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A universidade do século xxi rumo ao desenvolvimento sustentável

Table of contents:


The human activities on the environment are intensifying in the long term and in a more accentuated way from the Industrial Revolution, not the end of the 19th century, resulting in misery, social and economic exclusion, no consumerism, no waste and no environmental degradation..

A university or a privileged place for an education directed at the demands of our tempos. Attributed to the responsibility of educating for or sustainable development, I want directly your six, I want by influence, together with decision makers and other agents-chave involved no process.


The human activities on the environment are intensifying along the time and in a more accentuated way starting from the Industrial Revolution, in the end of the XIX century, resulting in poverty, social and economic exclusion, consumerism, waste and environmental degradation.

The university is the privileged place for an education driven to the demands of our time.

It is attributed to it the responsability of educating for the maintainable development, as its students directly or for influence of its managers and other key agents implied in the process.

1 - Introduction

Either rapid demographic growth, or two natural resources and degradation of the environment, to persistent poverty of a large part of humanity, to oppression, to injustice and to the violence that suffers from many thousands of people demanding corrective measures of great magnitude.

Segundo Mayor (1998), to educação é a chave do susvolvenimento sustentável, auto-sufficiente - uma educação provided to all members of the society, second modalities new and to aid new technologies, in such a way that each one benefits from chances You are reluctant to learn or longo gives life.

We must be prepared, in all countries, to remodel or teach, in order to promote attitudes and behaviors that we claim to be carriers of a culture of sustainability.

It is here that we enter the universities, as well as all the higher education institutions, that assume a responsibility for the essential preparation of new generations for a future future.

Pela reflexão e by six problems of basic research, those estabelecimentos devem não somente to warn, or to give or alarm, but also to conceive rational solutions. We must take the initiative and indicate possible alternatives, developing coherent schemes for the future.

We must, therefore, make sure that two problems and solutions are taken into account through their educational programs and giving, the same, or example.

This task is materialized in the promotion of programs of ensino novos e / ou reoriented, of access more extensive and continuous, in the creation of painéis of experts who aconselham the governments and fazem um acompanhamento dates and other agents of society.

In this sense, the work carried out within higher education institutions has a multiplier effect, for every student, convinced of the best ideas of sustainability, influence or group, in society, in many other areas of attention.

To education is being, our days, rethought as a preparation for life: it tries to guarantee the security of the company and the ability to work, to allow each one to satisfy the demands of a society in rapid evolution, as well as As technological changes that condition leaf, direct or indirectly, each aspect gives existence and, finally, of being able to respond to the search of happiness, of being and quality of life.

2 - Environment

A concepção ecológica conceives or the universe as um everything interconnected and interconnected with each other. It recognizes the fundamental interdependence of all living beings, not as a collection of dissociated parties, but as a network of articulated and strongly interwoven phenomena, within which human beings and societies participate in two processes of nature in a cyclical way.

In this sense, Bertalanffy (1977), with his General Theory of Two Systems, emphasizes that everything is linked to everything and that each organism is not a static system dated to the outside world, but also a process of exchange as a circumcision, or seja, A system that is free from a state that is stationary, where materials are continually entering, wines from the outside environment, and these materials are derived from the organism.

For Bateson (1987), a living system is not sustained by energy received from abroad, more fundamentally by the organization of the information than by the process system.

This process of interlinking was wisely described in the case of an Indian chief, a letter sent to the President of the United States which, according to Dias (1993, p. 47), in his work A letter from the Indigenous Chief Seattle, said: " ensinem às suas crianças or that we teach nossas, that à Terra é nossa mãe.

Whatever happens to Terra will happen to filhos da Terra. You are homens not only cospem, this cuspindo em si mesmos à Terra não pertence ao homem; o homem belongs to Terra all things are linked as o blood that unites a family. Há uma ligação em tudo.

Os rios são nossos irmãos, saciam nossa sede ”.

It was with the Industrial Revolution that we really started to transform the face of the planet, the nature of its atmosphere and the quality of its water. Or my environment is being attacked, due to the rapid growth of human population, which causes more and more rapid decline in its quality and its ability to sustain life.

The impact of human species on the environment has been compared, by some scientists, to major catastrophes of the geological past of Terra.

A humanity must recognize that attacking the environment endangers its own species and thinks that it is not a national or regional cause, but there is a human existence as well as everything else.

It is life that is in play. We can not conceive a sem or homem ecosystem, we can not find or a sem semum home ecosystem.

With all the disasters that have occurred as an environment, we perceive that the human being has been able to modify its environment to adapt to its needs.

As a rapid growth of the population, a semi-preceding demand arises, which or technological development aims to satisfy, undermining or environment the aggression that is causing or declining more and more accelerated of its quality and of its ability to sustain life.

One of the two impacts that the use of combustion fuels is produced on the terrestrial environment or an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, giving rise to an increase in the global temperature of the Earth.

Other major illnesses caused by human beings in the environment or the use of pesticides that contaminate agricultural regions and interfere with non-metabolism of bird calcium; to erosão do solo, which is degrading from 20 to 35% of cultivated lands around the world; a perdas das terras virgens; or a growing world problem of water supply, as a consequence of the drainage of two underground aquifers, as well as the fact that the quality and availability of water is destroyed by the destruction of the ozone bed.

Percebe-se, portanto, that leaf through the problems experienced by the world is not really in decorrência of human intervention, not planet and in the ecosystems.

By way of example, we can cite: destruction of biodiversity or extinction of species; progressive destruction of ozônio litter by gases; stove effect or global product; crescimento da população global; Poluição and unavailability of Água Potável.

Since the 1950s, the deterioration of the environment and its relationship with the style of economic growth has never been the subject of international study and concern.

Appointment or Lutheran theologian Albert Shweitzer, philosopher, organist, interpreter of Bach and missionary physician who in 1952 received the Prize or Nobel Prize for Peace for popularizing environmental ethics and his efforts in defense of "Irmandade das Nações".

During the conference given on October 20, 1952 at the French Academy of Sciences (Paris), on the subject

"Or problem of ethics in the evolution of thought", he declared: "when or homem learn to respect até or minor be da criação, seja animal or vegetal, no one will need to teach to love semelhante".

In the 1960s, in the United States, we had a profound change in the attitude of the American people with the need for federal environmental standards, brought about by the work "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson, a North American biologist Marinha who provoked you politicians ação.

O livro, published in 1962, presidiu o rite de passagem for a new moment in human history: or gives concern about the rumors of the development of the industrial society.

"Silent Spring" recounts the effects of the most use of two chemical-synthetic pesticides and insecticides, warning about the harmful consequences of many human years on the environment.

Carson started or debate about the environmental custody of his contamination for or home. At that time, it was pointed out for the prejudices of the use of chemical products that it does not control prague and doenças, noting that we are interfering with natural defenses of our own environment and, second day (1993, p. 54), to the author said that “we do not allow Those chemical products fossem used as a pouca ou nenhuma research in advance on your effect not only, in the water, animais selvagens and on or own homem ”.

O livro teve os direitos bought by a multinational agrochemical company and, say, it is impede sua republicação.

Our last years, to concern in defending nature to become world, due to terrifying statements such as:

  • Our planet is polluted, its temperature rises, as erosões progridem, as agricultural areas irrigáveis ​​diminuem, a população increases e oscosystems sofrem devastating effects.Muda world economy, according to or novo model of environmentally more adequate development, is unique alternative for survival in the long term of the humanity. The developed countries have less than 25% of the world population, more than 75% of all the energy produced, 70% two combusted fuels, 85% two products from Madeira and 72% from the year.

Therefore, it is clear that the importance of the environmental question in any discussion and also in two debates of society, no sense of emphasizing the preservation of the medium and the evolution for the management of sustainability, because, every day, they are evident as the consequences of agressões that or homem commits against nature.

3 -– To expressão “Desenvolvimento Sustentável” enters the dinner

Or model of economic growth gerou huge imbalances. I know, on the one hand, there has never been so much wealth and fate not the world, on the other hand, to misery, to environmental degradation and increasing pollution day by day.

Through this observation, it emerges as an ideal development, seeking to reconcile or economic development to environmental preservation and, in addition, to the end of poverty not the world. It strengthens the perception that it is imperative to develop, sim, but always in harmony with the ecological limitations of the planet, or seja, sem destroy or environment, so that future generations have a chance to exist and live, according to their own necessities (melhoria gives qualidade of life and das condições de survivalência).

The goals of sustainable development are:

  • To satisfy the basic needs of the population (education, food, health, health, etc.). In solidarity for future generations (preserve or environment so that they have the chance to live). A participation of the involved population (all of them must become aware of the need to conserve or environment and make every part of it fit for it). To preserve two natural resources (water, oxygen, etc.). To elaborate a social system, guarantee I undertake, social security and respect other cultures (eradication of misery, preconception and massacre of oppressed populations, such as, for example, the Indians). Two educational programs have been carried out.

An environmental education is a vital and indispensible part of the attempt to pay back to the sustainable development, so it is more direct and functional to achieve less of its goals: to participate in the population.

Educação para a Vida Sustentável involves a pedagogy that places the understanding of life as its central point. Or educating experiences a learned not real world that surpasses our alienation of nature, or that reawakens a sense of relevance and unfolds a curriculum that teaches us children the basic principles of ecology, such as:

  • Aquilo that a species wastes food from another species and material continuously circulates through the life cycle; energy that guides the ecological cycles emanated from the sun; diversity from safety to life; life, from or to its beginning, has become more than three bilhões de anos, não tomou or planet for combat, but for acting in the world.

This pedagogy suggests or plans an integrated curriculum, emphasizing or providing contextual support, not which various subjects are understood as resources at the service of a central focus.

An ideal way of achieving integration and approaching is called 'project learning', which consists of facilitating learning experiences to or involving some complex and contemporary projects, through two ways of developing and applying skills and training.

There are ways to bring environmental education to the community and to direct the teacher in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Through activities such as reading, school problems, research and debates, some of you will be able to understand the problems that affect the communities where you live, to refute and criticize those things that disrespect and, many times, destroy our heritage.

The professors are only fundamentally aware of the process of two environmental problems, so you will seek to develop, in some cases, habits and sad attitudes of environmental conservation and respect for nature, transforming you into conscious and committed companies in the future of the country.

Além disso, développement sustentável introduced a dimension of ethics and politics that considers or development as a process of social change, with the consequent democratization of access to natural resources and equitable distribution of two benefits and benefits of development.

Or a great challenge of the 21st century, or to change or a value system that is behind the global economy, so that it is compatible with the requirements of human dignity and ecological sustainability.

4 - A nova missão do ensino superior: educating for or sustainable development

Segundo Morin (2003), the knowledge you need for future education is not an educational, school or university program. For him, they are not concentrated not in the fundamental, not in the medium, but not in the university, but addresses specific problems for each one of them.

The dizem respect the black buracos da educação, completely ignored, underestimated or fragmented our educational programs. Programs that, in the opinion of the author, should be placed at the center of concerns about the formation of two young people, future citizens.

A two necessary knowledge for education, for Morin (2003), is a planet condition, especially in the era of globalization. That phenomenon that we are experiencing today, in which everything is connected, is another aspect that does not add anything to us, as a planet or its problems, to historical acceleration, to the amount of information that we have not managed to process and organize. There is this moment um destiny common to all human beings.

Understand the notion of sustainable development in educational practice and a notion that continues in a very vague sense. The developed world does not show great enthusiasm for such an obligation.

On the contrary, the countries in which they are developing reconceive a series of questão, saying - the argument is perfectly justified - that they have lived for many years consuming hardly or strictly necessary and that they are not, or not, the direct future of one of the greatest resources.

In order to access a melhor qualidade of life, we must melhorar nossos conhecimentos. Maturana (1998) says that the real conhecimento did not make or control or attempt to control, but also the understanding, the understanding, a harmonious and adjusted to other years.

For him, to live and live, to live and live. He also says that all that is done is an effective effect that allows a living being to continue its existence, not the world that it has always mapped out.

It is necessary to make progress in the field of science and technology, of social and human sciences. In order to guarantee the quality of a human level, it is also necessary to improve the value system. A sabedory consists, exactly, in an intimate alliance between knowledge and values.

It is here that we enter the universities, as well as all the higher education institutions, that assume a responsibility for the essential preparation of new generations for a future future.

Pela reflexão e by six problems of basic research, those estabelecimentos devem não somente to warn, or to give or alarm, but also to conceive rational solutions. We must take the initiative and indicate possible alternatives, developing coherent schemes for the future.

We must, therefore, make sure that two problems and solutions are taken into account through their educational programs and giving, the same, or example.

The work carried out within the higher level institutions of teaching has a multiplying effect, for every student, convinced of the best ideas of sustainability, influence or group, in society, in many other areas of performance.

All the institutions of higher education are quite aware of the role that we will have to play in preparing for new generations for a future future.

The universities involved share the conviction that their economic progress and environmental protection are inextricably linked. Um não tem future sem or outro as shown in figure 1

Figure 1 - In terpretação do Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Adapted from González & Abadía (2002, p. 85)

For Kornhauser (2001), an education and the construction of sustainable human development. It is necessary to elaborate strategies and programs of education related to the environment, which embrace both school and informal education, which take into account the perspective of permanent education to be developed by the public powers, or by a productive sector, or commerce and local communities.

5 - A universidade do século XXI rumo ao desenvolvimento sustentável

The challenge of sustainable development is sought, at the university, by an agent specially equipped to lead or walk, because his mission is not taught by two decision-makers of the future or by two cities that are most qualified for decision-making, because they are rich and extensive to their experience in interdisciplinary research and because to its fundamental nature of the motor of the conhecimento, it prints an essential paper in the world whose borders are dissolved every day.

To the United Nations Organization (UN) of the first universities in the universities as long as their role is not global for their sustainable development.

The documents associated with Conferences in Human Development in 1972 and in Environment and Development - UNCED in 1999 explicitly stated objectives and measures directed at higher education institutions (Table 1).

Quadro I - A UN and the universities no âmbito do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (1972-1992)

Document goals Recommended measures
UNCHD (1972)

Stockholm Declaration

(Principles 9 and 24)

To foresee and / or lessen aspects that are contrary to or sustainable development. Formulation of multi-bilateral agreements or other forms of cooperation (not only in technological transfer).
UNCED (1991)

Relatório do Comitê Preparatório

Enveloping everyone in education for sustainable development. Involvement of non-governmental decision-makers, of specialists who accord you universities, research institutes, etc.
UNCED (1992)

Declaration of Rio (Princípio 9)

Strengthen or develop capacities for sustainable development. Exchange of scientific and technological knowledge. Development, adaptation, diffusion and transfer of technologies, including innovations and innovations.
UNCED (1992)

Agenda 21

(Chapters 31, 34, 35 and 36)

Clarify or role of science and technology not sustainable development. (Re) develop two national programs in Science and Technology in order to clarify contributions of the setor for or sustainable development and identify functions / responsibilities of the non-human development sector.
Create and disseminate knowledge and information on sustainable development. Production of long-term scientific assessments on the use of two resources, use of energy, impacts on health and demographic trends, and making public in widely understood forms.
Educate everyone for sustainable development. Development of environmental education programs and development (accessible to people of all ages). Incentives for two countries to universities and job networks in this area.

Fonte: http: www.campus.unl.pt - Acesso em 26.09.2003

Universities are becoming increasingly aware of the role they have to play in preparing the new generations for a future future.

In the 1980s, with the publication of the Brandtland Relatório and also the “Planeta Terra” dome of the Rio, the universities will strive to define the same time as assuming their role, not that which refers to their future vision.

As such, in different periods and places, the universities proposed and adopted ambitious declarations, where the main principles and objectives of the reform process that we were ready to endorse appeared.

In this sense, you can cite the following documents as declarations for or sustainable development: in response to universities:

5.1 - Declaration of Talloires - in the month of 1990, twenty presidents of universities, the rectors and pro-rectors of universities from all regions of the world will show their interest in the increasing speed of environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources. This declaration is assigned to the Centro Europeu da Universidade de Tufts, Talloires, França.

It is stated in the declaration that the universities have a crucial role in the education, research, policy formation and information process necessary to concretize these objectives and that the university leaders have to guarantee the leadership and support of two internal and external resources, in order to May their institutions respond to this urgent challenge. For this following topics:

  • raise awareness for environmentally sustainable development - use all opportunities to strengthen public, governmental, industrial, institutional and university awareness, publicly defending the urgent need to move towards an environmentally sustainable future. creating an institutional culture that gives sustainability - encourages all The universities to be involved in education, research, policy formation and information sharing on the population, environment and development rumored to be more sustainable in the future. Educate for citizens who are environmentally responsible - establish programs to produce knowledge in environmental management, economic development sustain, população and related domains, so as to ensure that all university graduates are trained in the environment and are responsible.encourage environmental literature - create programs to develop the teaching body of each faculty to teach materials to all university students. practice institutional ecology - stimulate university leaders and teachers and researchers to develop research, policies, programs exchange of information and curricular for an environmentally sustainable future. involve all interested parties - encourage governments, foundations and industry to support interdisciplinary research, education, or development of policies and information exchange in environmentally sustainable development. Expand or work with local communities and organizations that are not governamentais to help find solutions for environmental problems.Collaborate for interdisciplinary approaches - Bring together professors and university managers with technicians in the environment in order to develop interdisciplinary approaches to curricula and research initiatives, operations and communication that will support a future environmentally sustainable, increase the capacity of primary and secondary schools - to establish similar partners primary and secondary to enhance the capacities of two teachers in teaching matters related to the population, or environment and sustainable development, reach or serve the scope, nationally and internationally - work with the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED),o UN Environmental Program (UNEP) and other international and national organizations to promote a global university effort towards a future sustainable movement or movement - establish a committee to support and secretariat to continue this momentum, inform and support each other's efforts statement

The signatories of the Declaration of Talloires commit to nurture an institutional culture of sustainability, encouraging all the universities to be involved in education, research, training of policies and exchange of information in environment and development.

5.2 - Declaration of Halifax - one year later, in December 1991, in Halifax - Canada, the senior representatives of the IAU - Associação Internacional das Universidades, da Universidade Unida das Nações e da Associação das Universidades e Faculdades do Canadá, juntaram-se with 20 university presidents from various parts of the world to discuss the following with all the universities:

  • use the intellectual resources of the university to encourage a mutual understanding on the part of the society of two physical, biological and related social experts facing Earth or planet. Emphasize the ethical commitment of current geração to overcome those bad practices of the use of resources and of the widespread circumstances human being who is at the root of the unsustainable environmental. Realize the capacity of the university to teach and practice supporting principles, to increase or environmental interest and to increase the understanding of the environment among the faculty, the students and the general public cooperate with all The segments of the society in the pursuit of practical measures to achieve an effective review and reversal are the practical practices that contribute to environmental degradation.undertake all communication between universities, emphasizing these initiatives to UNCED, to governments and to the general public.

The Declaration of Halifax was released at the conclusion of the conference.

5.3 - Declaration of Swansea - in August 1993, at the conclusion of the five-year conference of the Universities of the Community (ACU), the participants will express the opinion that the solutions to the environmental problems will be effective and that the entire society will participate in the search for sustainability.. For this trigger, you can:

  • to encourage the universities of the ACU to seek to establish and disseminate a more comprehensive and unobstructed understanding of sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present and to compromise the needs of future generations and to encourage the principles of practices that sustain more appropriate development. You are national and global, you are consistent with your missões.
  • to use university resources by encouraging two governments and the public on large physical, biological, and related social experts who are facing Terra and to reconhect significant interdependence and international dimensions of sustainable development. Emphasize ethical commitment to current management to overcome those practices of using the resource and those circumstances that are widespread. enhance the capacity of the university to teach and practice supporting principles, to increase environmental interest and to increase the understanding of environmental ethics among the faculty, students and the general public. cooperation with all segments of societyand the pursuit of practical measures to achieve an effective review and reversal of the practices of the current that contributes to environmental degradation. Encourage universities to review their own operations in order to reflect the most practical practices, you must urgently ask the ACU Council to consider executing the measures, give life to this declaration of each member of its members and the company comum da ACU.

This declaration was issued at the University of Wales, Swansea, on August 20, 1993, and was released at the conclusion of the Conference of Universities.

5.4 - Acordos da Conferência da Terra - Até a Conferência do Rio (UNCED), the universities will practically study for the stage of discussion on sustainable development.

A trouxe uma lição clara experience: the universities must not avoid or challenge, according to the International University Association - IAU, 1993, we will not get involved, we will not use the combined forces to help solve emerging problems of our own global society, then we will be ignored not to wake up from our other moving motor, a new agency or structure that will be invited to promote the leadership.

Local Agenda 21 - chapter 36 - promote education, public awareness and training. Programmatic area - reorient to education for sustainable development - UN, 1992. Basis for a:

  • Education, including formal education, public awareness and training, must be recognized as a process through which human beings and societies can achieve or be fully potential. Education is vital for the promotion of sustainable development and the development of human capabilities In dealing with the environment and development questões.enquanto basic education provides the basis for any education in the environment and development, as later need to be incorporated as an essential part of the apprenticeship to formal education and non-formal education are both indispensáveis ​​na change of attitudes that will enable people to assess and resolve their concerns of sustainable development, education is also vital to or within the reach of an ethical and environmental awareness of values ​​and attitudes,Skills and behaviors consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making processes. To be effective, environmental and developmental education must be conducted with the biophysical and socio-economic dynamics of the environment and human development (which can also be spiritual), It must be integrated into all disciplines and it must undertake formal and non-formal methods and effective means of communication.It must be integrated into all disciplines and it must undertake formal and non-formal methods and effective means of communication.It must be integrated into all disciplines and it must undertake formal and non-formal methods and effective means of communication.

5.5 - Kyoto Declaration - promoted by the International University Association (IAU), underlines the ethical dimension of education for or sustainable development that, apart from teaching principles, must promote equally sustainable practices. At the 9th IAU Roundtable, which was held in Kyoto (Japan) on November 19, 1993, about 90 university leaders will meet to discuss and endorse a declaration of principles, based on declarations emanating from conferences of Talloires (1990), Halifax (1991) and Swansea (1993). As ações foram as followed:

  • to press universities in all over the world to try to establish and disseminate a clearer understanding of the concept of "sustainable development" - "or development that satisfies the needs of the present time and to compromise the needs of future development" - and to embody principles and practices of sustainable development more appropriate to the local, national and global level, in more concentrated ways than their missions. Use the resources of the universities to encourage a better understanding, by two governments and the general public, two interrelated physical, biological and social experts that ameaçam or planet Terra e to reconhect to significant interdependence and the international dimensions of sustainable development.To underline the ethical commitment of the present generation in ultrapass to the practices of using two resources and the globally disseminated disparities that are at the base of the unsustainability of the environment. sustainable development; Increase environmental literature and improve understanding of non-academic environmental ethics among the general public and cooperate with each other and with all segments of society in the pursuit of practical and policy measures that will achieve or sustain development and assimilation of interests. future gerações.encorajar universities to review their own operations so as to reflect the practical praise of sustainable development.request the IAU administrative council to consider and implement the forms and methods appropriate to the vitalization of this Declaration, affirmed by the mission of each two two members and in a joint IAU policy.

5.6 - Copernicus Charter - A Copernicus Charter, called the Patent Letter of the University for or Sustainable Development, defines the principles of the endowed sere endowed by the rumored or sustainable development universities.

O Copernicus Program (Cooperation Program for Environmental Research in Nature and Industry through Coordinated University Studies) and a European cooperation program for research on nature and industry with coordinated studies by the University of Europe for the Conference of Referees of Europe (CRE) in 1988.

This program is the main regional agent in dialogue on this international level and works in partnership with the Associação das Universidades Européias (EUA), or the Research Institute for Sustainable Europe (SERI), Associação Ambiental das Universidades e Faculdades do Reino Unido (EAUC) and some singularly proactive universities in sustainable development not in Europe.

I intend to return to sustainability of a registered trademark of both the European space for research and the European space for education, or the Copernicus program develops its own strategy of consubstantiated principles of its letter, according to table 2.

Quadro 2 - Copernicus Program Strategy for Sustainable Development

Gerais objectives



Ações Copernicus

Identify ways for universities to help society respond to or challenge sustainable development

To create conhecimento em desenvolvimento sustentável

Multidisciplinary research

Expert networks

Virtual seminar on expansion and sustainable development

Disseminate performance in sustainable development for some years

Teacher training

University curricula in sustainable development

Disseminate conhecimento em desenvolvimento sustentável à sociedade

Partnerships and networks of work at local level

Serviço à sociedade em:

-ciência e investigação;

-definition of policies; development of capacities;

-technological transfer

Annual conferences, since 1998:

Sustainable Universities: inter-, multi-and trans-disciplinary issues and options, (Barcelona, ​​1999)

Reach out to sustainability of universities

Implement environmentally responsible practices at universities

Promote environmental management of universities

Promote sustainable production and consumption standards in universities


-University of baixa energia;

-Campus-solar europeu

-Sustainable chemistry

Fonte: http://www.copernicus-campus.org Acesso em 27.09.2003.

A patent letter was introduced and presented at the Biannual Conference of CRE in Barcelona in October 1993 and assassinated in Genebra in April 1994 by a group of 196 European universities.

5.6.1 - Preamble - A exploration of the biosphere of the homem ameaça leaf through its own existence. In recent years, the press on the global environment will become self-evident, making an erguer voice with a sustainable hair development. Nas palavras do Relatório Bruntland, we have to learn to take care of the present needs and to commit ourselves to the future generations of any part that will satisfy their own needs.

Consciously it is there. Or what is lacking is a comprehensive strategy to build a future equitable sustainability for all human beings, as it is underlined by the Conferência do Rio (UNCED) e conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Desenvolvimento Ambiental, em 1992.

This strategy requires a new mental framework and a new set of values.

An education is essential to promoting such values ​​and to increase the capacities of people to face the environmental and development issues. To education for all of you, especially to university education for the training of decision-makers and teachers, It should be geared toward sustainable development and forging environmentally conscious attitudes, standards of ability, and behavior, such as a sense of ethical responsibility.

An education is afraid that it will become an environmental education that is not meaningless.

5.6.2 - The role of universities - Universities and equivalent institutions of higher education will form future generations of cities and specialists with special skills in all fields of research, both in technology and in natural, human and social sciences.

Consequently, it must spread to environmental literature and promote the practice of environmental ethics in society, in accordance with the principles defined in the Magna Carta das Universidades Européias and subsequent declarations of universities and recommendations of UNCED for the environment or development.

In fact, the universities are increasingly being called to play a leading role in the non-development of an ethically oriented and multidisciplinary form of education, in order to find solutions to problems related to or sustainable development.

They must, therefore, assume a commitment to a continuous process of information, education and mobilization of all relevant parts of the society with regard to the consequences of ecological degradation, including or its impact on the global environment and conditions that guarantee the sustainable world. e fair.

In order to achieve these objectives and fulfill their basic mission, the universities are under pressure to unleash all efforts to subscrete and implement the ten principles defined below.

  • institutional commitment - the universities must demonstrate a real commitment to the theory and practice of environmental protection and sustainable development, not the community of academic and environmental ethics - the universities must promote, among the six teachers, some of the general public, parents of You consume sustainably and an ecological lifestyle, while simultaneously stimulating programs that develop the capacities of the teaching body to teach environmental literature. The education of two university officials - the universities must provide education, training and education to their officials in order to pursue or your work in an environmentally responsible way.environmental education programs - universities must incorporate an environmental perspective in all or their work and establish environmental education programs involving teachers, researchers and students, exposing you to all the global challenges of environment and development, whatever qualifies for your field of work or interdisciplinary study - universities must encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative education and research programs related to or sustainable development in both parts of the central mission of the institution.Interdisciplinarity - Universities must encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative education and research programs related to or sustainable development as part of the central mission of the institution.Interdisciplinarity - Universities must encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative education and research programs related to or sustainable development as part of the central mission of the institution.

We must also seek to bypass competitive instincts between disciplines and departments.

  • disseminação do conhecimento - Universities must support efforts to suppress the mistakes in the current literature available to students, professionals, decision-makers and the general public, preparing informative teaching material, organizing public lectures and establishing training programs. They must also be prepared to participate in environmental audits. Job networks - Universities must promote interdisciplinary networks of experts with local, national, regional and international levels, as an objective of collaborating in common environmental and research projects. For this, students' mobility should be encouraged. Partnerships - Universities should take the initiative of forging partnerships with other concerned sectors of society, in order to unravel and implement boarding,Coordinated strategies and plans of education. Continuing education programs - Universities have to invent environmental education programs on these issues and for different groups, for example: companies, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, technology communication media. - Universities must contribute to educational programs designed for the transfer of educational and innovative technologies and advanced management methods.technological transfer - universities must contribute to educational programs designed for the transfer of educational and innovative technologies and advanced management methods.technological transfer - universities must contribute to educational programs designed for the transfer of educational and innovative technologies and advanced management methods.

5.7 - Declaration of two students for a future sustainability - organized by CEED - Comunidade Ambiental de Desenvolvimento Educacional, this Declaration gained support from the United Kingdom, the University of Sunderland, with 80 people from 34 British universities and faculties on July 2 to 5, nineteen ninety five.

For example, two students discussed environmental responsibility in a particular attempt to shape a statement that was extended further.

At that time, the participants will be giving guides for the future, I tend to like or comment on a link between students and the environmental agendas that are institutional and international.

5.8 - Parceria Global do Ensino Superior para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável - GHESP - This partnership was formed in 2000 by ULSE - University Leaders for a Sustainable Future - Universidade Líder para um Futuro Sustentável, Copernicus-campus, IAU - Associação Internacional das Universidades e UNESCO– Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência ea Cultura, as a result of the work program of the Comissão para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas (CSD-UM) and anticipating the World Conference on Sustainable Development (WSSD).

This partnership has as its first product the Declaration of Luneburg on October 10, 2001. This Declaration is the highest instruction for or sustainable development.

5.9 - Declaration of Luneburg - this declaration, emanated from the Conference on or Higher Ensino for or Sustainable Development, highlights the commitments made, and, efforts to carry out or its compliance, defines specific goals to achieve the GHESP, representing more than 1,000 universities at the world level, I tied 2006. Among these goals, welcome:

create a global learning environment for superior learning for sustainable development;

produce a package of ferramentas oriented to university education, including tailored implementation strategies, strategies for reform in specific areas of university activity, an inventory of two resources available and other practical practices and case studies.

A ciao da GHESP eo seu trabalho verified that, before educating citizens to face or challenge sustainable development, it is important to educate the universities to assimilate your mission.

5.10 - Declaration of UBUNTU - directs an appeal to the UN in 2002, no sense of this to designate educators as the tenth group of interveners-chave no process of the World Conference on or Sustainable Development of Joanesburg - WSSD.

And it reinforces or commits the universities in the creation of a global learning space in education and sustainability, to develop on the basis of international networks and through the creation of centers of excellence in the region that bring together all the institutions that form part of Ensino, fundamentally from the upper level.

5.11 - International Conferences on Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities - EMSU - conference-fringe of the WSSD Conference, in 2002 in Africa do Sul, gathered 150 delegates around the question: which or role of higher education is not sustainable development? A particular response deserves special attention and is presented by the Universidade Politécnica da Catalunha, in the following way, as shown in figure 2.

Fonte: http://www.campus.unl.pt. Access on 09/26/2003

Figure 2 - The role of the university in society, relatively to or sustainable development

In this model, there are four different intervention levels for universities:

1 - educação dos decision makers for a sustainable future;

2 - investigation of solutions, paradigms and values ​​that serve a sustainable society;

3 - operation of two university campuses as models and practical examples of sustainability at the local level;

4 - coordination and communication between the previous levels and between these and the society.

In this sense, the universities are daily called to exercise a leadership role in proposing a form of inter (trans) disciplinary education that involves an ethical dimension and that has the objective of conceiving solutions for problems related to or sustainable development.

6 - Conclusão

In recent years, the press on the global environment will become self-evident, making an erguer voice with a sustainable hair development. That strategy required a new mental framework and new sets of values.

An education is essential to promoting such values ​​and to increase the capacities of people to face the environmental and development issues. To education for all children, especially university education for the training of managers and teachers, it should be oriented towards or sustainable development and to forge environmentally conscious attitudes, skills standards, and behaviors, such as a sense of ethical responsibility.

All of the higher education establishments are quite aware of the role that they will have to play in preparing for new generations for their future sustainability. The universities involved share the conviction that their economic progress and environmental protection are inextricably linked.

In this sense, the universities are daily called to exercise a leadership role in proposing a form of inter (trans) disciplinary education that involves an ethical dimension and that has the objective of conceiving solutions for problems related to or sustainable development.

A universidade é, among various institutions of formal teaching, that which is responsible for ministering or higher than ensino, or higher, or whatever, or gives education for maximum training and qualification with two solutions to the resolution of two problems that most afetam.

And to fulfill this mission, the university is incessantly looking for the roots and solutions to these problems, by means of research and development of new and innovative methodologies and ferramentas.

Fouto (2003) says that he either taught or housed the activities of the university and educated his first teacher. Face the objectives of sustainable development, an education for or sustainable development will be, therefore, or the main role of the university not the 21st century.


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A universidade do século xxi rumo ao desenvolvimento sustentável