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5 quick strategies to boost your life and your business

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Many companies are in a stagnation zone, did you know? That no matter how hard they try they look like a vehicle stuck or stuck in the mud, making a lot of effort, throwing mud everywhere but without moving anywhere.

Is any of this familiar to you?

"I work every day in the sun and shade and my sales continue the same month by month and my clients do too." "My quality of life does not advance, I have many goals and the years go by I do not meet them."

Have you ever wondered why your business stagnates? Why are you stagnant?

The problem of stagnation in your business is due to the comfort zone. The comfort zone can be defined as that behavior that I have every day which keeps me within the limits that I have defined myself.

As human beings in automatic we opt for the easy and comfortable, this zone of behavior has been called the stagnation zone, in colloquial language I like to explain it referring to when we swim dead, and we ask that they do not make waves so that we do not splash.

The problem with the comfort zone is that in practice, both personally and in the company, growth and continuous improvement are totally limited.

Being in the comfort zone destroys personal initiatives and motivations and this is the reason why many companies go years without growing, because they are totally stagnant. But the fault is not with the comfort zone, but with the businessman who is in this zone all the time there and who does not identify him who is there and the damage he does.

Your business will grow if you grow, if your business does not grow, it is because it is stagnant, that is, it is in a comfort zone. The comfort zone can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you learn to identify when you are in it and challenge yourself to get out of it, it becomes your best friend. If, on the contrary, it has become a habit for you to be there all the time, then it will become your worst enemy.

I will give you an example, how easy is it to read? Well, you don't think so, how long ago did you learn to read? I have time, I imagine, but tell me something, how many books did you read last month? Don't tell me that none, if it's easy to read but what do you think, it's easier not to read. This is a vivid example of the comfort zone.

I am going to suggest 5 strategies to quickly unblock your business:

1. Read a book: Go to the bookstore and buy a book on a topic that you feel you need to learn to grow your business. And starting today, start reading and putting into practice what you learn.

2.Identify your sabotaging voice: learn to identify the inner voice expert in sabotaging all your plans, if I refer to that voice that is within you that specializes in keeping you in your comfort zone and convinces you to do what is easy and comfortable. Once you identify it, hit it hard and do not allow it to convince you, courageously overcome yourself and come out of your comfort zone.

3. Exercise daily: Starting today, exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Exercise will help you stay healthy, fit, and is another way to get you out of your comfort zone.

4. Overcome your fears: overcoming fear will help you get out of your comfort zone. Identify that fear you have to overcome that is key to growing your business. Once you identify it get to work, just apply and beat it.

5. Break the routine: routine is another way of being trapped in the comfort zone. Break the routine by doing different things, make changes that you think are necessary and do it now. By changing the routine you will change your life and that of your business.

Put what you just learned into practice, print this article so you have it on hand and apply it today. I guarantee that if you leave the comfort zone you will quickly grow your business.

5 quick strategies to boost your life and your business