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3 Reasons why you can't balance your personal and work life


Surely you've heard a lot about how necessary it is to find a balance between your work and personal life, but do you get it? Or rather your rhythm of life beats you no matter how hard you try to have everything under control? There are 3 reasons why you can't reconcile your work and personal life and why you can't find a way to relax:

1. You think that reconciling personal and work life means leaving before work to get home earlier.

That is not going to slow down your life, what you need is to be able to disconnect from work and relax. Because in many cases leaving work means going to training courses all afternoon, or if you have children, I don't even tell you the afternoon that awaits you for baths, dinners, games… It is normal that at the end of the day you are exhausted, but not only physically but mentally and that you feel overcome by all activities.

The key is to make time for yourself, to disconnect; either with a book, in the shower, with friends or yes, taking a course, but for fun, not just for training or obligation. Spend a minimum of 10 minutes a day (and if you can more, much better!). Of course, in your situation, taking time out for yourself may seem like a utopia, but it is time for you to get serious. Can't you really get ten minutes for yourself? Get up earlier, go to bed later, take advantage of lunchtime, put up a do not disturb sign. Do what is necessary but spend at least ten minutes a day on yourself and you will notice the change.

2. You don't know how to set limits.

As I mentioned in a previous article, knowing how to say is not essential for your quality of life. You may think you are selfish if you refuse to do something, or maybe you are afraid of hurting someone's feelings, but it is essential that you learn to set limits if you want to find time for yourself and regain control of your life. Practice ways of saying no without forgetting that you are not rejecting the person but a certain circumstance. And accept that if you are not well, if you do not take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of others either.

3. You are not clear about your priorities.

It is time to assume it: a) you are not a superwoman no matter how hard you try, and b) the day only has 24 hours as much as you want to stretch it (and part of those hours you have to dedicate to sleeping and eating). Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you know how to clearly establish your priorities and that you are clear that number 1 is you.(Remember if you are not well, if you are stressed and overwhelmed all the time you will not be able to give your loved ones the attention they deserve. What do you think they prefer, that you are tired and grumpy or relaxed and happy?). An exercise you can do when everything seems equally important to you is to write each task on a piece of paper or a piece of paper, spread all the pieces on the floor or table and start to order according to priority, comparing two by two. Ask yourself: “If I could only do one of these two tasks today, what would it be? And so on. There are few things that cannot wait a few more hours (among those few things are you, in case you doubted it).

Once you decide to reserve some time for yourself every day, start to set limits and prioritize your activities (because in the end it is all a matter of decision, to propose it and to take charge of your life before it goes wild), you will notice the change And then you can talk about a balance between your personal and work life.

3 Reasons why you can't balance your personal and work life