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4 Reasons why you don't finish your projects


Are you one of those who start many projects excited and then leave them half-hearted? Some readers have written to me commenting that many things begin but that they do not end, that they immediately lose their motivation, become discouraged and abandon.

If you feel identified, don't worry, you are not the only one. The important thing is that you determine what is the cause of that behavior, which is still another form of self-sabotage that prevents you from achieving your goals and carrying out your projects successfully.

Here are the top four reasons why you don't finish what you start (solutions later):

1. You have no patience and you want fast results

Are you one of those impatient people who, when they don't have quick results, abandons the project at hand? Having little patience is very widespread nowadays and unfortunately it is difficult to change (from experience I say this). But it is important that you modify your strategy if you want to see changes and results and, above all, if you want to feel satisfied with your projects. If you continue as now, the only thing you will achieve is to disperse, not obtain results and, in the end, feel frustrated and even incompetent, with the belief that you are unable to finish things.

2. You don't plan well

We start from the fact that you know what you want and you have already taken the first steps, but beyond that, it is over. The problem is, you don't have a step-by-step plan with goals, deadlines, and small daily actions to take. I have said it many times, without a plan, you will not get very far.

3. You don't focus

Very related to the previous point. Since you don't have a plan, you disperse, you leave things halfway, you waste time, you wonder what to do now, instead of following a series of previously thought-out steps that save you time and allow you to be focused, act and, for So much, get results.

4. It is not what you want (it is what you should want)

I've mentioned it before, when you do what you "should" want instead of what you want, internal division occurs and you end up sabotaging whatever you do; perhaps with the excuse that you have no results or that you are absent-minded or whatever comes to mind, when the reality is that you are not interested in that project in the least.

Whatever your reason or situation there is something you can do to fix it:

Create an action plan. Fundamental, the first step to take; with short and long term objectives, with a deadline and dividing each objective into small actions that you can easily carry out.

If you want to achieve quick results, try to prioritize those actions that give you better results. For this you will have to take action also quickly leaving fears and doubts aside, but it is what will get you results that motivate you and encourage you to move forward.

Having a reason to carry out the project, a reason that when you falter or doubt helps you to keep going.

Recognize your achievements. Another reason why you don't finish what you start is because you don't see movement, you don't see progress. So it is important that you recognize and reward achievements, that you ask yourself every day, "What have I done today that I can be proud of?" That will give you a motivational boost to keep going.

Apart from that, think that in this life you have to be persistent and hard-working, things are neither given away nor achieved without effort. You may see someone who has been successful and think that person is special or has been lucky; but you are wrong, what he has had is perseverance and work. As I read recently, one looks at success but not at the sacrifice behind it.

So now you know, stop to think about what you want, do the four things I just mentioned and surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. You will see that this way you can finish things, have results and, most importantly, feel proud and satisfied with what you do.

How about? Do you identify with any of these points?

4 Reasons why you don't finish your projects