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Just ask!. an example of overcoming to reflect


Reggie Bibbs * is an American who suffers from neurofibromatosis (NF), a disease of genetic origin that causes the growth of tumors in the nerves and often causes abnormalities in the skin and bones. With more than half a face deformed by his condition, Reggie used to run into the fright of the people and shut himself up discouraged in his home to avoid so much rejection; until she decided to do something about it.

To make viewers feel more comfortable and encourage them to come and share their concerns, he designed a campaign with the slogan printed on his T-shirt that says "Just Ask!" (Just ask!), Giving himself the opportunity and confidence to interact with strangers and talk to them about NF. In this way, the taboo or unmentionable was creatively made explicit to generate a respectful communication that was previously impossible.

In Reggie's case, what prevented a harmonious coexistence with the majority of the people in his community may be quite evident, but for those of us who do not suffer a similar physical circumstance, what distances (or scares) us from loved ones, colleagues, colleagues occasional on the way or complete strangers is not usually presented in such a forceful and unquestionable way; despite the fact that we tend to suffer the consequences of unspoken withdrawal anyway.

Just ask !. If what they say about you does not seem fair, appropriate, clear or sufficient, or they do not say what you expected them to say, just ask! Who can give you that information that is so necessary for you. If what you see you don't like or you think it should be otherwise; or if what you feel for someone or something really conditions the quality of life that you would like to have, just ask! what you want to know to that person with whom you interact.

With the chosen silence we usually feel very good. On the other hand, we will not feel well and we will have a lot of noise inside if we remain speechless because we do not know how to investigate or running away from checking with the other if we both understood what we wanted to convey. In the long run, this internal bustle will become external, almost always in an impulsive, disorderly way and not at all restorative of the situation that originally disturbed us.

Just ask! And if you do not know how to ask, I suggest you share with the other your feeling of not knowing how to ask something that you would like to know. Maybe I can't or want to help you with that (and you'll see what to do about it); But it can also happen that your attitude generates or predisposes the emotional climate necessary to converse with greater fluency and confidence.

The more (Reggie) showed himself outside, the more positive responses from others he got. Now, instead of sitting at home wondering what life was like, he started living it, "says the Just Ask! Foundation page. Just ask !: you can find much more than the expected answer…

Just ask!. an example of overcoming to reflect