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3 steps to overcome your limiting beliefs

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Do you find yourself continually trying to climb the ladder of success only to notice that you are slipping on the same rung and without any progress?

Why is it that despite your burning desire to achieve your dreams, the actions you take, and think positively, you are still in the same place, unmotivated and without enthusiasm?

It is time to identify, challenge and change your limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are those things that you believe about yourself, about others and about life that place limitations on your potential and the results you obtain.

They are thoughts that in many cases are reinforced with emotions.

An event occurred in your life, you drew a conclusion and emotionally absorbed it. You created a story and drama around this event and very soon it became part of your mind program that is guiding your actions and your results.

Beliefs are "mind maps" that you use unconsciously to direct your life and as a basis for making decisions. For example:

«I am overweight and nobody is going to marry me»

The fact that you are overweight may be true, but that NO ONE will marry you is absurd; the problem is that as long as you have a map with this criterion, it will guide your behavior and unconsciously keep you creating and looking for evidence that supports your belief.

You will reject invitations, you will not return calls, you will not dress appropriately, you will misinterpret every look and the true intentions of anyone who approaches you.

You will sabotage every opportunity you have to have a partner because after all, you can only act in accordance with this map… if not, you will feel hypocritical with yourself since you would be acting against who you "think" you are. Your beliefs are controlling your destiny !!!

If you feel stuck in life, you may unconsciously have limiting beliefs that are controlling you. Although you consciously want to achieve success, you are unconsciously self-sabotaging.

I can almost hear you saying:

Okay Edward, what can I do? Good thing you asked. The first thing is….

STEP # 1) Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

Become aware of them. Many of us live our lives as automata without knowing what is going on in our minds and what is sabotaging us.

What are the beliefs that have you stuck in your career, business, health, etc.? Take a few minutes and write down all the beliefs that are keeping you from making major changes in your life. For this, use your journal of success. Do you have one right? ?

STEP # 2) Challenge your limiting beliefs

If you are like most people, you may confuse your beliefs (maps) with the reality of who you are, but if you analyze them deeply you will notice that for a long time you have accepted erroneous ideas that have been limiting your potential and your greatness.

The map is not the territory.

Imagine, on the one hand you want to achieve success, but on the other hand you have beliefs like:

• "Life is hard"

• "Money is the source of all ills"

• "The rich have no feelings"

• "It is spiritual to be poor"

• "I am not lucky, they will not give me the job"

It is not a mystery that there are so many people who are frustrated, trying so hard to move forward in their lives, following the "rules of the game" and find themselves losing the great game of life, because, like puppets, they are being manipulated by the strings from your mind maps.

To move to the next level in your life, you must have the courage to challenge the limiting beliefs that keep you where you are.

STEP # 3) Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Look at the list you wrote. What have these beliefs cost you? Not only financially but emotionally and physically.

Ask yourself the following question: What beliefs should I have that help me create the results I want to have in __________? (you choose the area). In many cases, these beliefs will be the opposite of those that limit you. For example, if one of your limiting beliefs is that "Being poor is spiritual" your new belief may be: "I attract money to me because, not only will I live comfortably and be able to produce more, but I will be able to help those in need"

Read your new beliefs 2 or 3 times a day, with feelings and with emotion. Create a clear image of your life with this belief. At first you will feel strange, but my will soon begin to accept it as part of you.

Start looking for examples that support your new belief. You have years of examples that support your limiting beliefs and in the same way we need to create a foundation that supports those that now motivate you.

Look around you, look for people who have achieved what you want to achieve and learn from them. Read and study and give your new beliefs all the support you can give each day.

Very soon you will begin to notice that, with confidence in yourself, you will take the necessary actions that will lead you to create the type of life you seek and deserve.

Your beliefs are literally giant doors that unlock your potential, your ability, and your talents. If you want the keys to these doors, all you need to do is analyze, challenge, and change those that limit you to In-Empowerment beliefs, those that motivate you and help you

achieve your dreams.

It is time to wake up to your greatness. It is time to stop living a life far below what you deserve. It is time to face your limiting beliefs and the unconscious control they are exerting over you. God has an investment in you and expects you to bear good fruit. Will you give it to them? I think so!!!

3 steps to overcome your limiting beliefs