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3 Tips to believe in yourself and start seeing the magic in your life


In order to build the life you want, you need to believe with conviction that you are capable of achieving it. Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, self-confidence. This is a thought so great and so deep that it convinces you that you can achieve it and that you have what you need to do it. But… how can you believe in yourself ? Find out below…

What do you think you need to believe in yourself?

Where are you going to find what you need to comment to trust you and what you think you can achieve?

If your answer was "In my interior" or "In me", let's go well dear reader. Believing in yourself is something that you choose, it is a position that you decide to have before life and that can grow over time as you develop the pillars within you that sustain that feeling.

Much of the insecurity you feel may be due to certain experiences lived with your family. In many cases, people cannot say that they have been positively supported by their parents or in childhood by who raised them. We have “sucked” over time many prejudices and limiting beliefs “learned” in our families and / or in the life that we have traveled until today that limit our path in the present, preventing us from creating a better and different future.

But as I always tell you, the past has passed… it was left behind. The only thing we can do with it is REINTERPRETATE it to find in it an opportunity to continue, from that great learning that it has left us. There is no point in blaming others for your present low self-esteem today. Now it is your own responsibility to take charge of this moment that is worth more than anything. It is the responsibility to choose new beliefs that matters from now on.

If you choose to be on your own side, if you choose to accompany yourself (yes! Accompany yourself and give yourself encouragement, yourself!), You will push yourself where you want, because you will look for whatever you need to achieve what you want.

I ask you to follow these steps so that you adopt this attitude… that of BELIEVING IN YOURSELF!

1. Focus your energies on what is worthwhile. Stop thinking about the things that are wrong, about what you cannot do, about the mistakes made. “Switch” your attitude and begin to focus on what you can do, on the good things you have (in all areas of your life), on your strengths, on your gifts and abilities, on all the new opportunities you can create. Write this that I just told you as a list.

2. Let go of negative thoughts. "I can not", "It is impossible", "It is so difficult", "It costs me", "If I were able…", "If I had, I would do… I could", "I wish it would reach me", and many others… Out of these negative thoughts that all they do is keep you paralyzed! You don't realize it, but when you think about it and sustain it, you are increasingly undermining your self-esteem, which is that engine that propels you wherever you want. Take great care of your thoughts, take care of your mind because it is constantly influencing your emotions and your body. You have to repeat, constantly affirm "I CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING THAT MY MIND CONCEIVES AND PROPOSES!". Come on, don't waste any more time thinking you can't.Once and for all decide that you are fully capable of doing what you decide and want to do and start heading to that place right now.

3. Don't give your personal power to others. It is simple, you have to focus your energies inside you, on your strengths, on what you think you are capable of by yourself, not by what others tell you about you. What others think of you does not have to matter to you.

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does because that will make you a winner. You need to reinforce your decisions and actions with what you want to do, with your goals and dreams (and this has nothing to do with the wishes, desires, judgments of others, whether they are family, partner, children, boss, etc.). Stop thinking about what others may think and focus on yourself, on what you want from the bottom of your heart.

And here you have them, my beloved reader, 3 tips that will help you increase confidence in yourself, so that you believe in yourself, so that you believe in all the possibilities that you can create from this very moment. Look at the following statement: "If I believe, I believe." (In this sentence I am using 2 verbs, the first is the verb CREER, the second is the verb CREATE, and they are conjugated the same).

So I tell you: "If you believe, you believe." Power resides in your beliefs.

Beliefs are the thoughts that we believe to be true. As such, we accept them as true without questioning or analyzing them. If you believe you can achieve what someone else can achieve, you will surely be fully capable of achieving it yourself. In order to reach that level of self-esteem and self-confidence to make the above statement true, you first need to start believing in yourself to propel yourself with encouragement, strength, and energy. Therefore, if you learn to manage your beliefs, that one and not another, it is the key to start creating the life you want to have at all levels.

What are the beliefs you are having right now about yourself? What is the effect they generate on your being?

What beliefs can help you believe in yourself?

And before I go, I ask you… do you know the story of the toad competition? Read it here: http://anaceciliav.blogspot.com/2009/03/la-competencia-de-sapos.html you will like it.

With love,

Ani Vera.

3 Tips to believe in yourself and start seeing the magic in your life