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4 Advantages of offering your professional services to everyone

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What are the advantages of offering your professional services to everyone?

In recent times it has become more than clear that working globally is not something that is only reserved for large corporations or those who have a lot of money to invest. Today, the internet allows you to take more advantage of the concept of globalization and reach corners of the world where you had not imagined years ago.

But despite this, there are still many professionals who do not dare to develop their own business using this concept and only limit themselves to delivering their services locally. You are one of them? If so, I would love for you to know the 4 fundamental advantages that you could have if you change your mind, and turn your private practice into a business beyond your borders.

Ready to meet them? Here we go:

4 advantages of offering your professional services to everyone

Advantage 1 - The economy will not be a limit

This advantage is tremendously important if you are just starting out with your business and have high expectations of generating money in a short time. And it is for two fundamental reasons. First of all, don't restrict yourself to your country's economy. It may happen that your country is in an interesting cycle of economic growth that allows you to develop a business with strong prospects. But it can happen that it doesn't (most of the time it doesn't, right?). So, not limiting yourself to the economy that you may be living in your country of residence will give you greater possibilities of growing rapidly in your business. On the other hand, in a complementary way, it allows you to take advantage of the flourishing economy or the latent need that may be living in other cities in the world. In herself,This is already a sufficient advantage to decide to expand your offer of services to any place in the world, but let's see other advantages that could end up convincing you:

Advantage 2 - Greater recognition of your position as an expert

There is nothing better for your positioning as an expert than being internationally recognized. Beyond the typical phrase "nobody is a prophet in his land" that luckily does not always apply, it is true that being able to count on the experience of working with clients anywhere in the world, positions you in a totally different way. Why is this Firstly, because the cultural or communicational diversity (even in countries that speak the same language) means that you have to be much more prepared to face the challenges of working with someone with whom you may not share other points in common. And on the other hand, this same process helps you greatly accelerate the learning curve of your business or professional practice.

Advantage 3 - Greater reach within your specialization.

Do you work with professionals from a not-so-popular career? Are you an expert in helping patients with a rare physical condition? A specialization like this is an excellent opportunity to become the only expert in the market, but you can also be limited if geographically you do not have a large number of potential clients in your local area and you are afraid of exhausting your possibilities and getting stuck. Working globally and not limiting yourself only to those prospects who are in your area of ​​residence, will give you the opportunity to feed your services to a much broader market and eager to achieve the results and benefits that you can help your clients achieve.

Advantage 4 - Work from anywhere in the world

This idea is great, especially when you think about balancing your personal and professional life. Today very few jobs in very few countries allow you the flexibility to work from home. However, with your own business and a good organization, you can do it. But it is not limited only to this. Since you have your business ready to offer your services to any part of the world, you can also be anywhere in the world (something that you usually cannot do if you are used to giving local services, because they will require your physical presence). What is the greatest benefit? Imagine being able to spend at your favorite vacation spot for 1, 2, 3 months, and still be working. It is common for children at school to have many more vacations than their parents can afford,How about taking advantage of that time to go to the beach and continue working from there?

Also another concept that is emerging in some countries with the “slowdown” of everyday life and the search for a better quality of life, is that some are emerging from large conglomerates and main cities (where the stress level reaches the highest peaks high not only at work, but even in everyday life: several hours to get to and from work, little time for lunch or a snack, and in general to the detriment of healthy eating, great imbalance between work and personal activities causing sedentary lifestyle, more stress, anxiety and even a permanent feeling of dissatisfaction) to move to other places where they can balance their lives more. But it is essential to have a job or a business that allows you to do it.

What do you think of these concepts that I have shared with you? Which of these advantages would make the biggest difference in your current life or in your business as you have it implemented today? What are you waiting to evaluate having clients worldwide?

4 Advantages of offering your professional services to everyone