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5 Steps to try to get out of personal suffering


What is currently happening to you?

How you feel?

What is it that makes you suffer?

If you take a second and you are honest with yourself, you will realize that suffering comes from the thoughts you have, from your way of interpreting things and not accepting them as they are since currently, in this Precise second, while you are reading this article there are no difficulties. There is no suffering because everything is perfect here and now as it is.

You are a perfect person just as you are. You are perfect here and now as you read this article. You don't have anything left or missing. You are a perfect being and if you dare to look deep into your heart you will realize that it is true. You are the most perfect creation in this universe and you deserve all the best.

The secret to get out of suffering is to be aware of the thoughts that are producing it to us to be able to change them and achieve a full life and, in the event that you do not know how to do it, you can ask for help from a professional to help you achieve it.

There are many people who, before entering a state of suffering, have been sent more subtle signs to indicate that they are not on the right track, but since they refuse to listen to their inner voice, they ignore it and end up attracting suffering to their lifetime.

On many occasions, suffering is a great teacher and it is the only way to learn that many people have to realize that they are not doing well the way they are going and that there are some aspect or aspects that do not work well in their life… If this is your case and you are currently suffering you can follow the following steps that will help you become aware and get out of suffering:

1. Become aware of what your life is like

Do an analysis of your life and see if you are really living the life you want to live. Answering these simple questions can help you become aware: Do you like where you live? Do you like your current partner? Do you like your job? Do you have good relationships? Do you like your current situation? Do you love yourself?… Living the life we ​​do not want and ignoring the messages of our soul sooner or later lead us to suffering. If you don't like your life or some aspect of it, do something to change it!

2. Be aware of your thoughts

On this topic we will talk more in depth in future articles, now I simply tell you that your current life has been created by you since our thinking is creative and the life we ​​currently have whether we like it or not, is the result of our thinking so, if you want to change some aspect of your life, the first step to achieve it is to become aware of your limiting thoughts and change them for new mental programming

3. Learn to change your thoughts

You can achieve this through awareness, affirmations, meditations, guided visualizations, vision writings… If you do not know very well how to do it, ask for the help of a professional who can help you achieve it.

4. Learn to focus and live in the present moment

This is very important since normally when we suffer is when we divert our attention from the present moment and make mental trips to the past or to the future since in the present moment, everything is perfect as it is

5. Ask for help if you need it

If you want to get out of suffering and there is no way to get it, ask for help from someone or a professional who can help you get it since your natural state of being is health, well-being and full fulfillment and if you are not currently there, it is simply because you have not learned to listen to the messages your soul sends you

Remember that suffering is a state of mind and, in the event that your suffering is due to some type of physical ailment, that physical ailment has also been produced by some limiting thought so, dare to take charge of your life and stop suffering!

And remember that if you want to get out of suffering you can achieve it by following these steps:

1. Become aware of what your life is like

2. Be aware of your thoughts

3. Learn to change your thoughts

4. Learn to focus and live in the present moment

5. Ask for help if you need it

And above all, have the constancy of practicing it daily!

5 Steps to try to get out of personal suffering