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3 Simple and practical recipes to overcome mental blocks

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Beyond taking the courses, acquiring the knowledge and applying the tools, the success of your company will depend on your mentality. And it is not necessary to take long self-improvement courses to acquire it. It is just a matter of taking some very practical steps. Here are three:

It is not a secret that one of the biggest obstacles to success in your online business is your mindset.

Everyone who mentors, coaches, or consults knows that successful people achieve their victories with their minds. But that mental success goes far beyond a simple intellectual understanding. You have to have it in your heart.

But how is it accomplished?

Frankly, I am a little tired of everything that is talked about on this subject, because it has become so intellectualized that, instead of helping, it has only made people aware of the problem, but they still cannot solve it.

The problem is that they think: mind first - action later. I think it is quite the opposite.

I am not an expert on the subject, but I am a housewife who has scratched her knees to become a successful online businesswoman and I know very well what it cost me - and everything I learned - during that career.

So I want to share with you today my recipe for success, which guarantees you have a triumphant warrior mentality! It is not very intellectual, but extremely practical. You will love it, because you can apply it to your life and your business right now!

Let's say it's like a kitchen recipe that one housewife reveals to another, so she can cook the same exquisite dish:

1. God is not going to drive a parked car

Don't wait until something happens or until you have a brilliant idea. When in doubt, make the decision to take action, quickly!

Get used to being in a constant flow forward, even though not everything is 100% perfect. It is easier to make adjustments along the way and overcome the challenges that appear when you are already on the move.

2. Do it with your knees shaking

Are you afraid? Welcome to the club! Fear will be your constant companion in this life, - and in your business. So: you better determine what you are going to do about it.

Surely you have felt fear when you start with a new project that totally takes you out of your comfort zone. Out of nowhere questions arise: "Will it work? Will anyone buy this? What if no one signs up? What if they reject me? ”

The only way to stop those doubts from stopping you is: take action!

One of my favorite sayings is:

"Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the wisdom to act in spite of fear."

And finally…

3. Don't listen to your emotions

Although our emotions enrich our lives, they can also be a great obstacle to advance our business. Many enterprising women get stuck, because they don't know how to deal with their emotions. We are especially prone to allowing them to rule our lives.

My recipe? When your emotions play against you and all you feel is that you are going to faint and that you will not be able to continue, ignore them!

When I have those “emotions tantrum” days, I program myself on autopilot and do everything I must do, despite how I feel. This way I keep myself in a constant flow forward and I don't lose the rhythm of progress that I have already achieved in my online business.

Perhaps these 3 recipes make you think of: discipline, tenacity and fight.

It is true, there is something of a soldier in all this: to clench your teeth and keep fighting. I understand that this may be an unattractive concept for many women.

But I prefer to be aware that I must be a warrior who triumphs in faith, with the great help of God, before evading my battles and being sadly defeated.

And, once you have tasted victory, you will see that your mind will respond to your actions and it will not be so difficult to assume a victorious warrior mentality!

3 Simple and practical recipes to overcome mental blocks