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3 different ways to make changes and achieve your goals


The topic of making changes to achieve your objectives seems very interesting to me, there are certain changes that are very difficult to make and as much as you apply all the techniques you know to achieve objectives, sometimes it seems impossible. So far I have already talked about three very important points when making changes:

  1. Know what you want Design SMART objectives Understand the main mistakes (not planning unforeseen events, etc.)

This alone is enough for you to start making changes and are more likely to achieve your goals. But what about when you do it all and still don't get what you want? It is true that in many cases the cause is one of the errors that I mention before: that you really do not want what you say you want, that you are not realistic, that you do not take into account your current situation and possible unforeseen events, etc.; but other times it's a matter of the method you use.

In the previous article I talked about one of the main reasons why you sometimes fail to achieve your goals: that what you propose requires more steps than it seems. Continuing with that theme, when you are not able to achieve something in particular and you really want a change, what can you do, apart from making sure that it is a well-planned goal? As Maria Brilaki explains in her book "Surprisingly… Unstuck: Rewire your brain to exercise more, eat right, and truly enjoy doing so", there are (at least) three different methods of making changes:

  1. Consider a radical change. This is the most difficult, it requires a lot of effort, perseverance and will. It is usually done in a relatively short period of time so you get quick results and the admiration of those around you. It is not impossible and many people are motivated by the challenge, but it is very difficult and for many it supposes a high probability of failure. You quickly see yourself as incapable, abandon and doubt yourself. An example would be to quit smoking "dry stick". Make small changes.This is the most common and works very well for many people. For example, consider writing an hour a day if you want to write a novel, or exercise 30 minutes a day, three days a week. It is more realistic than the previous method and can give good results even if it takes a little longer (after all, what matters is not the time but achieving your goal.) However, for some people this is not enough either. Why? As I mentioned in the previous article, because those small steps are not so small. Exercising 30 minutes a day when you have not done anything so far involves: changing clothes, showering, going to and from the gym, doing the exercise itself… Much more than it seems, that's why you may not get going Because that little step requires many things.Which then leads us to the third strategy.Make ridiculously small, tiny changes that are effortless. Like, for example, simply putting on your sneakers as soon as you get up or, as I was saying to one of my clients who had set out to drink two liters of water a day, putting a bottle of water on your table. Nothing else, you don't have to run, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. For a week or a few days the only change you have to commit to is having the bottle on the table. You start with something very simple and after a few days you take one more step and propose something just as easy, for example, take a sip of water as soon as you sit at the table. Just a sip and only then. That later you drink more, very well, but your commitment is just that. Easy isn't it? And also effective because with little effort you will get used to the change.

And what do you achieve with such tiny steps?

  1. Get going now. No more postponing, what you have proposed is so simple that there is no reason not to start right now. Do not be discouraged. On the contrary, you will be happy because you are getting what you want. Create a new habit, because in the end you will do it automatically, you will incorporate it into your routine, and it is the habits that cause the change. Achieve your goal.

It will take longer than with another method, yes, but the important thing is that you will get it and without stress. The point is to make things easy for yourself and stop thinking that you have to try more. Also, a key point of this method is to set yourself only short-term goals. This goes against everything we usually say, but think about it. If during half your life you have considered something in particular and have given up every time, isn't it worth trying something different? In this case, instead of medium or long-term objectives (and by that I mean a period of time greater than two weeks) what you are going to do is, first of all, be very clear about what you want to achieve (ex: exercise more to stay in shape, control my expenses, change jobs, sleep more) and, secondly, propose tiny steps every week.

Try it with the objectives that have resisted you the most so far and it is likely that in less than you expect you have already made changes.

The important thing is that you know that there are different ways to make changes and that you try, knowing that you can change your method at any time if it does not give you results. Maybe you have achieved certain goals all your life in a particular way but with others there is no way, now you know that there are more alternatives. There is no magic method that works in all cases and circumstances. And remember, although most people think they need more motivation or willpower, what they really need is to make things easy for you, to have reminders whether they are visual (the bottle of water), auditory or otherwise (stay with a friend to go to the gym) and, of course, a reward (avoiding something bad or receiving something good).

How about? Which one are you going to try?

3 different ways to make changes and achieve your goals