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4 steps to reach your goals


We all have dreams that we would like to come true, but we don't know how. This report will reveal the 4 steps to achieve them more quickly.

Many people feel that a more abundant and happy life is reserved for other people, but they are limited to passively observing them.

Many cringe with the conviction that the good things in life do not belong to them. That they are for others. That they are in a different class.

The right to life also implies the right to develop, physically, mentally and emotionally. But no major development can be achieved in any of these three vital areas unless sufficient financial resources are available to buy nutritious food, enjoy beaches and recreation centers, appreciate artwork, and wear quality clothing appropriate to the season. of the year.

It takes money to buy good books and entertain yourself with shows created by the most imaginative people.

Human beings, gentlemen, have a natural tendency to desire material and immaterial goods that allow them to live a much more pleasant life.

We have the inalienable right to seek happiness. We must have the financial freedom to enroll and keep our children in the best schools, to live in the best houses, to enjoy a relationship with our loved ones full of peace and joy.

The world is full of examples that demonstrate that all this is possible for you.

What one person gets is possible for others - with obvious limits of course.

If you are forty, you weigh 190 lbs. And you have never ridden a horse, it is very difficult that you can transform into a jockey and win the triple crown in the United States in two years.

But there are many other things that you can achieve.

Yes! You can get a good job.

Y! You can start a business and be successful with it.

Yes! You can have a good relationship with your children and with your partner.

Yes! You can help your church, or other spiritual or social organization that you consider important.

What you need is a system of strategies and techniques that help you obtain these results.

The following plan is the same method used by the most influential and successful people of all time. I have spent 25 years searching, studying, and discovering the strategies, techniques, ways of thinking, habits, and other essential elements for success.

Make no mistake that what I share with you… works. Point!

Before you begin, remove the doubt that these techniques do not apply to you.

These strategies apply to everyone. It doesn't matter if you were born in the most remote part of the interior, in a neighborhood plagued by crime, or if you come from another country and have no family, friends or resources.

The first step is the following.

First, decide exactly what you want.

The main reason that individuals don't have what they want is simple.

Most people do not know what they want.

The most important characteristic to succeed in life is this. You have to know specifically what you want.

Achievers, in all areas of life, have invested the time necessary to establish, without a doubt, what is the result they hope to obtain.

These results are so specific that they even have the exact date on which they will be achieved.

By being clear about the goal, successful people give precise instructions to their minds.

The mind in turn receives these orders and embarks on the task, day and night, of finding the most direct route to obtain the most desired desires.

On the contrary, indecision is the most direct cause of the lack of results.

This can be quickly verified when we ask an average person what their goals are or what they want.

The responses are vague or non-existent.

Many answer things like, I don't want to be poor, I don't want to get sick, I don't want to work where I work, etc.

In short, it is a litany of things that they do not want.

These types of responses do not lead to positive results.

This seems unimportant until we ask someone who is successful in life the same question.

People who have been successful, most of the time, are thinking differently.

They are thinking, 24 hours a day, about the things they want and how to achieve them.

These people use their intellectual capacities and physical and financial resources to focus on the goals they have set for themselves.

People who use their energies to focus where they are going, and how to get there, have an overwhelming advantage.

They know what they want and focus with unerring precision on their goals, and consequently get what they want sooner or later.

Our mind is a wonderful machine. She will help us discover the opportunities and resources necessary to obtain the things that we have communicated to her in advance that are important.

Our mind is so powerful and imaginative that it will discover - and it will reveal to us - the most direct route possible to obtain what we propose. Of this there is no doubt.

Statistically, only 4% of the population has clearly defined goals. No wonder then that only a small percentage of city dwellers enjoy financial and emotional well-being.

Your ability to create and define specific goals is the ultimate skill in achieving what you want most.

Without goals, you will move your whole life aimlessly or directionlessly. You will be like a boat that floats - without sails, without motor and without rudder - victim of the whims of the wind.

But with goals, you fly like an arrow. You mobilize with direction and force directly towards your target.

The fundamental concept of success is as follows. It doesn't matter where you come from. The important thing is where you are going.

And where you are going is something that you, and only you, can determine.

And you determine where you go when you decide exactly what you want.

Remember, your skills are determined solely by your imagination.

And since your imagination is virtually limitless, then no one can stop you in your search and acquisition of tangible and intangible assets.

The greatest discovery in human history is said to be that of the power of your mind to transform your thoughts into their physical equivalent.

Look around. Everything you see in your environment was, at some point, just an idea in someone's head.

From the chair in which you are sitting to trips to space. These are all irrefutable examples of the power of the mind to transform an idea into a palpable reality.

Take the time to define exactly what you want and the next steps will be easier.

The second step is the following… take action!

We all have wishes. We all have things that we would like to see, hear, perceive, experience.

Do you already have a specific goal? Already know what you want?

Well! Now is the time to get moving.

Nothing happens in this life until someone acts and executes a type of activity.

The difference between people who get what they want, and those who just look at the achievements and deeds of others, is that the former are constantly in action to get things… and do not expect things to come to them.

That is what is called being proactive. Others know him by the name of having initiative.

Action is the element that accelerates the achievement of your goals.

If learning about success was the only requirement for success, then your success would be guaranteed.

Bookstores are full of books that teach you how to do this and that. They are all full of ideas that you can use.

The reality, however, is that all of this knowledge is useless unless you can motivate yourself to act consistently toward your goals until you get what you want.

Now that you have an address, you have to take the first step. And then the second and further behind the third.

Now is when self-discipline will help you.

Self-discipline, is nothing more than doing what you must do, when you must do it, you feel like doing it or not.

Character, is the ability to do what you said you were going to do, long after the enthusiasm with which you said it disappeared.

The third step is the next, see if it is working.

It does not matter how active you are to achieve the desired result. You will always encounter drawbacks and challenges. You will always see unforeseen events. You will always see things that no one can prevent. There will always be surprises.

When the unforeseen happens, you have to be flexible enough to adapt to the new situation. And if necessary, change what you are doing.

The definition of insanity is "Do the same thing, over and over again, and expect a different result."

If you try to get a result and the method you are using doesn't work, you have to try it differently.

This does not mean that you must change immediately as soon as you find the first obstacle.

It means that you have to develop a sensitivity to realize what is specifically not working.

You have to be flexible so that, without changing your goals, you can find a solution to the problem at hand.

And fourth, it persists until you succeed.

In the final analysis, the person who is most persistent wins.

Persistence is nothing more than discipline in action.

In the fight between water and rock, water always wins, not through force, but by being persistent.

Persistence moves mountains.

One of the most damaging character flaws that unsuccessful people have is that of giving up at the first sign of difficulty.

How many times have we faced obstacles that have stopped what would have been a resounding success.

We have to adopt the same attitude of infants who, after crawling, decide that they want to walk.

Imagine that an infant decides to take the first step and falls. You think he says to himself "Well this is not for me, it is better that I sit down and never try again."

Of course not!

He will keep trying again and again until he succeeds. No wonder then that most people walk.

We did not give up.

We keep trying again and again until we succeed.

However, as adults, the older we are, the more we become discouraged in the face of problems. Each small stone looks like a mountain of immense proportions.

It is not what we have learned that is decisive for our future, but our willingness to pay the price, over and over again, until we finally achieve our goal.

You need discipline to sit down and think carefully about what you want.

You need discipline to create the necessary plans to achieve your goals.

You need discipline to continually review your plans.

You need discipline to improve your methods with new information.

You need discipline to use your time productively and to focus on the most important activity at all times.

Tomas Alba Edison said. "When I have decided on the result I would like to have, I try again and again until I finally get what I want."

If you are determined to rise above mediocrity, follow these 4 steps and sooner or later you will belong to that small group of people who have turned their lives into a work of art.

Such people are what we need!

4 steps to reach your goals