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3 basic tips you need to decide to undertake


If you have a business idea in mind that has been around your head for a long time, or you want to capitalize on some talent or knowledge that you have apart from your profession or your formal job. These three tips help you to have more clarity to start with the first step that is to clarify your business or entrepreneurship idea.

Having a purpose, theme or activity that you like and understanding that it is a long way to go are the main keys.

Entrepreneurship has long been an almost unattainable task or dream, as we were taught that to even start doing it, we had to have a lot of market research carried out in months, and great capital.

However, in this new era where technology and information are leading the way, it allows many dreams to begin to be built. The ease of access to data and connectivity reduce the information gap which is an important factor when knowing the sector or business where you want to move. It also reduces costs, as advertising and networks allow you to have your business without the need for a location.

The first tip to keep in mind is that this idea must have a purpose. By this I mean something beyond a short-term goal or objective or even something economic because all of the above is implicit. It is about having a life purpose with your business.

Something whose impact is such that it allows you to change your life and that of your environment in the long term.

As a second Tip, for that purpose to have a strong structure, that business idea must be based on something that you are passionate about or that excites you , it may not be explicitly the product or service that you are going to offer.

That is to say for example; Suppose you love to research marketing and are interested in topics about healthy lifestyles and suddenly you meet someone who is an expert or knows the business of organic snacks, what you may be passionate about is not specifically how to make the products or the craft of the same, but you can combine your passion or topics of interest with the passion and interest of another person you know.

In this way, the love that you will have for your business will be lasting and will be what allows you to persist in difficult and demotivating moments.

As a third Tip, I call it entering the "Camino del Guerrero" making an apology for the movie Paceful Warrior. Because it is important to keep in mind what to undertake, although in this era it has a greater possibility of arising for the reasons given at the beginning, it is a path that is traced in the long term. Which indicates that if you expect short-term or miraculous results, you better not consider that option.

Since it is a structure that is built over time, that changes, that is updated, where losing motivation is easier. For this reason, having a life purpose that is linked to a passion or a talent is so important.

In conclusion, do not get discouraged at the first obstacle or wait to be an expert to start, the experience and skill are acquired with time and practice. Of course, you need to know how the market moves, and what is required to get started. But these Tips help you to land the idea and have an initial mental clarity that allows you to take that first big step, which is to make the decision to undertake.

3 basic tips you need to decide to undertake