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5 Keys to cope with delays to achieve your goals


Do you feel delayed in taking charge of the tasks you have set for yourself? I reveal five reasons why it takes you to achieve your goals and keys to solving them.

- Are you looking to constantly improve these tasks?

- Do you feel mental and physical disorder?

- Do you feel slowed down in advancing towards your purposes?

Here are some of the most important reasons why you take so long to achieve your goals:

- Lack of decision.

- Lack of organization.

- Feeling low your self-esteem and not working to improve it.

- Not being clear about your purposes or your "for what" of those purposes.

- Hope that everything is "perfect" to move forward.

I propose the following keys to face these problems:

1. Make a decision:

If you make a decision, it does not imply that it is final. Making a decision implies that you release a stagnant energy to give way to the fluidity of the experiences of that situation that is affecting you. That you make a decision now does not mean that along the way, if you realize that you want to choose other directions or experiences, you cannot adjust it by taking another. Go ahead! Decide! Start now with what you have.

2. Get organized:

Time is an interpretation you make of how you live life. It is up to you to “make time” and stop saying or thinking “I don't have time” (which is expressed as if time “lived” outside of you and you couldn't change it). Change your thinking and start "standing" in the RESULTS, leave the excuses behind and take time to manage your time. Set priorities; one thing is always more important than another. Then, start with the first, follow with the next, etc. etc.

3. Work to value yourself and recognize your gifts, abilities and achievements:

It is very important that from time to time, for example once a month, you meet yourself and work to identify-remember-recognize your virtues and the good you have achieved in all the years lived. Recapitulating the “treasures” that characterize you will allow you to become aware of the resources you have and recharge your motivation pile to make decisions and execute the actions that lead you to achieve your goals.

4. Clarify your purposes:

Identify what you want to happen in your life, what you need, what will make you happy. If you are not clear what experiences you need to live that give you well-being, you will not be able to consciously orient yourself to CHOOSE the situations, resources and people that will support you along the way to get to experience them in your reality.

In addition to identifying what your purposes are in all areas of your life, you need to explain to yourself WHY you want to achieve those purposes.

When you think about the reasons why you want to achieve them, you will notice that your negative and resistance thoughts around them will diminish as you add more clarity and power to your decisions and actions. If you express why you want something, you are concentrating on the ESSENCE of what you want.

5. Focus on excellence:

Leave perfection aside. Let go of what's wrong. Let go of the error. Don't focus on what's missing. Focus on the resources you do have available, what is good, everything you can achieve. As it is said out there: focus on the glass half full !, but without denying what you need to correct or straighten.

And here are my beloved reader, five keys that will help you accelerate the achievement of your goals. I hope you apply them as soon as possible, complementing them with all the strategies you will find by reading all the articles I have already written.

It would be nice if you shared your answers in the comment box below.

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For a life to the fullest with abundance, well-being and freedom…

5 Keys to cope with delays to achieve your goals