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We are diamonds, steps to discover ourselves (self improvement)


Yes, we are diamonds, brilliant, perfect in themselves.

Yes, I know that we seem different, different, imperfect…

I can think of the list that we would all make of the imperfections of oneself, of the neighbor, of the one who was on the news, of the one who does not take care of himself, of the one who lives abandoned on the street, of our bad habits, of our bad decisions, of everything we wanted to do and were not capable of, of everything we want to do and we dare not: out of fear, because we feel that we do not have the capabilities of those who have succeeded…

And this is where the good comes in! We can all!! We are all the same. Perfect in our essence, equal in essence and matter, same brain, same bodily functions. Different uses and ways of exercising them. Who chooses the how? U.S!

All this reflection comes from my last month, it has been a non-stop, 5 trips in five weeks, with learning in each one, each one has given me something new and different, and yet it is the gift of the present moment, without trips, without haste, here and now, resting that it is almost when I learn the most, because it is when more clarity arrives about all things, in the integration of what has been learned and in not doing, not time, not expectations, observing the movement around me, and observe its impact on the inside… Observe my inner movement, and observe its effect on the outside…

Yes, at the risk of suddenly losing myself I have found myself; At the same time, the individual sessions with my clients help me to realize how much fear still resides in all of us, fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear that everything will come to a standstill, fear of loss, fear of…

And I see that everything goes through a lack of appreciation, we need to seek perfection in a lack of acceptance of what It is, of what we are, of believing in ourselves, of trusting in our qualities and our excellence. That is why the topic of this article: We are diamonds, and the steps to discover ourselves.

What happens is that many of us had forgotten, is that since we were little we have been impregnated with a series of experiences, and in our specific environment and different from that of others, they have instilled in us a series of beliefs and values, which expand many but they limit others. That they have made some feel love and others not, that some know that they can, and others still believe that they cannot, that they do not know, that they are useless,… but the truth is that we ALL CAN.

And I loved Brian Weiss's metaphor of the Diamond:

«It is as if within each person a great diamond could be found. Let's imagine a diamond one span long. That diamond has a thousand facets, but they are all covered in dust and tar. Everyone's mission is to clean each of these facets until the surface is shiny and can reflect a rainbow of colors.

Now, some have cleaned many facets and shine brightly. Others have only managed to clean a few, which are not as bright. However, beneath the dust, each person possesses a luminous diamond on her chest, with a thousand shining facets. The diamond is perfect, without a flaw. The only difference between different people is the number of facets they have cleaned. But each diamond is the same and each one is perfect.

When all facets are clean and shining in the spectrum of light, the diamond will revert to the pure energy it was originally from. The light will remain. "

Think of it like this: If a human being, a being of the same species has achieved it, you can also achieve it! In my opinion, the only thing that differentiates us from one another is:

1. Our Perception

Our awareness of the environment, which is given by everything we have learned from our parents, educators, etc. This perception is given by our beliefs and generates certain thoughts that go to our cells creating Health or Disease, Lack or Abundance, Fear or Love.

So I would tell you that if your environment does not favor you, change it! and if you can't change it (for now), then change your PERCEPTION of it.

2. Our Habits

Depending on what we have learned throughout our lives, we will have very healthy and favorable habits for our Happiness, or harmful habits for our Well-being.

If you identify a habit that does not favor you in your life, it is time to change it! You can eliminate it with intention, purpose and perseverance, and put in its place habits that respect and dignify your impeccable essence. What you already are. You really are the only one who can.

3. Our Skills or Talents developed and to be developed

I would erase the expression "I don't know" from our vocabulary, and change it to "I haven't learned it yet" or "I don't know how yet."

One incapacitates, the other opens a door to learning, knowledge, perseverance and determination. In order to get to where we would like to go.

What talents do you think you need?

I assure you that you already have them !!

It's about polishing our hidden facets, or dusty from being ignored, and making them shine and expand in multiple colors.

You are willing? Because… remember:

You are a diamond, and you are perfect.

We are diamonds, steps to discover ourselves (self improvement)