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3 Techniques to clarify the picture when you are overwhelmed

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How to know where to start prioritizing

Are you overwhelmed, saturated and although you know that everything is a matter of priorities you no longer know what yours are? There are times when you are efficient and productive and have no trouble getting things done. Other times you are so saturated with tasks, or just tired that, even if you know what your priorities are, what is most important, it is difficult for you to get going. Everything is normal. But there can also be times when not only do you have a lot to do but you are not even able to prioritize, everything seems equally important to you and you are totally blocked.

One of the things I always recommend in situations like this is asking yourself, "If you could only do one thing today, which one would you choose?" It is a very effective question, but if you still cannot decide or see where to start, there are several things you can consider:

1. Start with the urgent and important.

I already mentioned in a previous article the technique of the four quadrants (from the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey), which consists of dividing your tasks into: important and urgent, important not urgent, urgent not important and not important not urgent. And that the fundamental group is the second, because if you are able to take charge of the things that are important before they are urgent, you will not feel overwhelmed.

But in this case where you already are, theirs is to start with the 1st quadrant, for everything that is important and urgent. So then you can focus on the rest. The question is to start to get out of the blockade.

Another question that may arise at this point is what is truly important, especially when other people are involved. Then remember the main thing: do what you really want to do, not what you feel compelled to please others. what is really important? What is important to you, whether or not it coincides with what others want (yes, I know, it is not easy…)

2. Start with what will generate the most benefits or best results.

For example, if you have your own business, what action would be of greatest benefit to your business right now? Updating social networks, contacting old customers to offer them something new, reading competitor blogs? You know the answer, start there.

That you are a professional, what activity will bring you more or better results right now? Remember the Pareto law, 80% of your results are determined by 20% of your actions. Focus on those actions. And don't come up with excuses, you know what they are, usually the ones you are putting off…

3. Sometimes you need something visual because thinking you don't go any further.

So you can try this: write down each task you have to do on a piece of paper and put them all in front of you. Take two and decide which one is more important right now, and repeat the process until you have discarded most of them. The point is to do something to get you off the block.

Once you are clear about your priorities, it will be easier for you to start and exit this block. So choose one of the techniques, the one that best suits your circumstances right now and get going.

3 Techniques to clarify the picture when you are overwhelmed