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5 things you should never delegate to your business

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Almost everything can be delegated to a business. Without realizing it, you get used to it and start asking, asking, asking… But be careful! There are tasks that should be done personally. We list them.

Scientists and experts have verified this: the biggest enemy of productivity is multitasking, doing many things at the same time. By delegating, you discover that you free yourself from those activities that disperse your attention.

Delegating allows you to focus. You save time and can dedicate yourself exclusively to your main goal: to increase income.

When you discover it, you delegate more and more. And there you go into the danger of becoming a "junkie" bypass. To avoid this, we describe 5 things that you should do:

1) Your Online Marketing Strategy

No one knows your business, your product and your market like you. You know what your target audience needs and wants. You share a communication style that allows you to reach it. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of the marketing of your company.

Marketing is very easy to delegate, anyone thinks they could do it. For example, designers suggest you include it on your website or brochures… But they don't know your business!

Your Virtual Assistant can help you. In fact there are Virtual Assistants who specialize in internet marketing and maybe they can even collaborate with you on some strategies, but they will ALWAYS need your support and your knowledge, your leadership and your commitment to the marketing strategy of your online business.

If you already have a clear marketing strategy that you want to apply in your business, your VA can help you with the “operational” part, for example: if you are doing e-mail marketing, you can write the material and then pass it on to her so that she can send to your subscriber base. She can configure the emails, schedule them, send them and generate a report. The same can be done with your blogs, you generate material, you give it to her and your VA puts it on your blog and takes care of the rest. And you will be the leader in marketing strategy.

The point: hire someone to help you with your marketing but don't delegate it 100% because nobody knows your product (or service) and your target audience better than you.

2) Your finances

How much do we spend on that ad and how much do we earn in return? What percentage of our cash flow do we invest in our employees? They seem like questions asked for accountants, but no: they are questions for you.

If you want to delegate something in this area, you can delegate money tracking and reporting to an accountant.

But it is not convenient for you to ignore yourself completely. You are responsible for your own accounting and it is important that you know the benefits, profits and return on investments.

3) Leadership

A Virtual Assistant has a lot of initiative, knows how to manage her time and prioritize her tasks. Although she has leadership skills, you shouldn't delegate YOUR leadership.

With your Assistant you can share points of view and opinions. She will contribute her experience in multiple tasks. But every member of a team needs their leader to make the last decisions. If you don't, you will cause a loss of confidence in you.

Therefore, hire a person who has initiative and helps you achieve your goals, but the leader must be you. You are the one who knows the business best, you can make it grow and generate income.

4) Development

There are people who always want to improve themselves, evolve and grow. If you are blessed to have people like that on your team, realize that for them, what they learn is as or more important than the money they earn. They need to develop to improve and then move to the "next level".

Is that the kind of professionals you want? Surely

So when they do evolve, it's important that you give them your feedback.

They want to know what you think of their work. For that, you have to know its functions, its strengths and its weaknesses.

Communication is essential: that there be trainings, consultations and opinions. Interact with your Virtual Assistant: she is trained for certain tasks, but she must know your business. Share your goals and as they get to know each other, start giving them your feedback.

5) The “culture” of your business

You have an important role as a leader. Therefore, the "culture" of your business must be transmitted by you. Or are you not the inspiration for your team?

Spread the philosophy, values ​​and attitudes that the company tries to reflect. And, above all, it acts in accordance with what you say. Let everyone know that you are engaged.

You are the head. It is important that you are involved in that culture and that you show it to your people. Think: what is the most important thing? What is it you want to convey?

In summary….

These are the 5 things that you should not delegate because managing them will give you benefits. You shouldn't delegate them 100%, but help is always good, right? Also, it is the most fun part of your business: leadership, marketing, culture… How are you going to delegate just that?

And you… what things would you NEVER delegate? Share them with us!

5 things you should never delegate to your business