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4 Reflections to discover your vocation

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Is it difficult for you to discover what you really like, what is your vocation? Sometimes it seems that we all have to have a vocation from childhood, and if not, it is that you are missing something.

In fact, in my case it was so, I wanted to be a scientist since I was little (well, and an Egyptologist too) and I was for many years; and there are many people who have always been clear about what they wanted to be and what they have done.

That is fine but there is a problem, that having a vocation has become almost obligatory, it is almost as if you do not have your clear vocation, as it happens to many people, then you will not be able to achieve happiness and you will have to spend the rest of your life looking for it… Is it happening to you?

As I am fortunate to speak to many different people, both my clients and my readers, I have been able to verify that this does not have to be the case. There are many people who are confused trying to find that vocation when what happens is that they have multiple interests. And it seems that it is bad that you are interested in various things, it seems that until you find your "true" vocation you will not be happy. And that is not like that.

If you are in that situation I would like you to take into account these points:

You may be interested in various things, and there is nothing wrong with it

In fact, it's lucky! Surely you will not be bored. Who says you have to dedicate yourself to one thing all your life? You can try and then keep what you like best. Of course it is not usual and many people will not find it "normal", and what.

What is normal for you is up to you. The important thing is that you feel satisfied with what you do.

If you try to find your vocation you may feel stagnant and do not advance

What do you think if you focus better on finding what you are passionate about and also you are phenomenal? There the list is reduced (usually) and if you can dedicate yourself to something that you enjoy a lot and that you are sure you will be delighted. If you are interested in the idea or do not know what meets these two conditions, I recommend two books "The Element" by Ken Robinson and "Know your strengths 2.0. / StrengthsFinder 2.0 ”by Tom Rath.

Sometimes living on your passion is not feasible

So why not incorporate it into your life as a hobby or a parallel business? That way you will not be under pressure and you will enjoy it. I do not know where I read about a boy whose passion was music, but he did not want to dedicate himself to it because it is a very sacrificial and difficult profession. So he decided to take a job that was not especially interesting for him but that allowed him to have the lifestyle he wanted and enjoy music in his spare time. This is an example of what I say, it does not have to be your case, but it can give you ideas. Of course for that you have to be clear about your priorities and what lifestyle you want to have. Don't forget that your work is only part of your life, so plan it together.

Try not to obsess over finding your calling

Instead of focusing on getting to know your vocation, focus better on finding out what makes you happy, what you're especially good at (if you can't think of it, ask your closest family and friends) and how you can apply that to your life.

Not everyone has to have a clear vocation, it is not an essential requirement to feel fulfilled.
4 Reflections to discover your vocation