there are also types of intelligence. Gardner and his team at Harvard University have identified eight types of intelligence to date, among which is the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.

The previous one highlights the social value and the opportunity to develop it, mentioning that there are five criteria through which a person must pass, so that their abilities are really accepted as intelligence, and they are in other words the following:

- Its location in a part of the brain

- It must correspond to an innate ability

- It highlights its social function

- The systematization and documentation of knowledge

- The resolution of problems must be appreciated in society or group.

In the development of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, in human beings endowed with it, the field of mental action within the problem-solving process is often extraordinarily fast, achieving such rapidity that it simultaneously performs many variables already at the same time, it creates various hypotheses that it resolves and discards in a natural way.

The non-verbal nature of mathematical intelligence achieves a direct, rapid and spontaneous effect, which allows the solution to problems to be built together with their articulation.

The Logical-Mathematical Intelligence reaches the way to identify models, make calculations, formulate and verify hypotheses or assumptions, using the scientific method and inductive and deductive reasoning. Uses awareness of schemes and logical relationships, statements and proportions, cause and effect, makes connections, uses number thinking to classify, categorize, sequence, and plan.

It must also operate with abstract concepts, such as numbers, that represent concrete objects.

Inside our brain this intelligence develops in the part of the parietal lobe of the brain in the two hemispheres.

The motivation for the development of intelligence mentioned is that it is enjoyed by having to solve problems of logic and mathematical calculation, it makes use of technology, although it emphasizes the ability to reason and abstraction, which is the fundamental basis for its resolution.

He has a special interest in careers within economics, computer technology, chemistry, engineering, law, among other major areas.

Get started to solve complex operations, among which we can mention computer programs, scientific research methods, equations and others.

State hypotheses and build solid arguments in response to problems.

It exists in all human beings, some develop it more than others, so through their motivation it is necessary to stimulate and develop a little the characteristics of it, already mentioned.

Currently there are new challenges with technology, social, environmental, political, economic and cultural, which poses challenges in education in general where the development of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence should not be left behind, mainly in the demands of technological information.

Some teachers still have a conception of said intelligence, which is not in accordance with the advances, since they think that it is the one that is developed in mathematics classes, therefore it is considered by them as a difficult discipline to learn and teach; Furthermore, only the most intelligent have it, which are very few, a theory that has been discarded due to the support of multiple intelligences and the motivation for the development of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.

Educational transformations are being carried out which must take into account Howard's multiple intelligences, with the interest that institutions manage to adapt to the demands that society is demanding, since it is indisputable that there is a low level of logical-mathematical intelligence, Due to the lack of knowledge of this and the traditional relationship with mathematics, which teachers and students have at all educational levels, which does not make the integral development of said intelligence be achieved in a satisfactory and modern way, being the main purpose of mathematics the acquisition of formulas and methods, logical, fast and concrete for solving problems.

People, through Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, represent and use knowledge in different ways. The foregoing can reach a very different challenge for the current educational system, which has as a challenge that all over the world the same subjects can be learned in the same way and that a single and uniform measure is enough, that is, universal, to put tests of learning and that they are satisfactorily approved by the students.

In the foregoing and in other challenges presented by current education, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence has a very important function, but above all it is considered and recognized as social science, as it is considered complete and influential as a science in general, with all its applications, since it goes from the theoretical to the practical, from astronomy, to microbiology, environmental, social, cultural problems, among others, and the solution of everyday problems, which achieves the development of other intelligences within the multiple such as they are:

Linguistic Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, formed by Intrapersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence, and Naturalistic Intelligence.

According to the scholars, the intelligence that is analyzed can be stimulated from home in five stages, which goes from birth to eight years, the first stage being from birth to eight months, where logical-mathematical intelligence must be stimulated., as follows:

- The baby must play with geometric figures and other objects with different shapes.

- Alternate objects with different shapes within their games.

- Present the different objects and pronounce them, so that they can connect them with their correct name.

In the second stage that includes from eight months to a year and a half:

- Encourage the baby to distinguish and identify between a lot and a little.

- Show him figures of circles and squares, make him scratch and draw, encourage him to imitate, make and distinguish these figures.

- Count the numbers aloud, in their first ten, relating it to objects around them.

The third stage ranges from a year and a half to three years and indicates the following:

- Compare mathematical concepts associating quantity and number.

- Work verbally with alternatives of the type a lot, little, big, small.

- Encourage him to verbalize his age and his association with the corresponding number and its demonstration with his fingers and get him used to counting even if he confuses the value of the numbers.

The fourth stage is located from three to five years of age and the following is recommended:

- Extend their understanding of the quantity and number of objects by relating them to mathematical games.

- Encourage him to order larger and smaller objects, starting with the unit, then with the sets and make him understand the difference between tall, short, big, small.

- Help them to know and identify the days of the week, let them play computer games, with different amounts and mathematical games.

The fifth and final stage runs from ages five to eight and suggests the following:

- Formulate games such as errors in figures so that they can distinguish them and other challenges and Tell him the number of objects and the distinction of their shapes.

- Put objects inside a box for him and make him distinguish and count how many fit inside it.

- Show him the hours of the clock, making him represent the hours seen in analog clocks in digits. After that age, continue with more complex mathematical games and relationships.

If the child is stimulated early, he can more easily develop the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, without so much effort, taking it naturally as part of his life. There must be agreement with the stimulation that is received at home and the continuity that it receives in the formal education that it receives and the latter must be up to the higher level, continuously.

The previous theory confirms that the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence must be developed at an early age so that in adulthood the person does not have problems.

After reviewing important aspects that must be taken into account when there is a well-supported theory about Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, they are invited to solve the following problems, which are related to it:


1. Can you add 8 (eights) so that the final result is exactly 1,000?

2. Replace the asterisks with the correct math signs, so the result is 99. 16 * 12 * 2 * 3 = 99


1. 888







2. 16 x 12 ÷ 2 + 3 = 99

Source: Problem -

The logical-mathematical intelligence in the practical field