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4 Keys to achieve your goals


A very common situation when you have a dream or something you want to achieve, you think about it, get excited and jump straight for your goal. The harsh reality is that with this approach the desired is seldom achieved. Why? This is the million dollar question. The good news is that today we share with you 4 keys that will help you take giant steps to achieve your goals.

Where do I start to be able to sell like the big guys?

Like everything in life, you have to start at the beginning, to take a first step, but for this we must first have the direction we are going to follow and where we want to go well marked.

Before starting the car, we think about where we are going and make a mental tour of the journey that we will follow until we reach our destination. Well, that's what it's all about, avoiding getting lost and hitting the blind.

Go for the goal

Thus, for an objective (Your objective) to function effectively, it is important to develop a prior perception of the results we intend to achieve.

When our mind has a well-defined objective, a direction of action, it can focus, direct, refocus and redirect until we reach it, the energy is concentrated on that path.

In the absence of that goal, energy is dispersed and wasted in all directions.

Have you ever tried to do a puzzle without having seen the image of it already complete in your mind before?

The 4 keys to formulating efficient objectives

There are a series of fundamental requirements that ensure the achievement of the objectives we intend to achieve, and they are:

1.- Record them in writing & expose them positively

For your goal to be strong, first of all, put it in writing. Write a short phrase or phrases that describe in detail what you want. When writing the phrase or phrases of what you long for, you must do it in such a way that there are no particles of denial or contrary to what we intend to achieve.

For example: I am going to see a person that interests me and it is an opportunity to do business. If I think, "I don't want you to ignore me."

What am I doing?

The mind translates the information into images, and since in the analogical field of our communication (that is, the quality and the way we say or express ourselves) THERE IS NO DENIAL, I am saying to my mind: "Ignore me". And, therefore, build an image of the person rejecting me.

So the correct formulation would be: "I want you to tell me that you are willing to do business with me."

Let's do a test: If I say, "Don't think of a blue elephant," what has happened? Yes, indeed the first thing you thought of was a blue elephant.

So let us always keep in mind that an adequate and empowering exposition of our goals starts with a definition posed in totally positive terms.

2.- That its achievement can be sensory checked

If we cannot tangibly determine the achievement of what is intended, how will we know that we have achieved it?

Many big projects fall apart because we don't know if we are achieving it or not, or on the contrary, we are moving away from it.

It is essential to limit sensorially (that is, with the data provided by our senses: sight, hearing and sensations) in qualities and quantities the objective and thus anticipate it. In other words, we must be certain that we are achieving what we set out to do. It is essential that these convictions, these certainties, are external and objective: I see, I hear, I feel.

3.- That the start and maintenance depend only on you

We must always avoid third party dependencies for our objective to be achieved.

Thus, for example, we can say: "I want to marry X", if X does not want to marry me, there is nothing to do. This purpose depends on another person, what we call third parties.

However, I manage to reformulate it saying: "I will be kind to X, I will be affectionate, I will be gallant", in this way I assume full responsibility for the results.

Remember that if a target depends on other people, it becomes a chance.

4.- Make it ecological with the system

That is to say, that it does not harm in any way the individual itself, or his environment. When a plan contains elements that are contrary or harmful to the system (person, group, family, etc.), it generates a very powerful barrier against its achievement.

What would be the formula for success according to what we have just seen?

  • Properly formulated and written objective.Have sensory evidence and think about the pros and cons before taking action.Take action.Check the evidence, to see if any adjustments need to be made or when we have achieved it. The flexibility of change necessary to do something different if we are not achieving it.


In order to arrive painlessly and in less time at any goal you have, it is essential to reflect and be aware of what you want and how you want it before taking action.

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4 Keys to achieve your goals